
Fuck what you newfags think - we need to get this man elected to the US Senate.

Stop getting lazy after our Trump win. Start thinking about our next move.

Comment on how you think we get it to happen

Other urls found in this thread:

>not wanting based Ted Nugent instead

kek wills a rock star for the Senate

obligatory thread theme

>not wanting Dave mustine instead.

Is he in Michigan too?

Kid Rock must be in the Senate, Kek demands it

Can I get an AMEN?

we gotta get the digits and make it happen

Guy Fieri should be Secretary Of Defence

Which state was that Wu tranny running in?

Rock/Nugent need to run against him and win.

Kek has to will it first.

Henlo Kid Rock

Take him please


Alice Cooper is a much better actual choice.

This is Michigan. Wu is running for Congress in Massachusetts - could we get Mark Wahlberg???

Kek clearly doesn't will shit.

>Comment on how you think we get it to happen
Everybody move to Detroit.

I would be okay with him in the house. I would be okay with him in the state legislature. This man is a degenerate piece of common scum and does not belong in the Senate. The senate is supposed to be the upper house of our congress. A Senator should be a Lady or a Gentleman in status and character and I because the constitution makes the election of a Senator on us, rather than our respective state legislators as the founding fathers intended, it should be a major factor in your selection of your Senator. Shame on anyone who would entertain such a notion.

Honestly I think he can do it. Kid Rock is really popular among older people here (people who vote).


Kid Rock? That white wigger "rapper" from the 90's?

Maybe we should start with Vanilla Ice.

The senate like the rest of our government is trash. Imagine how fucking mad liberals would be if Kid Rock became a Senator. I honestly think it might make them angrier than Trunmp did. And just imagine, just dream, we could some day have president Kid Rock.

It can be trash but I won't vote for it.

Me and the trailer trash will and we're gonna win

This is what I'm thinking. Just like 2016 - we get him the nomination and Democrats would have no idea how to respond. They'll be holding their dicks losing in Michigan and we'll pick up 10 pro-Trump Senators across the country.

If he wins, I wish him the best.

Rolling for Dave Mustaine

He can our horse in the senate.

AMEN. I know a lot of people shit on him but ive always liked him since I got History of Rock cd as a kid. Seen him live a couple times as well and he puts on a solid show and ticket prices were not that bad. He's a little bit of everything, you can't pin him I think that bugs people. Especially liberal minded folk.