Can we just pack the fault line with explosives and and make California fuck off already?

Can we just pack the fault line with explosives and and make California fuck off already?

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>Cali is the richest US state
But Honey bear, then who'll pay for the gibs for all the rural and suburban retards who are Drumpfets.

>giving up clay that is rightfully ours
Nah, they will be brought to heel.

When you think about it, they're the China of the states when it comes to farming.

>cheap (illegal) labor made possible with lax immigration enforcement
>destroying their environment (water reserves) to mass-produce cheap goods
>ship their shit everywhere, depress business in other states
>massive profits
>'muh economy'

i dont think you are going to be able to fight the u.s military with drum circles and weed dude.

I agree with the issue of California's agriculture basically being completely artificial in terms of its affinity for growth.
That said, most of the jobs that the illegals do have been open to Americans but they have too high of standards to do them for the pay offered.

They ship their shit everywhere because most of it is cheaper and generally better quality than similar goods produced in other states, especially food products and tech goods.

Also, who is the 'ours' in that statement? The clay of the state belongs to the state government, at least insofar as the state agrees to be a part of the union

decades of fake drought to force farmers to sell to (((Land Developers))).

>Day of the Calexit vote
>Polls show a landslide for leave
>Politicians shill hard for a "free" California
>Then, on all the legacy new sites, they appear
>Two or three aircraft carriers of the coasts of urban SoCal
>Dormant, but ready
>Nevada airspace in constant drills
>and Trump wholeheartedly encourages Calexit

>The next day
>Remain has won in almost unanimous force

Most of them would probably still vote leave cause their like "Oh Trump is just bluffing he won't really attack us"

I think the difference is paying a dollar or two more for a bag of pistachios at Trader Joe's.

Here's a hypothetical:
>Illegal immigration is eliminated by CA
>nobody wants to work at the almond farm for $5/hr
>no more cheap almonds in stores
>demand rises
>Almond farms either A. go out of business because they don't have workers or B. start paying better
>Or new almond farms that pay better pop up after the old ones close
>People pay more for almonds in general
>other states with legal labor can be competitive in the market

They do have good land, so it's a nice bonus, just like China having raw resources.

I don't remember the actual stipulations, secession has to pass a certain vote, right?

>Implying Blue State Nevada is gonna let that happen.
>Implying CA wouldn't drone strike the aircraft carriers with Silicon Valley's best models.

Or get rid of the minimum wage.

I would love for California to succeed and then receive a ass whooping like no other.

Yes, let's pay American citizens $5 an hour.


Make the state of jefferson a thing, and just glass the southern half, and 99% of the problems will be solved.

They would have to change the Constitution first to allow them to leave.

If California fucks off, so will the rest of the blue states. There will be no more United States of America.


stupid fucking gimp

Fuck off, Jefferson. You're a bunch of shitsucking degenerates that grow weed and fuck your sister. You're half the reason the cartels even bother crossing the border. You either help take back American soil or you're just another traitor.

>Their rich because they leach all if the money from the country. Really they should let the cities who voted for Hillary secede

>I don't remember the actual stipulations, secession has to pass a certain vote, right?

We don't have a set method of secession. Presumably it would just take the legislature voting on it, like what the Confederate states did back in the 1860's

I hope California leave the US.

That would mean America will need to start buying lemons again.
YES! Buy me lemons, America! :(

>richest state
>literally begging Trump for money to repair their shit dam

Yeah I'm sure the billionnaires in California were begging the meth heads in Indiana for help.

This plan sounds familiar.

If they have so many billionaires and are so rich, why can't the state take care of its own infrastructure?|finance|headline|headline|story&par=yahoo&doc=104278815&yptr=yahoo

The Golden Purge would be the single greatest event in American history.