Hey Sup Forums, where did all the jobs go for people who live in the rust belt?

Also, why do any fucking stupid bitches want to be coal miners in this day and age?

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Statistics show that married men die much sooner than married women.

Because they want to.

Having known many women in the rust belt, I can tell you for sure that men there work the coal mine just to get out of the fucking house.

Why do we have to pander to people who's jobs aren't needed? Horses didn't get pondered to when cars were invented.

Businesses certainly won't pander to transportation workers once automation becomes the safer and more economically sound choice (cars don't sleep!)

So why did a bunch of angry has been coal miners get to decide an election?

It's all the work there is to do in that part of the country

Kind of like working on oil rigs in Texas and Louisiana

Then get out and learn excel. Or if you ain't to good with them computer machines, learn to plumb or fucking swing a hammer at some nails in a house.

I care more about the people of my state than I do myself. Being a coal miner yields one to support a family, and I'm fine with that.

So, what? The Internet is here. Sure they can't do manual labor or anything, but if they figure out how to googles, maybe jobs exist elsewhere. If all you can do is mine coal, and then suddenly we don't need you mining coal anymore... I mean that's shitty. But you can't just be like NO GIVE US OUR JERRRBS.

Your jerrbs are now not needed. Tough luck.

I care about the people of my state. Being a truck driver yields one to support a family, and I'm fine with that.

HEY BROSKI WE'RE LOSING MONEY HERE. Our company thanks to the glorious hand of the free market is going down the SHITTER because we're competing with tireless, almost accident proof machines, and we're still hiring truck drivers.

Bull shit. Economically with coal you can't compete.

The fuck does that even mean?

It means that you can't compete.

Be way better as a Management Consultant eh, shocking that Men want to do a Man's work.

There are plenty of uses for coal and coal is still in demand. The industry was killed by the Jews as a result of pushing their climate change scam.

Trump is giving them their jobs back it's the right thing to do and it will revive the economies in the great Lakes states that Trump turned blue.

That's essentially what Pittsburgh did. There's no more steel there but they rebranded as a center for higher education, a regional banking center and a place where you can start up a business for half the cost of NYC or Boston.

Transportation and warehousing has 4,640.3 thousands of jobs as of 2014.

Mining has 843.8 thousands of jobs as of 2014.


You think coal doesn't involve transportation as well? I've got news for you bub.

>I'm smart jews are bad bring back coal
>what do ice cores have to do with anything?

For Christ's sake watch an educational video on YouTube. It'll spice up the list of previously viewed conspiracies and Alex Jones snippets.

Oh, you mean I can robot away all the transportation of coal done by humans?

How does that help your argument?

I'm saying if horses and truckers and coal miners are on their way out in this country, that's progress.

I still don't know what the fuck you're saying, because if you think miners are a huge block of americans you're just fucking wrong.

>he thinks man is liable for climate change
>he thinks stopping coal in america would do anything to help the world

Then pick up a fucking hammer and build some houses. Mining is not the only job these people can do and still be called MANual laborers.

Because coal energy is cheaper and potentially safer than nuclear.

>man is not at all responsible for climate change
>why is this not a debate in every other world power though?
>why are all these other countries in agreement, and only backwards hell holes disagree?

For your simpleton mind:


I didn't know I was gonna laugh in this fucking thread.

"Nuclear energy generated 797 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2015. Nuclear power plants generate electricity 24/7 at a 92 percent capacity factor. This is more efficient than other types of energy—combined-cycle natural gas, with a 56 percent capacity factor; coal-fired at 55 percent; and wind at 33 percent."

Literally arguing coal against nuclear.

>horses didn't get pandered too

They went from beasts of burden to recreational luxury pets , are you fucking retarded?

>Also, why do any fucking stupid bitches want to be coal miners in this day and age

Why do people want to be farmers?
>Use robotics to automate a good portion of irrigation, planting and harvesting. Hire truckers to bring commodities to market.

Miners today could be where tech meets Terra. A robotic work force, maintained by skilled mechanics. The advances in this field would directly translate to off-world colony construction.

And how many horses do you see daily? That's how many truck drivers you'll see daily in the future friendo

Hmm the amount consumed would have something to do with it, but I'm still not sure this is a fact.

Here's a graphic for you.


literally a 1% difference and still miles higher than wind and solar

"But I'm still not sure it is a fact."
>looking at the facts

Dude... coal is shit. It's dirty, it's a dangerous job, the energy return is shit, and we can get less expensive energy elsewhere.

The coal miners decided an election because they were scared. And they should be scared. The same way truck drivers should be scared and looking into other lines of work.

