Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how absolutely based this man was?

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how absolutely based this man was?

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truly one of the greatest goyim of our time

I heard he liked to diddle little kids.


Hitler actually """liked""" children. He was a notorious pedophile.

Thanks for giving me yet another reason to hate this traitor. Do Brits actually view Churchill as a national hero? Please tell me that Brits actually hate this guys guts for destroying the Empire.

Destroyed our empire and slammed the final nail into the coffin of our nation, all at the service of the jews that are now leading and celebrating our genocide. Truly, a hero.

>Destroying the empire
>what is ww1
kek, Nazis are so stupid. Churchill was the finest england has ever produced.

Not what the soldiers at the time thought of him. Perhaps that's why the people voted him out of office before the war had even ended. I'm guessing you're from Tottenham?

Churchill was awesome. In my own life I used some of the things for my own battles in life. Right now I have a job in a nuthouse. Many mind fucks you deal with. Watching people get burned out doing more work than you do in a day, because you were a client is entertaining cause everybody is secretly angry. You even hurt good people long the way when you don't mean it.

One technique I used is focusing on another girl to move away from another girl. Then, the girl you focused on comes on to you like she knew you. lol. Then, she asked me what I am doing. I go working.

The more people that like a pretty girl. The more she will get over anything. I am a guy. People like that forget your name.

Watching a pretty girl try and figure you out is entertaining. Because it is not like you don't like her. She already won, but she doesn't know it. lol.

I am fucking going to hate seeing her though. I know she pays for the same phone bill where I go.

She worked in a meat grinder in a nuthouse. That stuff rubs off on you if you aren't careful.

hitting the bottle tonight I see.

The young girls that work in a nuthouse are all the same. Cookie cutters. But this one was different.

That was yesterday.


What is that supposed to mean?

He was a slave to the Satanic Judeo-Anglo alliance Against Christian Germany.

Watching people treat you like you are equal when you aren't equal to them is the biggest mind fuck.

You type like a mongrel.

Thanks to the internet an obese drunkard that ran the country into the ground, can be celebrated as a national hero, because he had some funny quotes.


Fuck that piece of shit. Wish he died as a baby


"Islam in a man is like hydrophobia(LUL) in a dog"

Good at rallying moral, not so good at anything else.

no way dumbf has read even a single quote from churchill and remembered it came from the man... otherwise his bust would not have returned

Read this book and you'll never view Churchill the same way again

>fat faggot
>general piece of shit

He betrayed Europe and turned his own country into an informal US colony.

Sure said some funny shit though so all is forgiven amirite famalam?

Germany withdrew from the Whore of Babylon's trading system, also known as Jewish international banking, and the loyal slave Churchill couldn't have any of that.



you're a moron

>People say this man isn't based
Absolute morons

really spins the kebab rotisserie...

Typical Churchill fan. Drunk, retarded and gay.

he's insightful because he's learnëd, issuing from from experience garnered or the times and a deep knowledge of history

as such, to equate him to dumbf, is as abject an insult that could be levelled at the man

churchill is to dumbf what religion is to science
>a non sequitur

perhaps dumbf HAS read something on chrurchill...

Thats a Hitler quote lmao

>have a job in the nuthouse

Yes, "a job" is that what the wards tell you?


He looks like a friend of mine that I'm pretty sure is actually partly retarded.

I hate that faggot more than almost anyone throughout history

Jewish agent of international Jewry. Mass murderer, psychopath, sycophant, pleb.

No this man was not "Based"

Last appeal to reason :

Coming soon....

Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People

Winston Churchill

Truly the greatest shabos goy