Hello Sup Forums what do you think of me? I'm a politician from the USA

Hello Sup Forums what do you think of me? I'm a politician from the USA.

Also try to guess who I am if you can & I'll confirm if you're right.

Other urls found in this thread:


someone plz reply i need some reactions.....


go fuck yourself amerinigger





Those taxes.

this faggot

Are you in Congress?

What is the most disgusting country, and why is it the USA?

Steve King?


Don't fall for it you double nigger
OP congrats on being a demi sexual pan romantic libertarian-kin

ur wrong on EVERYTHING u need to be more like me u wuss.

I need some clues to deduce your identity. Are you a local. state or national politician?


atheistic ultraprgressive cosmopolitians are the strongest race


Ill fall for whatever I want you triple nigger

federal but i won't tell you specifically if i'm in the legislative, judicial or executive branch.

plebian secular progress

>someone plz reply i need some reactions.....
Jesus, how fucken desperate can you get?


john smith

Literally hundreds of people to guess from.
And you expect us to miraculously guess without any clues?

>but youre not really a politician so it doesnt matter

Federal judges are not elected, so that should rule them out as "politicians". There's only one elected member of the executive branch. Odds say you're likely a Congressional representative. If you won't provide more clues, I can't get much closer to your identity. You clearly want people to guess, but I won't play games that are impossible to win. There are too many variables if you're only going to provide one clue. I'll say this: your chart would lead me to believe that you're an anti-gun Republican and that's a rare bird.

>tobacco and alcohol: legal
>the far less damaging weed: illegal
OP a stupid nigger confirmed

i kinda like you but you really need to stop over funding education & science & get rid of all environmental regulations. and as for guns outlaw and ban EVERYTHING

i don't like you very much

muh weed

m8 education and science gets us into the future,

why dont you want to explore spaaaaaace? also you wanna preserve the earth, its a beautiful thing ya know

i wish there was a seperate option for alcohol, i want to ban all tobacco but alcohol is fine


It's a nice idea, well done on shilling your site btw
Needs some tidying up though.


Anti second amendment. I don't care in which branch you reside. Not American. Take your totalitarian Richie Rich shit to the end of the range for some live target practice.


If you're not this then you're mentally impaired

>see you in space when we colonize the planets with only the purist whites that are free from all defects, willing to contribute and are openly armed

Winning the long game

With all that science spending you are allowing the inferior races to come in and incite shit in your country. Good luck inventing the internet then having niggers and Mudslimes burn your techno capitals down while the rest shit in the streets and revolt.

Lower your spending and isolate your race, learn from the mistakes we have made in this play through.

No one ever claimed that the border will be open and that inferior races would be allowed. Immigration is unrestricted, but only to valuable candidates. Welfare is non-existent so even if a non-valuable one made it in, he wouldn't survive.

Definitely Jeb.

Once you open the border to the "good ones" the shit follows. Pretty soon they will revolt, leading to Kang Tyrone taking over and switching all of that science funding to Malt Liquor and rims funding.

>all these scrubs
>choosing any class other than Political
Requiring rulership to belong to any specific class opens the door for permanent oligarchy and stagnation. Look at how shitty politicized science is now and imagine a technocratic government condemning themselves to that kind of inanity. A Donald Trump figure will never be able to arise to save a society if he's prevented from governance by class structure.

Plus, you have unemployment benefits. That is paving the road to welfare. Get a job or choose to be put down to make room for someone who is going to get a job. Plenty of jobs to be had with increased science funding, also military positions with increased military funding.

The only thing that fucks my survival is if everyone in my country decides fucking isn't fun anymore and don't want to reproduce. Highly unlikely because women can't vote, therefore they know their place even if they can work.

That hardly works in the real world

Plus, mine is designed for the EU

>state atheism
>purist whites that are free from all defects

choose one burger, you can't have a sane society without something to give them meaning to live for, and no, your party is not doing the thingy

Are you John Podesta?

>Gun Control
>Social Security

>No Army spending
>Afirmitive Action

What in the name of fuck?

That would work in the real world, well, not this world, but assuming ethnic cleansing never got such a bad rep. My country would lock down all borders, all that entered would stand out like a sore thumb because they would look different. North Korea is a good example for border control, they do a well enough job.

Telling you, my nation would go to Andromeda while the rest battled their 18th wave of feminism.

We call that type of system the "Sedated Africa" system. No spending, pacifist, but somehow still god damn militaristic. They really want to kill each other but are kept in a drugged peaceful state.

>implying any actual politicians browse Sup Forums
LARPing should be a banable offense

>He has a deficit
>State funded science
>Tiny military
>No limit for immigration
>Not fixed rate tax
>Central bank



Ladies and rapists, I give you the United Feminist Direct Democracy of Inclusive States That No Longer Have Borders
>This is what they want

nobody is going to clap for you jeb

get over it

Scientific advancement of the white race. If they need to believe a dude on a cloud got pissed over someone eating an apple they get lumped in with the daily murders.