The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable...

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn’t have to be the first and only factor of that.

If you can’t achieve these things in your real life, you are wasting your time here. First and foremost, white nationalism is about helping yourself and helping others to lead healthy, happy lives. We live in first world countries. We have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Do not waste your time or misplace your priorities in life.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you even know where you are?

Someday you may actually want to know how to live a decent life. Someday you might not be able to afford the lifestyle and mentality you currently maintain, at the expense of your own person, those around you, and your race. If that day comes for you, remember the effort I've made to get this information to you. It will help

>can't get job outside customer support
>can't stop fighting with family
>kikes continue to ruin everything
>Sup Forums tells me to "be happy"
Th-thanks, user. I'll get right on it.


Stop whining and looking for pity from others. It is your life. Make it better. You can stop fighting with your family tomorrow. Instead of running your mouth, go outside for a little while. Done. Problem solved. Start making plans for a better career, and working towards them.

>been the one weird kid all childhood
>don't live in a first world country, rather a third-world shithole
>fell for the uni meme
>fell for a STEM graduation meme
>fell for the 'start lifting and improving yourself and girls will like u xd' meme
>watch favela niggers hook up with white, middle class girls everyday
>have unfulfillable dream of having a wife, eventually a healthy family
>have considered literal suicide with a paracetamol overdose every night since last week

But somehow I'm expected to be successful where only corruption thrives, I'm expected to be reliable though I've not one person to rely upon, I'm expected to be hardworking even though I get jackshit in turn and watch people who do little reap the rewards of the few who work, and above all expected to be happy when I lead a subhuman life which most people would have long forfeited already.

But thanks to your post I'll magically wake up tomorrow and things will work out, right?

You do not live in a first world country. That is not something I'm able to help you with.

But what I can tell you is this: stop fucking whining.

Yeah man just B.E. (B.E. entirely) yourself and plan on not sucking :^)

>30 year old and never had a GF
too late for me. I just work and fuck whores.

I'm not telling you to "be yourself." I'm telling you to change yourself. You're looking for excuses to remain a self identified victim of your environment, but the essential problem is your own lack of discipline. You're lazy.

Going outside doesn't leave me any less pissed off, and any career plans I make are contingent on making it past some HR roastie who can smell my autism from a mile away.
Fuck you, fuck your shit thread and boomer-tier advice

You're on a forum for rightwing mulatto LARPing NEETs.

30 is not too late. 45 might be too late. It is never in your personal or financial interest to have a family, but your father and grandfather did it, and so can you.

If you have social anxiety, you need to get off this website and get your shit together. You are wasting your time here. We need successful people, not losers and dropouts. Find more constructive hobbies.

Fuck off with your selfish boomer logic.

>be like me
Checks out.
Kill yourself fuckface.

People are only attracted to this site BECAUSE they are losers.

Millennial. Don't buy into propaganda that encourages you to fight with your parents

>Great family that thinks im great - given
>liked even by by liberal older brother
>Small group of friend seem to like me and appreciate my intellect - turned a lot of them away from libtardation
>former employers think I make a great first impression despite keeping to myself mostly
>procrastinate and write work at the last moment - writing out the ass - professors think it's genius
>ask my why I don't work harder and get above 2.9
>"society is shit and the white race is doomed"
>rip lol

>telling another white to "hurr kys" bc I bruised your fragile ego by honestly trying to help you

Grow up

I'm quite aware. And that's a problem. You should join me in changing the focus and tone of Sup Forums to one of self help. That is white nationalism for realsies.

>be a dog
>people still think you're human
>lol internet points, niqqa

>copy me guys I am the best
No fuckhead, you grow up.

First and foremost you need to develop your MASCULINITY and your SOCIAL SKILLS.

These are the two key elements for being a successful man and being an example for other white men. As well as combating niggerism in whites and racemixing in women.

Most people here aren't white.

pic unrelated right?

I've started to spend more time with my family, exercising regularly (despite already being fit), eating right, being religious, and avoiding all degenerate activities. Ever since I cut out the degenerate "pleasures" of life, I feel like I've only had happiness. I'm more productive, I talk more to strangers (while still hating every cultural marxist remark i hear) and generally being a better person. Thanks Sup Forums

Don't squander the opportunities you already have. If something like procrastination is a persistent problem in your life, it might be a worthwhile investment to see a psychologist about it. I advise finding a professional who has experience helping people with drug and alcohol addiction. That's a real skill. No amount of education is going to make you better at helping addicts. It takes real understanding.


the white race is doomed and so is humanity. i hope gynoids kill the libido of man and that robots passively genocides us.
>mud-skin R-selected retards for the survival of the most fit
>don't have to be a genius to fuck
>humanity still capped out in the brains department

You got it

This is what the ethno-nationalists and every alt-righter needs to digest first and foremost.

If Neo-Nazis and Klan members weren't toothless trailer trash it wouldn't be so easy for the media and academics to write them and their ideals off. If we want real progress, we have to be admirable members of society with views that can't simply be undermined with leftist ad hominem.

