What's your "go to" red pill source?

If you could give an SJW one piece of evidence, one documentary, or one book, in an attempt to red pill them, what would it be?

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Culture of Critique


I think we're done here.

Kill yourself psy op intel collector

self reliance by emerson

FBI crime data.

Thank you, you based fucking Abo came here to post this. You're doing God's work

American renaissance

Its just some liberal doing recon work. They want us to menton the works that influence us so that they can read it and come up with a rebuttal since they are by and large ignorant of our perspective while most of us who are college educated know their's inside and out. They don't like getting caught with their pants down and no cheat sheet of rebuttals.

No you fags, this SJW that I've been talking with recommended some books and told me to recommend her some.

>The Greatest Story Never Told

I think you're grossly overestimating the enemy user.

That's if they would read it. Otherwise, Nicky Land's essay on fascism. But if they google him they might reject it out of hand. This being the trouble with sjws. I don't think many of them will willingly read things they might not agree with. They need the redpills shoved down their throat. Or we just need to exit if it becomes unpleasant.

Good for you. More info?

She said she'd read a book I recommended, but I don't want it to be so red-pilled that she immediately rejects it.

I was thinking showing her a Ben Shapiro debate or something, because she keeps telling me that white people are privileged, capitalism is bad, etc. Typical Marxist bullshit

We got into a long discussion about white privilege and capitalism, and I kept trying to explain to her why capitalism was a good thing and why privilege doesn't exist.

She told me to read some books, and said that I could recommend some to her. She had a few main talking points:

>White privilege
>Systematic oppression
>Male privilege
>Capitalism taking advantage of people

Thoughts? I don't think she'd read something too red-pilled like Alex Jones type shit, NWO, etc. but something just slightly red pilled

Yuri Bezemenov's lecture on psychological subversion is good. Don't give her any context ahead of time.

Is she white?

Thanks, based user.


To debate that you could show her a Stephan Molymeme video on race and IQ where he mentions the harsh winter = smart theory. Can't remember the titles, but they should be findable. If you want an explanation for why subsaharans make everywhere they go look like subsaharan Africa, and why white people and Asians into civilisation the most, the simplest explanation is that you need to be logical and think ahead to survive winter and winter gets harsher further north. Skin also gets whiter the less sun there is due to light being diffused over the curve of the earth, which gets steeper from the perspective of the sun as it hits the poles.
Thus the strong correlation between IQ, whiteness, civilisation. Which blows the sociological argument the fuck out.

>White privilege
Ben Shaprio compilations. Make her watch them. Staple her eyes open if you have to.

Start here.

As long as a person is able to understand economics and the free market I literally do not care what their other beliefs are. A genuine belief in the free market and knowledge of econ is all that is needed for a 'functionally' cohesive USA.

Yuri is the unequivocal best choice

Fuck no Molyneux talking about race is way too red pilled for this girl

Stuff on israel being genocidal kikes against filthy goat herders

Thanks user. This plus the Yuri Bezmenov vid are good, hopefully I can convince her:


Doing my part trying to fight this cancer of Leftism.

my fucking mind and ability to persuade

Sup Forums is the only source...we're about three hours ahead of other media

Great refutation of race/IQ data, Hispanic identification polling and the Putnam studies.

The Culture of Critique

except this is contradicted by the masses of civilization from the Mediterranean to the Indian colonizations of southeast Asia

The northern theory is only valid for selected slices of history, aka Han dominated China and the last 2-300 years

PragerU videos on YouTube

i haven't read it. can you give me a quick rundown?

Ok. Tell her that white women are traditionally the most privileged of any other group.

She says

>'But user, women oppression, patriarchy, blah blah we don't really have privilege."

You reply:

>'But don't you know that people with privilege are always blind to that privilege?"

Point. Match.

Seriously though, why bother wasting your time. Women are particularly susceptible to liberal lies and memes since they're all about those dopamine uptick social sites like cuckbook that are primarily bastions of liberal bullshit. You can't fault them for believing something that's wrong in the way that you can't blame a child for believing something stupid either.

