Only Europeans are whit

>Only Europeans are whit


You telling me she doesn't have European blood?

Europeans bang way toooo much faggot asss

Dont know

People seem to forget that whites migrated from northern India a long time ago and left the genetic evidence for it along the way, also more recently white blood made it back to the middle east when sold as slaves.

Plus the Romans and the Crusader states too I think. Like in Lebanon and Syria

All joking aside, i would love any anthro/pol/ogists to explain why some Afghans look like Arabs and some Afghans look white.

Being white or being brown have no borders

This girl is neither afghan nor is her clothing

>European ancestors
Pick both

Some afghans ethnicites are from aryan descent

Some have macedonian/balkanian origins, some others are basically chinks.


Some of the Afghani groups have strong European admixture. That's what happens when you're at the meeting point of two continents.

Knew a guy who did two tours in the 2000's and he said he saw several natural redheads, and that blue/green eyes weren't that uncommon in some villages.

leftover aryans who didn't make it to poo-land.

The "alexander's army" theory has been debunked through the use of genetic analysis.

What kind of propaganda bullshit is this?

If this girl's white, I'm fucking Emma Stone tonight.

That girls is swedish...

OP is a nigger bougnoule insecure about his race.

Aren't you lucky!

She looks nordic


brown is an uglier color. a lower place on the electromagnetic spectrum.

She fucking Icelandic you dumb nigger bastard

>That girls is swedish...



Doesn't exist.

Afghanistan as a nation state was formed as a buffer state during the great game of the 19th century.

Many many many ethnic groups live in/around and move through Afghanistan.

We, as westerners, are most familiar with the Pashtuns (whose tribal groups comprise most of the people we fight in Afghanistan and in the hinterlands of Pakistan), and the Dari (Farsi) speaking ethnicities who made up the Nothern Alliance.

These are only a few of the ethnic groups that call Afghanistan home.

>every old man looks like obi wan kenobi in afghanistan
>tfw the country is shit
This is why you should never let russians touch your shit

White means having white skin, where you are born is irrelevant.
"white" are not a race but an ethnic group.
The race you're looking for is Caucasian and sorry to tell you that being white is not a requirement to be Caucasian... Semitic are from the Caucasian Race as well.

Brown isn't on the EM spectrum

what the fuck is that?

She looks like some sort of alien imposter. Her eyes freak me the fuck out. Fucking afghans are like demon-people.

Afghanistan was hellenized thousands of years ago.. sadly most of its Greek past was lost to islamic conquest.

All "white" afghans are descendants of alexander & co rapeing their way through persia.

>whites migrated from northern India
>believing this hindu nationalist bullshit
Indo-Europeans came from the eurasian steppe, most likely modern day eastern Ukraine.


Macedonians had little in common with Helens

>The neanderthal inside me