#MFGA General - /frpol/ - Macron goes down edition

Original thread : FRENCHBROS GET IN HERE
Others are welcome to join too
This is not a drill so pay attention..

As you all know, Macron is the now the frontrunner of the French presidential election. If we do nothing he is going to get elected in May.
As most of you also know, he is a closeted gay and lied publicly about it in recent meetings as too many people know among the Parisian elites.
The pressure is so high on this that the Macron team has started panicking, accusing the Russians and having shill journalists publish pieces in French media to deny the rumors.

The based WeSearchr guys have offered to setup a bounty to get and release the pictures of Macron and Gallet. If these pics go public, not only will Macron be outed as the homo liar that he is and his presidential bid badly hurt after he publicly denied it, the media who shamelessly shill for his candidacy are going to get rekt as well.

We CANNOT let this closeted international banker fag and his fake anti-system stance steal the presidential election and complete the enslavement of France. He has to go down. And there's the chance to make it happen.

>The bounty

>What's the plan?
Step 1: Spread the word about the bounty on Macron.
Step 2: Achieve and explode the target reward
Step 3: Lure French insiders with the bounty to give them an incentive to release the pictures
Step 4: Once the evidence is out, hammer it everywhere to ruin Macron's image

That's it for now.

Getting Le Pen elected will be difficult, but we can at least prevent Macron, the official globalist shill in this election cycle, from seizing power for his masters and make EU a progressivist bunker by ganging up with Merkel to resist the nationalist tide.


Make France Great Again.

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Bumping this is Important

The demographic future of France rests on this election. We cannot let Macron win.

We need to take him down

Globalists are planning to regroup from France and Germany after Trump and Brexit. Don't let them catch their breath. If this gets big it'll inspire other whistleblowers, and not just in France.

/r/the_macron use Trump's campaign rhetoric to promote a globalist candidate.
Disgusting. This must not remain unpunished.

Another Bump. This is important.

Are there others things we can do while the bounty is raising ?

>CIA working for Macron?

We need to get this on Reddit.

Which sub ?

J'ai aussi pensé à JVC mais bon, je sais pas trop.... Le 18-25 quoi


Nice this might be our last chance to save ourselves from this degenerate left.

And what if he wins?

This might cheer some of you guys up cnbc.com/2017/02/15/marine-le-pen-is-on-course-to-be-frances-next-president-leonie-hill-capitals-arun-kant-says.html

And this is without even taking into account that Kek is with us.

Never forget Macron is being carried by the globalist MSM. His position is far from solid.

Then this magic happens (muslim births).

No one here on Sup Forums speaks baguette besides you baguettes and a couple of shitskins

/r/The_Donald and /r/Le_Pen are good starting positions.

Civil War?

Civil War is inevitable in the world at this point. Regardless of who wins, the governments will collapse from internal destruction.


Then globalists are allowed to regroup and catch their breath. Do you want them to score or do you what to see them fail? The enemy's spirit must be crushed.

Then you have this: Merkel leader of the free world, Macron savior of France, Martin "it's time for me" Schulz next BK, Hollande President of the European Council via Macron nomination.

Radioactive levels of progressivism in the heart of Europe just as the rest of the world is freeing itself from the grip of globalism.

Fuck that.

bump for french ancestry

But it may be one-sided, with so many cucks in our country
It will spread, as it is currently spreading in Sweden
Germany might be the next one with France


>page 7
wew bump

Wonder why.