Here you go lads, the ultimate Redpill

I think she's operating from the view that "everyone is innately equal therefore all differences are because of historic injustices and current oppression", which is btfo'd by examples like the success of Jews and Chinese. Also btfo by the simple recognition that men and women are biologically different in hormones and brain structure.
It's not that those things have no impact, but you have to ask why lighter skinned people have tended to conquer everything (while also giving people a lot - independent Africa sucks balls - if she brings up the line about multiple groups trying to inhabit the same artificial borders, ask her why immigration is then a good idea). I'm not settled on all these questions, but the commencement of redpilling is recognising that the "other side" has or may have a point.

Fuck you. Don't give up on our culture you shill, we have to fight for it. With Trump in office now's our chance.

Good idea. I call it baby's first redpill

You're welcome. Here's another tip: Download these videos, and listen to them in your car while she's with you. That way she has no choice but to listen. It's not like she's going to be triggered enough to dive out of the passenger window into oncoming traffic. Be strategic, user. The means by which you redpill her are far more important than the actual content.

i listen to dennis prager's radio program sometimes. it's ok. definitely redpill lite and he's out on the JQ

...which is probably good for babbys first but Sup Forums is the only place you're going to put the pieces together

It's the general pattern, not the absolute rule. The taiga and steppe harden people, then they go south, set up civilisation, get weak and BLACKED and then fall to northern invaders.
(Happened to India with the PIEs, then Turks etc.)
Egypt had red haired pharaohs. If you look at isolated middle eastern religious communities, they look white with odd noses.
Civilisation starts to creep northwards bringing the brown and unintelligent with it as technology advances. It's only when gunpowder gets invented that the snowniggers get brought into civilisation though.
Broke: tropics
Joke: temperate
Woke: arctic

>basic bitch american neoconism condensed into 3 minute animated videos

Wow, really boggled my neurons

I am fighting for it, but I'm not doing it by trying to win the hearts and minds of random cumdumsters. Since when has argument ever changed any girl's opinion on something? She's probably spent her whole adult life getting bombarded with propaganda about how whitey has it out for everyone and she's trying to win virtue points by acting like she's self-aware of her putative white privileged. White people who buy into the white man's guilt thing are just trying to signify themselves as above the white people who "don't realize they're privileged." You think handing her some book about Jews is going to change anything? If anything leaving school and going out into the real world will change her opinion; the experiences she has, etc. For me the real redpill wasn't all the books I read, or even posting on /pol—it was moving to San Francisco and seeing what the end result of unfettered liberal government looks like. She'll either bump across something like that on her own or she won't. I doubt some book recommendation on your part is going to change anything.

Ben shapiro is good, he is at his best when talking about the culture of victim hood and the dangers of a "safe space" thought. His foreign policy is trash which she wont care about in the least but him talking about transgender people and climate change will DEFINITELY put her off.
Here is link tho, if u can find an edit of him just talking about microaggressions/safe spaces im sure its out there.

This video is an absolute classic and short to boot since it's just an excerpt from the talk. Nothing in here is really open to debate and entirely fact based with charisma and forcefulness, a good vid to show her.


But ya as far as books go, i definitely recommend but it looks intimidating so she might not read it, so try "The Gulag Archipelago" which will make anyone hate communism.

Good point, but I at least want to plant a seed. That's how it started w/ me.

Proximity to large bodies of water, you dumb fuck.

Sup Forums

almost sent me into the black pill first time i watched it
ive watched it 4 times now

>No infowars
Finally I can be proud of Sup Forums

this is a fun video too on so many levels, most blatant being media manipulation. Of course I would try to look for the raw version without commentary though, it has never in the history of forever been a benefit to have a youtuber whos view u disagree with tell you something u dont want to see/believe.

Neutral as can be is the biggest rule to remember.


>F3 "1984"
>No Results

It might be baby's first redpill, but it's reliable and the left is open to it. Not to mention it's the most well-known critique on socialism in modern pop-culture. Bonus points for having some of the best prose of the 20th century.

>Inb4 Animal Farm
>Inb4 Huxley got it right
Both books are good, but a totalitarian leftist uprising using fear is enough to shock the senses of any Junior Anti-Sex League fucks out there. If there is hope it lies in the Proles.