The future is scary ain't it? But it's coming. And no amount of wishing things were the same as back then is gonna change the fact that shit is gonna change in the future.

I'm sure the horse drawn buggy drivers had a fucking rough go of it. But they didnt get to decide a president and a countries economic action. They either adapted or moved on.

Thanks man, this is really nice.

There's still a small steel area east of the city, and it happens to give that area some of the worst air quality in the nation. Good riddance.


I'm done. Can you read? Did you read nuclear is 92 percent and coal is 55 percent?

I'm not fucking arguing wind and solar

Do you think advancements in technology exist? Yes, probably.

So...instead of investing in new technology and cheaper ways of making nuclear energy.... we just mine coal forever!

Boy those cars look neat, but they smell and are expensive and don't go too fast. Sure they have potential, but they'll never outpace the horse!

Coal is a horse.

Typical leftist behavior to want to watch people suffer.

>where did all the jobs go for people who live in the rust belt?
implying jobs are given to people like some kind of managed gommunist state. rephrase your question.
>why do any fucking stupid bitches want to be coal miners in this day and age?
No one wants to be a coal miner.
for someone who can't type out a coherent question, you really aught not call others stupid bitches.

Use coal until it runs out, or renewables become cost effective in their own right and not the giant ponzi scheme they are at the moment

The hell does that got to do with anything? What did I say that was incorrect?

If you get a job there is nothing to bitch about.
> prefer bitchin over workin

Them fucking unions stopped child labour and making big business pay dearly to employ cunts.
Makes manual labour too expensive
Labour gets unemployed
Fuckin unions

Indoubitably, my fellow intellectuel.

S'il vous plaît, ou est-ce que tu etudies? Parce-que nous ne parlons jamais avec les gens qui fréquent ici

Lad I don't think you're following...this isn't about the literal treatment of fucking horses...

So when do we bend over and let the other countries who are HEAVILY investing and already seeing returns in renewables fuck us?



I prefer our country doesn't fall for big oils fucking schemes and instead focuses on the future of energy

My uncle (Mother's sister's husband) worked in the same coal mine for 25 years.
Could run any piece of machinery in that place above and below ground.
Dumb faggots that think coal miners are down in the earth with shovels and a pick axe nowadays.
Uncle is pretty damn based as well. Raised 3 kinds. Now spends his retirement days with his 9 grandchildren and wife on top of running a church.
Has an obscene amount of money stashed back in the bank and very nice pension.
The only people who don't make a good amount of cash mining are dumbshits who have no skills and ones who refuse to learn any.
There are half retarded drug addicts who manage to get in there.
But they're weeded out fast as hell.
No one wants some opiate fuck stumbling around and nodding out with equipment that can and will maim or kill you + your coworkers.
Sure there's grunts down there.
But there's also electricians, engineers, welders, construction workers, contractors.
Hell I've even known a scuba diver that did underwater welding in a mine on top of electrical work.
There's whole lot more going on down there than you think. Not just cletus busting rocks and hauling em out.

OK man, good on your uncle. Loving that good good anecdotal evidence.

"Sure there's grunts down there.
But there's also electricians, engineers, welders, construction workers, contractors.
Hell I've even known a scuba diver that did underwater welding in a mine on top of electrical work."

Now tell me honestly friend. How many of those skilled engineers, welders, contractors, uncles and scuba divers were out of a job and not hireable after they got fired??

Is it maybe.... maybe the grunts outnumbered the specialists? No that can't be. That's how it is in every profession ever, but that's not it in mining.

The grunts are the ones who have no skills, the grunts outnumber the fucking ENGINEERS AND SPECIALIZED SCUBA DIVING WELDERS and they are the ones voting to go back into the mines because they're scared.

Also bro, why are they making good money at mining?

Because of those socialist unions who thought that "dying" from "black lung" warranted reforms and they striked. Now there's all this liberal bullshit codes and regulations and living wages they have to pay to their miners.

That's why they have a livable wage. Liberals. And the reason they've been fired? The bottom line doesn't give a shit about human lives if something's cheaper. We got to a point where we valued human lives over profit in mining. So businesses bought their mined products elsewhere that was cheaper.

Those fucking liberals. Giving us a living wage and restricting businesses so they can't make us die of black lung. Thank God the free market stepped in and made it so we can buy our diamonds covered in blood. Wash it off Congra, I've gotta make some dosh.

Coal burning releases more radiation than nuclear.

Yeah I believe it.

If you have an actual scientific committie who can't cut corners because they'll get fined up the ass, what do you know, you have safe nuclear power