This guy was ideologically the most similar to Ron Paul. Yet you guys went with the meme candidate

This guy was ideologically the most similar to Ron Paul. Yet you guys went with the meme candidate.

2012 Sup Forums is spinning in its grave.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Ron Paul nigga that shits gay

I voted for Rand Paul in the primary. I abstained from the presidential vote because I thought Gary Johnson was way too ideologically impure.

I did find out about this guy a couple weeks ago and wish I had voted for him.

>I got here in 2016
I voted for Rand Paul too.

Oh well, there's always next time.

voted for the guy for his promises and he kept them. Voting for him again in 4 years.


If we voted for that faggot Hillary would be president right now.
Fuck off faggot.
Sup Forums voted for Trump because he was our best option to get what we wanted and we won.
Eat shit.

I voted for him since I live in Texas and Trump was clearly gonna win this state. I wish all the California right wingers had done the same thing cause he was clearly gonna lose regardless.

So what? How much worse would have Hillary been than Trump? They both push massive government. Trump isn't gonna fix the immigration problem. Walls won't keep them out. They come here for welfare, the cucked states/sanctuary cities will secure most of them. The only way to keep them out is to end the welfare state. Plus he's only gonna even try to deport 2-3 million of them, which is just a fraction. Ending the welfare state will send them elsewhere (Canada probably) to get gibs. While Trump was right to get us out of the TPP, his economic policies are still leftist, Bernie approved nonsense. And he doesn't really seem to care about the Constitution.

The only thing Trump MIGHT do better is not get us into another war (cause Hildebest definitely would have), but even that is uncertain right now.

Being better than Hillary is a low bar, and there's not enough of a difference between the two to justify throwing your vote away on either of them. Although a part of me is admittedly glad about the cultural win with Trump, government should not be a place for such cultural battles.

Yeah but the popular protest vote was the libertarian ticket. I actually would have voted libertarian if there had been an actual libertarian in the seat.

I actually got into a lot of arguments with libertarians about this. "T-This is our chance to reach 5 percent and spread our message"

And what message would that be? How we're democrat-lite? Fuck that. He was beyond imperfect. He was a total shit candidate. I'm glad he didn't achieve the 5 percent. Better that's achieved by a TRUE libertarian.

I was aware of him and would agree with you, but Hillary would have let in a swarm of third world refugees who would vote democrat for the rest of their lives. It would be over. This really is one of the few times I think it was ok to put pragmatism over principle. I voted constitution in 08, and Libertarian in 2012 (Johnson wasn't as much of a cuck back then).

If trump succeeds at keeping any more from coming in and doesn't mess anything up too bad, then hopefully someone like Rand can win in 2020 or 2024.

Darrell Castle has to be the most low energy, boring candidate I've ever seen. I voted for him because I'm an ideological purist, but I can't say I'm surprised he didn't get people excited, especially the youngsters.

Yeah how well did Sup Forums do at backing Paul in 2012?

Right it didn't work at all because these people and Paul lack the leading voice people want to hear. Trump didn't which is even remotely why our meme candidate had a chance.

How is Trump pushing big government?

For god's sake he's draining the swamp by adding term limits and restrictions on lobbyists and fighting with the Deep State. While lowering government regulations on businesses.

Get a grip.

he isn't getting rid of the welfare state or even proposing a wean off it, he isn't decreasing military size, he's talking about foreign intervention in Islamic countries, he's building a fucking wall when ending or at least reducing the welfare state would certainly be more economically beneficial (obviously) and actually be more effective in solving the immigration problem too, and he proposes moderate socialist policies. The fact that he may be a bit better than his predecessors doesn't mean he doesn't push big government. Just not as big. Plus, even a couple of the good things he has done come from signing executive order after executive order, which is unconstitutional, and continue on an abusive legacy established by his predecessors that has inflicted a lot of damage on the country.

