NYtimes wishing for Arab spring in US


>the main stream media are now openly talking about the "deep state"

jesus fucking christ this timeline

A few years ago anyone talking about it would be called a tinfoil

What is fucked up is so many crazy conspiracy theories from people like Alex Jones are actually being proven true

NYT is the mouthpiece for the deep state.

We are having a nonviolent "Arab spring" we are defeating the oppressors like. The NYT

Kek has spoke.

NOT wouldn't survive the ensuing Civil War.

"Deep state" is codeword for "filthy fucking jews".


Truthful digits.

meanwhile Trump is playing 7D chess, in space, with the apostles

feels good man

Jews are the most hideous people on Earth.

It's time, boys. Learn how to garden and store food, next winter is gonna be tough

This timeline is amazing, it's all unfolding like a beautiful flower




lol good one m8.

So the usurpation of legitimate protests by USA intelligence communities to create a civil war?

Yeah just like the Arab spring. At least they got something right.

(((Arab))) Spring was a kike-burger(more kike than burger) trickery.

So It could happen

That image makes me feel sick, so much power in such a small group.

>deepstate meme

These faglords all give alex jones shit yet here we are as cnn and other various outlets are now making shit up using meme words like deep state.

Not a meme at all.

Non elected public workers are a reality.

The only thing the New York Times is good for is for charcole starter. I'll get a pic some time later.

Funny - when I type nyt spell check changed it first to "not" and then to "nut"

Revolt of 20 cents was better m8,we broke every single car on the street,the giant get woke,but we coudn't even made a scratch to the actual government during that time.

>Damages working people's vehicles despite knowing that the elites already get their money from extortion before products and services are distributed and therefore are not effected by the riot

>Wonders why we think Brazilians are subhuman monkeys