Masculinity and social skills. You lack a social life. And you are insecure by favela niggers when they shouldnt be shit seeing as how they are niggers.

These things are obstacles.

Not all of us here are virgin NEETs.

speak for yourself

So why do you spend your time with them?

Do it for yourself, then help others do it. In that order. You have it. But remember: you don't have to be a barbarian. In this civilization, money is power.

This is a real question. How would a woman go about developing her FEMININITY and SOCIAL SKILLS?

Based OP. Every faggot whiner in this thread needs to shut up or change themselves


Living a decent and healthy life is nice. It minimizes drama and maximizes profits. It adds years to your time on the planet.

>successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy



If you're a woman I can't give advice, but social skills are far less valuable than femininity. Learn to cook, clean, garden etc.

Do you want to be a victim?
Then go away. Good riddance.
Then change something. Remind yourself. Say it out loud if you have to. "I won't be a victim, I'm better than that." Fix what isn't working. You have the power to do it if you so choose.


For what purpose? So you can suck off tyrone in the showers?




Find a man who is honest, reliable, and loyal. You can give wimps a chance at first, but you must let them know ASAP that you will not settle for pushovers. Most guys hit their cruising speed in their mid 20's.

When you find a good man, do as he says and help him make money. Pop out his children and raise them.

I know a lot of people here don't buy into ADHD b/c it's over-diagnosed...
But I'm the little shit who's mother didn't waste her time on a worthless degree and became an early childhood specialist - got me fucking MRIed, and tested out the yin-yang after she saw i couldn't read by the 4th grade:
>stout IQ w/ autistic like ability for systems thinking and stuff that gets professors hard
>still retarded b/c crippling ADHD-PI
Mayne, I realize that humanity is beyond fucked in so many departments. I think we'll survive at least another 100 years, but why should i care? im not going to be alive, and human nature is going to screw us. why do you think we haven't made contact? no intelligent species can pass the final filter b/c innate evil game too strong.

TL:DC: Intelligent life is Sisyphus, so why bother? I'm just still here b/c too pussy to commit the final act

Practice and build confidence with girls in your range

Then use that confidence to hook up with girls out of your range

No joke jungle monkey, you probably come off as pathetic virgin and girls can instantly tell

I will be frank. The bar is low for females. If you are talking about finding a quality man, its mostly related to your ability to surround yourself with quality men (put yourself in good social circles) and your ability to avoid coming off like a total whore. That is why I said the bar is low, you just have to actuallly put some effort into being a "good girl" and not being a whore. NO one is saying you must be a virgin until marriage, just.... don't be a total whore.

like this?

These depressed ass loser nobodies will never stop blaming black and brown ppl for their own miserable ruined and wasted lives. Should have done better while the white privelege was still hot and pipin. Now its simmered down and pretty soon it will just evaporate.

Op is right. But lets be real. Youre not going anywhere. You lonely betamale? Youre staying right here where I will btfo you and everyone you know leper.

Come, show me how you fight albino. Me and you are destined to do this forever.

You work hard everyday for yourself, your family, and the race that is to come. Your father did it, your grandfather did it. Work hard. Get your head out of the clouds and work.

You will graduate from college (that your parents are paying for) soon and you will discover that life is a series of failures and traumas and few make it out unscathed. But don't listen to me it sounds like you got it all figured out.


Paracetamol overdose is a long, slow, painful way to go, and you'll probably just vomit and have to start over.

White males would fuck a rock if it had a hole in it.

>life is a series of failures and traumas and few make it out unscathed

The purpose of white nationalism is to help one another. If you know more than me, you should be finding the people who can benefit from your knowledge, and you should be helping them.

Become successful, and help other whites do the same, for free. That is white nationalism.

Niggers are stupid Though you are probably a curry nigger

Nofap is unrealistic. Lessfap and Noporn is where the power is, brother.

I appreciate you making this thread OP. It's a nice last thing to think about before I go to sleep.

See, there's the problem. Why do I need to continue the human race? Hu? There's 7 billion other fucker that can do that job for me. My genes aren't special. There have to be enough smart fuckers out there making babies. Besides guys like Newton, most above average people fuck and have kids right? My job's done.

ADHD many have helped hunter-gathers in the stone age, and autism may have developed the first languages, but whack ass genes were not meant for this age. Hitler would have 86'd fuckers like me. I don't belong here.

No ejaculation is what you are shooting for.

> above all happy
> happy

I'll be happy when I can finally leave this god forsaken shithole. Canada is lost.


You don't realize, the behavioral sink of the Internet is too strong. Even gen z'ers are fucked.

a white nationalism i can get behind. lots of my white friends need to get their shit together.

>magically I'll wake up tomorrow

No, it takes years. This is coming from experience.

- Models by Mark Manson
- No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover

based op is based

we're doomed niqqa

I want everyone in this thread to read and process this post. These are the kind of people we cannot make the mistake of associating with.

Our informal alliance with /r9k/ will inevitably kill everything we are working towards. We've already seen it during the campaign with the alt-right being described as "basement dwellers that masturbate to anime." That description is just the revised "neo-nazis and Klan members are just toothless rednecks" ad hominem that destroyed the validity of any valid points they ever had.