Unfortunately if you hit ctrl+f and type Ben Shapiro, you'll get results.

Some kike-shilling newfags which have only tasted the purple-pill on the tips of their tongues are posting ITT

Way to throw the baby out with the bath water, you inbred abo fuckwit. I am well aware that (((Ben "Ethno-state For Me, But Not For Thee" Shapiro))) is a Zionist shill, but that doesn't mean his lecture on "white privilege" isn't the best there is. Eat kangaroo shit, you absolute simpleton.

This is a terrible idea, because in the first 50 pages he talks how this is totally not an antisemitic book. Besides, you have to read it when you already think that communism and psychoanalysis are bad.

The Bible.

Other than that
- The Decline of the West
- Sex and Culture
- Brave New World

That's a strong one to start with.

>Ben shapiro is good, he is at his best when talking about the culture of victim hood

Yeah, that's called Nietzsche's theories from Genealogy of Morals. If there's one book I could get everyone to read it'd probably be that one. It provides a wonderful explanation of ((who)) pushed the agenda of victimhood as morality in western civilization.

>tfw 1984 was required reading at my high school
Red states for the win.
Also helps that my old English teacher was a vietnam vet.
He even told us stories during class about walking through the jungle hunting commies

I find Ben really annoying for some reason. He seems like one of those people where if I was trapped alone in a room with him with no cameras I'd end up hooking him to a car battery or something.

Nigga eat shit, he is a top tier debater who is articulate, quick, and very educated. He is flawless in regards to explaining the absurdity of leftist campus ideologies as well as all things relating to race relations and black crime. Him being an israel shilling jewboy who has a HORRIBLY misguided foreign policy does not detract from the former.

Don't forget thomas sowell dude was a straight beast in the day, he still good now but like 92 or some shit and has that slow grandpa voice goin on. Have some young Sowell dismantling the same leftist arguments we have now 30+ years ago.

Also Friedman is god tier and quite a cheeky lil cunt. inb4jew


Realistically I'd probably start them with that. I know it's not the best out there, but it's very simple to follow and if they couldn't stomach that it wouldn't be worth trying.

He's extremely hypocritical. It makes sense once you know more about the JQ.

It also opens a lot of doors. Once you get that Jews are like intelligent gypsies and black people are on average biologically retarded, you're on your way.
The book is also meticulously well sourced and doesn't degenerate into FUCKINF KIKES at any point.

Sup Forums

He's slippery. He tells some truth because it's so easy when the opposition has made themselves retarded (or been made retarded by your ethnic cousins), but he still says obvious nonsense like that waterboarding (simulating drowning) isn't a form of torture. He just dresses it up in his serpentine legalese and Hebrew tricks.

Kentucky here, and I read it 3 times before I had to read it senior year. Still my second favorite book to this day. My favorite is the book 1984 is based upon, We. Look it up, Orwell considered his book to be a "Cultural Translation" of Zamyatin's We. They're both great and should be required reading in all schools.

True, but even in this he blames black behaviour on "culture" and only in the most vague way skirts the idea of being dumber with his analogy of few Jews being able to play in the NBA. He doesn't quite go the full way.

Henry Ford - The International Jew, World's Foremost Problem

Source is normie tier recognizable/respectable
Writing is simple to understand, but bold and thorough
Fact that normies remain unaware of this writing by foremost pioneer is cause for them to wonder why; even the title is epic.

Wikipedia/Online Entries
Operation Northwoods
Bolshevik Revolution
Cultural Marxism
Sabattean Frankists
Alex Jones - Bohemian Grove video
Jimmy Saville UK pedo scandal
Jeffrey Epstein x Bill Clinton connection

I find it pretty lulz that the libs are touting 1984 like it's some prediction of Trump's presidency. I don't like using the word ironic very much, but it seems very much so.

You guys know you can't just take a normie and lead them straight from mainstream indoctrination into gas-the-kikes mode, right? It doesn't work that way.

Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True by Trevor Phillips who was the head of the Commission for Racial Equality.

He has/had a lot of clout with libtards and leftists in the past and this was a really refreshing look at race, especially because Phillips is *gasp* black so liberals have a hard time processing it.

