Does anyone have the link of the full video where an isis toddler shoots a man with a little gun?

Does anyone have the link of the full video where an isis toddler shoots a man with a little gun?
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that would be illegal, m8.

die angeforderten elektronischen Schriften widersprechen eindeutig der freiheitlich demokratischen Grundordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Hiermit wurde anzeige gegen Sie erstattet. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Ihre Lektion gelernt.

why is asking for a video illegal? its obvious that i dont support isis, i just saw an article on the newspaper and they dont show properly. i just wanted to know if its a fake or not...

This good enough? I don't have the original.

thats more than enough... jesus...

It would be fascinating if we could drop a team of clinical psychologists behind enemy lines so they could study what the fuck effect their absurdly violent lives have on their brains.

Look at that fucking kid. I mean as brutal as things were in the medieval era, kids physically couldn't murder adults. But now we have guns and shit so you can have a toddler doming an adult. That's gotta be unprecedented in human history.

Have you seen "My father told me"? It is a video by ISIS. Children watch the executions of people and just laugh about it. Later on they hunt down prisoners with pistols in an abandoned building. Absolutely sickening.

no magazine inserts in the pistol at the end.
the kid shit his gun at nothing and Isis probably shot that infidel.
Isis is known to do this on their motivational videos.
not saying they don't have kids to this, they do alot. but this video is probably take in the sense that the kid didn't shoot him.
source I'm C.I with usmc

This one seems real doe.

That's almost cute. Also this lil' sandnigger is going to grow up deaf if he keeps using guns without hearing protection.

You all realise that this child is now broken.
There exists no treatment that can fix him.
From here it's murderer or suicide victim.

This is the best I can do OP

Fake. There's no way a 9mm could do any damage at that range.

I thought this was from Tim and Eric's awesome show or whatever at first kek

Fake those cuts don't show the kid firing the gun at the prisoner looks like a b movie desu

Looks fake.

Where the fuck are they in this video? It's like a post-apocalyptic ball-pit for kids.

You know about Unit 731?
Japanese made all kinds of horrible experiments on chinks and then sold the data to USA, and USA didn't trial those people.
I'm more than sure there are psychologist and other researches in ISIS too. And they'll the same thing.

>still a better ballpit than dashcon

I've seen child soldiers in Africa who recovered, they are always fucked by PTSD but can pass for normal

although somehow muslims are even more fucked up than Africa where they at least have orphanages to treat child soldiers, he'll probably always live in a community that excuses ISIS and not give him any help

You're probably right
No reason in making a verdict so early.

What's the point of this vid? What's is their end goal? They must realise that forcing everyone against them guarantees their loss. Its like that crudely drawn meme where some guy points his friends towards a group of enemies and then in the next panel giggles to himself as his friends are killed by the enemies. Who is at the forefront of this? Is it Jews?

to show their "power" and to show what happens to the infidels or whoever opposes them? idk.

They actually think that they can conquer the world, its in the Quran. So basically that are to dumbfucked due inbreeding that they cant think straight, and believes in a book, saying that they will conquer the world.

Damn! dat lil' sandnigga is ice cold!

But they possibly will conquer the world
Think how Muhammad and the Muslims first got big
It was the weakness of the Byzantines and the Persian Empires not through their great strength
Then they took over the weak and cowed populace and slowly coerced or frightened them into converting
Same could happen in America and Europe
Our leaders have weakened our countries in pointless wars and decadence and the populace is cowed and aimless

Wir haben ein Anwalt hier, guys kek

>closing eyes when he shoots

ffs get good kid

Yes, but every society will crumble eventually, even the hypothetical future Muslim sharia society.

Look they manage to have a caliphate for what, two generations after Muhammeds death?