How do we avert Germany's population crisis without refugees?

How do we avert Germany's population crisis without refugees?

Germany is a country full of old people and if we don't get more young people, the country will burn.

What do we do?

Refugees are the best solution because

1. We help poor people in war-ridden countries
2. We don't have to wait for them to grow up for 2 decades
3. Germany gets more diversity and delicious Arab food
4. They breed more and thus help Germany stay relevant

What else is there to do?

Refugees are the perfect solution!

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>How do we avert Germany's population crisis without refugees?
Automation. Retarded immigrants on welfare who also get old are worse than doing nothing.

>Refugees with at best the will and skill to do low paying jobs are going to pay the retirement of German engineers before the German institutions crumble down under the weight of all the refugees that just want gibs and pussies
Boomers didn't want to have kids, their problem, not ours.

>if we don't get more young people, the country will burn.
Factually bullshit.
>1. We help poor people in war-ridden countries
There never WON'T be poor people in war-ridden countries, might as well begin purifying the ocean.
>4. They breed more and thus help Germany stay relevant
Germany will actually be destroyed in the process, at least any recognizable form of Germany. It will become as relevant as Afghanistan.

Start breeding you fucking cuck.

why do you feel you need young people its 2017 make some god damn robots.

>What do we do?
Step 1:
Only people with high qualifications are allowed to become german citizens (University degree in something usefull)
Step 2:
Money for ethnic German families with children, free kindergardens so that parents can work and have children.

Refugees are the worst citizens imaginable, they are very uneducated and have almost no usefull skills.

>1. We help poor people in war-ridden countries
We do not. These people are not from countries with wars. They come because they make more money in a week here, just for existing, then working for a year in their country.
>2. We don't have to wait for them to grow up for 2 decades
Irrelevant, we have more then enough time.
>3. Germany gets more diversity and delicious Arab food
And more dead Germans.
>4. They breed more and thus help Germany stay relevant
Their children are as stupid as they are. Have you ever been to a german school?
The gymnasiums are full of ethnic germans and the primarschulen are full of idiots, barely able to breath.

And yet, your women bow before them and become their willing fucktoys. Who's really inferior, you bitch ass white BOY?

The country won't burn dickhead. Take a really small quota of very smart students and highly qualified people ONLY... there will be population decline, but you will increase productivity with increasing automation, and lowered costs in the economy with lower welfare and housing bills.


أنا مجرد شقيق قزم.
يجب حرق الكفار

>world is already overpopulated
>let's breed more people
Great idea, retard.

What does that say you bitch ass white boi?

Are white bois trying to flee to Islam now in the vain hopes of escaping BIG BLACK DICK domination?

هناك تخلخل حقا أن العديد من السود في ألمانيا.
القمامة الإنسان البني في الغالب، شقيق.

I know you are shitposting, but there are people who really think population de-growth is the end of the world.
Little do they know that Europe became so powerful thanks to the plague that killed 1/3rd of its population

People will naturally repopulate their countries. Letting in refugees just gives them more reasons not to get children.

1. We don't help those people. Old and sick people, children and women are the 3 groups of people that have almost no chance to leave those shitty countries. If you want to help them, then bring the help into their countries instead of taking away the healthy young men,, who are responsible to fix their country.
2. 2 decades is nothing. Don't expect the refugees to be above elementary school level in their skills.
3. Oh man, just fuck off. Every country has good food and you don't need refugees to come here, to enjoy their food.
4. They breed more, until we can't afford them anymore, they'll eventually become the mayority and then overthrow us.

Old people die, young people get more job opportunities, they will get a wealthier life style and then they can afford to start a family.

You know what the best countries to live in are? Countries with a low pooulation, because everyone can find a frickin job.

look at glorious Japan.... is it burning?

>he debunked the obvious bait arguments

The ultimate Faggotry, the final form of neo-liberal anti-worker tendencies: outsource youth and import children, rather than making your own.

The reset button is the only way. If you stop creating artificial demand and supply then the gaps and opportunities will open up.

>1 post by this ID

verschwinde von diesem Brett, du dummer Anreißer !!!!! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

One of you krauts RP me on this. They're now saying the Frankfurt arts is were faked.

Are the newspapers propagandists really going so far as to lie About even this?

>the world is already populated by brain dead islamists
>what's the point of breeding and raising decent children who can advance humanity
Fucking Leaf should've been raked by britain years ago

أغلق فمك يا ابن القذرة من عاهرة، وألمانيا هي أرض إسلامية

>800,000 Germans born last year ( or 2015?)
>650,000 non-white



instead of wasting all that money on importing sand people we couldve promoted traditional families

Can I get a quick rundown?

we already make and use robots. That's why the flood is even less useless.

even more useless*

There is no population crisis. That's a leftist lie.

There is nothing wrong with civilized people engaging in responsible birthrates. In fact to long-term protect finite resources all peoples need to grow up and stop shitting out so many damn kids.

And economically-speaking shrinking populations drive up wages while populaiton explosions only drive wages down, which is why wages have gone flat and even fallen when weighed against inflaiton rates

سوف نجد لك. نحن سوف يتعطل لك

Refugees do not work. Thus they create additional costs.



It doesn't really matter. As a matter of fact, there is conflict everywhere, most of it are "microaggressions" or never make it into the news.

Map about incidents that were noteworthy enough for a mention. It's all in german though so you'll probably have to google translate the incidents.

>Germany is a country full of old people and if we don't get more young people, the country will burn.

This is a fucking myth.
Who says a low birth rate is bad? All of these (((experts))) talk about how we are going to have a lack of skilled worker in 20 years, we are going to lose our leading position as an we need to import more people.

I say it is bullshit.
>First of all these experts ignore a major part of capitalism. You will always have disruptive events. Companies are going bankrupt, financial crisis, recession. This is normal and even necessary to prosper. What they forecast is a constant growth rate which is stupid as fuck.
>forecasts for 2050, 2060, 2070 is absolute trash. Look what (((experts))) predicted for today a few decades ago. They are always wrong.
>They are pushing for immigration to keep the wages low as fuck.
>Globalisation will never be achieved. It is today at a state that already faces major resistance. The world will always be split up in parts.
>they ignore automation/technological progress
>they ignore that skilled worker will move to Germany if there is demand (no need to import people today if you could import specific skilled people in the right numbers when it is necessary)
>our retirement system could be improved (just start teaching young people how important it is to start early thinking about retirement, our tax system is so fucked up that we are wasting billions on bureaucracy)

there countless others points.

Overpopulated in asia, not germany.