She sounds like a stupid nigger.

I think he said she's white, not that there's a difference between a typical woman and a nigger these days.

>Hates homosex
>Tells women to know their place, subject to men
>calls out the jew
>good business model, i.e. investing gold, cattle and land
He also tells men to be men.

>True, but even in this he blames black behaviour on "culture" and only in the most vague way skirts the idea of being dumber

To think that there is enough of a genetic difference between races so much so that they are incapable of becoming a part of a society is just stupid, especially given a historical evidence of said people successfully doing this, which would be blacks in the 1960's. Black people didn't magically get less capable of being functional citizens on a genetic level in the last 50+ years.

An average black person can become something of value given the right environment, the problem is their environment is not set up to produce anything but welfare monkeys, and yet miraculously enough any genuine attempt to correct this issue is touted as racist by democrats.

>Culture of Critique
>Read thread.
>Live in San Francisco.
>Search "Culture of Critique" in public library database to get book.
>No results.

>video on race and IQ where he mentions the harsh winter = smart theory
Someone got sauce on the video? I can't find it.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet.
Iran will be invaded.

sauce on the girl OP?

she can semen my demon

It depends what you see as most important, I'd say something that will not shock or offend and can easily branch into other "redpilled" subjects for people who are curious.
I guess Am Ren or one of Jared Taylor's books, he's very palatable to normies because he isn't "anti-semitic" (bullshit term, but you know what I mean) at all or really hostile to any other groups. He could redpill millions potentially, and I think white people recognising their own group identity is more important than anything else right now.

if you want to redpill a normie
go soft first watch some rubin report
next step is milo
third step is ben shapiro
fourth step is murdoch murdoch

found a new one tho

I would take them clothes shopping at Brooks Brothers, get them high af on dabs, then drop them off in Baltimore.

Ha, like I'd let fucking shills know the go to place. Any true Sup Forumsack already goes there anyways.


Just tell her to go look at the FBI crime statistics.
Unlike the left, we use facts and numbers- and not huge emotional "what if" appeals
Or just google scholar whatever their claim is and notice how no work had a p-value or confidence interval (because it's not good science )

Force them to actually spend time in their multiculturalism


A mega-compilation of vast reams of graphs and data which unequivocally demonstrates that all Muslims - moderate or extreme, Arab or Somali, in the West or in their homelands, rich or poor - are fucking awful on all metrics and letting them immigrate to your country is provably retarded


Don't forget "Undercover Mosque" dispatches documentaries, for evidence that muslims basically consider themselves to be seperate to the host country.

"The Greatest Story Never Told" and good documentaries about the holohoax easily found on youtube.

Ron Paul's Liberty Report channel. Sift through his videos and you'll find some good information about domestic liberty and geopolitics coming from a respected politician (rather than a ranting alex jones)

"The Great Global Warming Swindle" for a good summary on the climate change scam.


right response

Watch the Democratic National Convention:
>minority after minority with constant race baiting
>Sara silverstein telling bernie supporters to get with the agenda
>silencing bernie supporters and small media coverage
>"I'm retarded and I'm voting for Hilary Clinton"
>emotional blackmail from little illegals

Just send some Milton Friedman videos from youtube for economic arguments, then follow with Thomas Sowell for social/racial arguments. Probably start with Friedman, as sjws get real pissy if you throw them in the fire

What I'll add that is important, is find out what their political aims are, their good goals (.e.g more democracy, civil liberties, the environment etc) and focus on redpilling them in a way that shows that their current leftist ideology actually harms acheiving their good goal.

if for example they want "peace on earth" and figure that an open borders, one world government is the way to do it. red pill them on geopolitics, soros, rothschild banking, CFR, and tell them that while a united nations of earth is a positive thing, the one world government would actually lead to a disunited nation (not nations) of earth. really know your shit and they either start to agree with you or simply shutdown and don't respond. even if they shutdown chances are they may start to investigate and reevaluate their beliefs and start to take in more data.

I do not think they possess the ability to read, I think their intellect is capped to watching late night comedy news shows.

if thats the case then bill mayer segments about muslims.