So, if Trump thinks Flynn did nothing wrong, why did he ask Flynn to resign?

So, if Trump thinks Flynn did nothing wrong, why did he ask Flynn to resign?

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Rookie Mistake. The satanic jewish nwo played him.

Most importantly he learned from this and he still has Bannon and Conway and the American people in his corner.

Did you not watch the press conference?

If you watched it and don't know the answer to your question, go see a doctor.

You know what's hilarious? You brockgobblers think you can sway opinions here. After the election pollocks are hip to avoiding posting in these threads, and when they do like this post, it's さげposting.

That means all you traitors can do is bump each other's
shill threads. In your minds you are creating the optics of dissent, but you are really just burning money.

Also normies are getting redpilled because the quality of the shilling is so bad.

You are doing our work for us, and for that reason, on behalf of traditionalists everywhere I thank you Mr Brock, Mr. Strider, Mr. FISCHBEIN, and Mr. Soros.

Keep it up. The world is watching......

He was clear that he mis spoke to Pence and that was his issue. Not about what he did but that he wasn't honest with the administration.

Because he lied to Pence

I hope you're only pretending to be braindead.
He explained it over and over. Spicer explained it over and over.

stale pasta (you)


Former Trump employees have verified over and over that what he says is not what he means.

>It's because Trump is against lying

No, I mean an explanation that passes the laugh test.

When is Trump going to release the transcripts so the American people can judge for themselves?

Because Pence was pissed, and he threatened to give Barron the "treatment".

You are right.

We Americans know that these threads are being pushed by jews and Hasbara.

Trump wants a two state solution for Israel, so the jews are trying to replace him.

You can't fucking lie to the Vice President about what you discussed with a foreign country

What was discussed was fine, the lying was not

>What was discussed was fine

If that's true, why won't Trump release the transcripts?

Trump was played by the (((media))) and was forced to fire someone innocent because the (((media))) war against our President and leader President Trump.

>mfw noobs dont know The Don use Flynn to bait out the deep state and exterminate them.

It's classified nigga. The FBI already said nothing illegal occurred.


>Flynn, as a private citizen, discussed classified info with Russia's ambassador
>Flynn did nothing wrong

Pick one

>classified info
>must be really top secret since I'm out of the loop

Obama's appointee did the same thing BEFORE OBAMA WAS EVEN PRESIDENT, and the left was fine with it.
It's a law from the 1700s that's never been invoked until this year because the left is chomping at the bit to get at Trump, get any dirt on him at all.

Every single appointee in recent history has done the same thing for the incumbent president. Why didn't anyone care for the last 200 years? Why is it so important now?

FBI already admitted it as nothing. Shill harder CTR.

Unless you've seen the transcript, you have absolutely no idea if that's true or not.

>Comey said so

Good joke

>c-comey is a russian spy!!!

The best part is Flynn was on Obama's cabinet. Trump appointed him because he wanted to help bridge some of the issues between Reds and Blues, and the Blues turned on one of their own just to try and get something on Trump.

If you don't trust the FBI, who did the wire tapping in the first place, you literally can't even trust it happened.


So, Trump fired Flynn and raged on twitter against leaks over a fake transcript? And now he's refusing to release it despite the fact it's a fake? In your head, how many Ds are there in that chess game, Trumplet?

fylnn resigned on his own potus wanted him to stay

Flynn called Russia. There was nothing wrong or illegal about this.

But then he lied to Pence about it. He shouldn't have, because there was nothing wrong with it.

Trump can't trust a liar, no matter how good he is otherwise.

Pence did nothing wrong relative to the law, but he did something wrong relative to Pence.

Are you retarded?

If you reject the FBI's assessment of it, you reject the existence of it, because it was recorded by the FBI.

I don't. It clearly happened, I just don't ignore the fact that the FBI already stated it was nothing.

Flynn was fired for lying to Pence about what was discussed.

And Trump can't just released classified information. He's not Hillary Clinton.

Seriously, there will be a special torture for shills like you one the day of the rope.

Checked, but not quite kekked

It just reeks of clinton... I'd bet Flynn got paid big somehow to create controversy in the white house. Prolly 5million in some off shore bank account.