Race-mixing is ba-

Bruce Lee was 1/4 German Sup Forums did you know that?

He was one of the most talented, creative and dedicated person to live in the last century.

So remind me again how racemixing is bad?

Combining whites with asians, is ok. combining niggers with anything, or spics with anything is a horrid crime.

Is he part nigger?

id rather kill myself than mix with white


Well, he died young
And he passed his death gene onto his son

No, which is why he is so good.

central asia and south america are shitholes

tell me more how asians being defiled by bloodthirsty warmongering white dna is ok

I'm 1/4 inuit. My wife is 50% Mexican and 50% daughters of the revolution white. Like, literally trace her roots to the daughters of the revolution. We have 2 sons together. They're good looking boys, very active, popular. Well race mixed.

Bruce Lee is just a meme.

He was an actor, his 'legendary' fighting ability is mostly BS.



Race mixers are race traitors and worse than niggers. Kys faggot


FUck off Taiwan or I'll bash ya head in cunt

>worse than niggers
Nothing's worse than niggers. White coalburners get quite close, but even they can't be worse, since at least they're white.

partially true. but he'd absolutely fuck up just about anyone from his generation that was his size or 20 lbs heavier, tm artist or not, based on the fact that he was inhumanly athletic. Also he studied no bullshit combat sports like boxing and wrestling and judo (even though he wasn't keen on grappling)


That blending of genes gave him a racial weakness to Asprin tho

This is mostly true. Most famous people were a kind of facade and bruce lee was no different, he was a superstar. However just by his athleticism alone he was way above most anyone of his time. This, i feel is what most people leave out when they say bruce lee was nothing but fame. This guy probably could have taken most people, professional athletes, professional boxers, etc etc. Notice i said most people, even weightlifters as their cardio system was probably 1/5th of his. He simply was a mutant oddity for his time and nothing existed like that. Now times are different and even kids have the time and knowledge to approach somewhat of what he was doing. We are living in different times. However i would feel like a fool to leave out the fact that most people are fake as fuck and when you just say bruce was a fake it sounds like you are comparing him to alot of facade in others (most people do) and you must be able to look at the truth of them also. All things included this man was still more of an athlete than 99% of people these days.


Nice Strawman you got there Pepsi flag