Yes. /r9k/ is not white nationalism.



grind or die

Yeah man, you should totally start a campaign to end all white drunken ragers on college campuses. I bet it will work. I mean with all of the authority that you have. Thirsty Thursday will never be spoken of by a white man again.

>Nofap is unrealistic. Lessfap

Enjoy your cancer.


Makes you a cuck.

You need to understand the real angle. There is a reason that higher education leads to being conservative - people joke that Sup Forums is just a bunch of dumb cunts. This is not true. Sure, a lot of people here are total cock-fags, but for the most part they are above average in intelligence... even those that make fun of hat tippers. They know who they are, and I'm not just saying this because Sup Forums occasionally strokes my mental cock. I don't believe the jews did it, but there is a lurking intelligence behind the argument that a single entity may be responsible for worldly fuckedness. Even if it's misdirected, alternate perspective are often superior to majority holding. Face it Nazi fucks, you're finally a victim, marginalize minority. But you're shitting where you eat.

Intelligent people are attracted to novel things - addictions, staying up late, listening to weird music, strange Internet entities - basically anything that's not mainstream. Humans crave new experience... it's why our ancestors selected to be smart mofos. People just began to realize this, and we got the hipsters of the early 2000s. But they're posters. Sure a lot of inbred trailer fucks 1488, but a lot of intelligent anons seek the final solution because it's a novel idea. For the most part the people are basement dwelling hat tippers.

This shit. The thing is that any extrema in thought - left or right - is fucking broken. Plebeian masses can't take it seriously. Reactionary, impassioned speech is the crap shoot of the alt right. As much as Sup Forums bashes major formats, unless we can win them over (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.) we'll be whatever they say we are. Meme magic is a lie, and Trump's presidency was a fluke that had little to do with Sup Forums. Sup Forums is nothing more than bogy-strawman for the left media to uses as dampeners on Trump's legitimacy. They have control. They have all the spin. People aren't like us. They can't see through the bullshit.

> Have an above good paid job, even starting my State-Certified Engineer in this year
> Have a really nice flat, that im happy with
> A new car
> A good familiy
> I just find fucked up girls, i don´t know but i´m some kind of magnet for them. Mental diseases, like Borderline and a body full of cuts, already having 2-3 Kids, or some kind of total mad behaviour.

Did you have a point to make with this post or did you just feel like typing something long without actually saying anything

No, I said a lot, but you don't fucking care because you're entrenched in the hypocrisy of Sup Forums. When the alt right coagulates on sites that echo their own thoughts nothing happens. It's the opposite side of the coin as reddit. People come to Sup Forums to confirm their beliefs, and nothing is gained. Any discourse on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums for that matter, is viewed outside as a clown with a Nazi armband - extremist mind-shit. Unless you can move outside of this protective dome no lasting, or major social change will ever come of an of this impassioned internet bait.

if there was hope for any of us we wouldn't be here you dumb nigger

>I'm not a cattle to be hoarded

fuck off "muh white legacy".

I spend the vast majority of my time studying political science and philosophy among centrists and liberals. The discourse I find on Sup Forums is damn near always the most profound and personally significant, if you're on here and haven't developed a shitposting filter yet then you really shouldn't be posting. Sorry buddy, but you'll come around. You're here forever after all.

>stop fucking whining.

that's your first problem. you assume we are whining. we are plenty comfy with our mancaves not having anything to do with muh white legacy bullshit.

reminder that MGTOW is love, MGTOW is life and anyone who says otherwise is a blue-pilled betacuck whose only job is to be a provider to a used-up OLD HAG.

No, that's going to be my last post.

>We need successful people

No, YOU need successful people. WE at Sup Forums don't. why? because we are plenty comfy by ourselves. nobody here owes you shit.

Glad I could help you see the value of the "lurk moar" proverb.


>But thanks to your post I'll magically wake up tomorrow and things will work out, right?

One day you'll wake up and realize your self-worth. You'll realize you're a better person and that's all that matters. You'll realize those white middle class girls who rut around with nogs are trash and aren't worth your time. Whether you find your wife or not, you'll have done your part to better the world.

anyone have any other pictures of this wonderful titcow?

I imagine that a lot of people on here - myself included - are the stereotypical middle class, underachieving white boy.

you are in the most early stages, keep working to better yourself and educate yourself. believe it or not, most of us on pol are stable, successful and in shape. this is an essential part of being truly redpilled. keep pushing forward

White is(according to most educational systems) all colors combine, not a fucking race. Try Nascar if you want a race. Hahahahaha

youtube alone has resources to fix all of that shit
all you have to do is turn your head toward inspirational people. self-help works. people are turned from suicide every day and it sure as hell isn't based on lies. some guys jump off bridges and break all their ribs, float ashore and then they fucking get it.
realize the real lies are those that rationalize suicide and hopelessness.
Sup Forums is full of pissed off whiners like /r9k/
the least you can do is avoid the pity threads and read more hobby-focus ones

CONCern trolling is the worst. The majority of this board is in their early 20s tryhard faggot