He is decreasing it overall, even if increasing it in a little bit in a few areas. Don't be such a purist. Trump is a necessary evil that will pave the way for people like Rand. I love Rand too but he could not have gone into the current environment and gotten anything done. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. Trump is the only one who can weaken the deep state. Maybe he'll fail too but he's the only one who even stands a chance.

dat nigga look like he shit his diaper playing Friday night bingo at the community center waiting for his tapioca pudding cup

We went with the winner. Just accept that trump is your president

why do you Japs always post the same nonsense:

because you spam the same old wrinkly faggot who looks like he's about to kick the bucket any minute

>>I got here in 2016
>when someone from 2012 thinks he's an oldfag

>damage control: the libertarian edition

you sound like Paul Joseph Watson. You cannot reconcile libertarianism/constitutionalism with Donald Trump. A staunch libertarian/constitutionalist would get more done than Trump in terms of reducing small government even in the current environment, provided they weren't compromised. also would solve the immigration issue far more effectively than Trump will.
I do accept it, I'm just annoyed.

though I did post in that thread, I wasn't the OP. I just remember your post because it made me kek. the first time, that is.
I didn't once say I was an oldfag but I also never said I get here in 2012. I got to this site in 2010 (still newfag I know), never used new but used pol from almost the beginning, sometime in 2011. I referenced 2012 because that was the height of paulmania.

>I referenced 2012 because that was the height of paulmania.
Who was a meme candidate as well. What's the point of riding the coat tail of a meme?

>solving immigration

Opening borders isn't solving the problem of shitskins flooding the country and displacing your native population fucktard.

there was absolutely a meme element to his popularity here but a lot of us also were ideologically dialed in. trump is to ideologically distant from Paul, and if you got in a time machine and went back to 2012 and could prove to them that Trump would win 2016 and told them what his policies were, I think some of them would have been flabbergasted.

building a wall isn't gonna keep them out. there are plenty of ways around that, and sanctuary cities will keep the majority (though not all of them) safe.

cutting off gibs will keep most of them away, but Trump isn't cutting off gibs.

The stances that the Libertarian Party took this past election showed you're completely wrong in regards to immigration. Because not only would they not have begun deporting those already here, they apparently would have opened the borders almost as much as Clinton would have.


Gary Johnson is not a true libertarian. He is a pandering crypto-democrat who a lot of us hated, which is why some of us went to Castle.

A true libertarian would have ended the welfare state, funding to sanctuary cities and temporarily stopped accepting immigrants until we could devise a basic vetting system. there's also talks about letting the states decide if they should take immigrants but there's hardly a consensus on that one. but I can guarantee you ending the gibs would be far more effective than a wall. there's ways to secure the border without such an expensive, ultimately symbolic, gesture.

>How much worse would have Hillary been than Trump?

Are you retarded?

>Vote for Trump cause pic related
>Trump gets elected
>He's done almost everything on that list

>Dont vote for Hillary because disagree with her policies
>She gets elected
>A) she doesnt do anything and our country stays shitty
>B) she does shit and our country gets shittier
Yes, Hillary would be far worse than Trump. Not to mention an almost certain war between the US and Syria+Russia. And 70k+ refugees

>Walls won't keep them out.

>And he doesn't really seem to care about the Constitution.
Name one thing he has done that violates the Constitution

Kill yourself nerd virgin

I agree the wall is a bit excessive. He should have tried the other things first.

But it was a choice between Trump or Hillary. I chose Trump. He's not good but he might not mess things up too much.

>but a lot of us also were ideologically dialed in
And you don't see the irony of that ideology losing out to an other, more active ideology be it to the left or right like what happened both on this board as well as in the real world election?

>he's done almost everything on that list

I think some of the list is his problem, if you read his previous posts.
Executive orders are the first thing that come to my mind that violate the constitution. He is just undoing what previous executive orders put in place whose content was also unconstitutional. So, I'm torn.

He should end the welfare state. As far as the wall, Our situation isn't comparable to Hungary but I'm not so sure it won't work anyway, provided there's enough people manning the wall. Ending the welfare state and funding to sanctuary cities could have perhaps been an equally effective and less costly way of going about it. I think he should have tried it first. He could at least try it simultaneously if nothing else.

I voted for trump though because Hillary would have been far worse and this one was just too important. Sorry OP. Trump may not have the best foundation but he is genuinely out for the country, and he gets done what he sets out to get done. Enough of it is close enough for me to be satisfied at the moment. If some neocon vampire had run though I would have voted for Castle, no question.