CBC reporter finds a Somali refugee fleeing the US into Canada: “America is problem now."


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You can't make this shit up folks

No need to deport them, they're leaving by themselves!

Canada becomes the wastebin for the US. Thanks Trudeau!

hilarious. Canada is so screwed, cant wait to get outta here. Don't believe the leaf-fags here who say good things about Canada, this place is finished!


2nd campaign promise, build a wall with Canada to keep out what left



I wonder if Trudeaouoioua would mind if we sent our ''lovely guests'' to Canada as well. Soon there's gonna be not a good time for somali and other forms of human excrement.

Why would we want to build a wall when Shitmolians are moving up there?

Good, this should be an example for the rest of them!

Its ok. You can let these people live here:

And they have the chance to revitalize a community, make it their own happy little muslim zone...or freeze to death in the winter.

looks like a set up

Fuck these parasites. They move around to countries with the best benefits. That's it.

When are we going to start shooting these vermin?


>they're deporting themselves at this point

alright then

>a leaf

>2,000+ mile border
>just happens to run into a refugee fleeing the US

>illegally fleeing into another country
>has time to go on camera and be interviewed by the news
Really takes the ol noggin for a joggin

>America is a problem now
>not enough gibs
Keep your fucking niggers contained somalians are the fucking worst! REEEEEEEEEEE
Save us winterchan

>Keep your fucking niggers contained somalians are the fucking worst!

seeYou guys love them they are all yours.


apology for poor english

when were you when america is problem?

i was sat at home eating shawarma butter when ahmed ring

‘america is problem now’


Somolians are used to the winter now because minnesota imported a shit ton of them

itd be better off a ghost town instead of a crime ridden slum

I don't fucking understand this.
How is he a refugee if he's coming from America?

I can see where Kim's life is going, pic related

Because refugee is a buzzword to get pity points.

>fleeing to canada during winter
i wonder how many those fuckiers died and we never find out

>self deport meme is real
If this wasn't a staged story, that would be funny.

Women have honestly destroyed this country.


Probably none, this winter has been one of the warmest yet. I think we've had maybe 2 to 3 weeks collectively where it exceeded -20C.

How sweet of him to provide an immediate solution to America's number one problem by fucking off and becoming a leaf. Excellent.

Literally shaking. Like a leaf.

wow, sounds like somalis just run away from their problems instead of trying to fix them. doesn't sound like the type of people you want to invite into your home.

That dude isn't allowed to request asylum in the US. Asylum seekers are required to request asylum in the first foreign country they enter.

>We welcome him with open legs.

> Somali refugee

his English is surprisingly good for someone from Somalia...

Suspiciously good.
Fake news good

How about I find 10x as many girls murdered by their white husbands you fucking retard

>global warming isn't real

So that's what the Trump/Trudeau meeting was all about


Find a black woman murdered by a white husband, kike.

Canada provides free language classes for the million immigrants they accept each year.

20% of Canadian citizens were not born in Canada and about 10 million immigrated and received citizenship in the last ten years.

>More somalians

Just great. Caribbeans are down to earth people, but North Africans and Arabs are terrible.

Why don't leftists understand proportionality?

I hear a Somali that tea spass from USA to Canada that he's a refugee because he's gay, he totally didn't seem gay to me lol but hey it worked!

And his face is covered.

Who the fuck knows who this guy really is.

wew lad

He was illegal in USA too, he's a now a professional illegal in Canada.


This meme needs to stop.

You probably are way too lazy to go into that much research effort, I mean look at how hard of a time you have finding a fucking job tyrone

looks like an antifa DESU

im dead

>I find 10x as many girls murdered by their white husbands you fucking retard
How about you niggers learn what 'per capita' means and how to do a web search

Because it is inconvenient for them.

>Caribbeans are down to earth people
You obviously haven't run into any Haitians

>Migrates to US legally
>Tries to get gibs
>Can't because we're not Germany
>Flees to Canada and claims refugee status for the gibs

>mfw I realize self deportation wasn't just a meme
I feel like I owe R-Money an apology.

actually you can, they all want their kids to not be a shithead and actually achieve something in life so they try to make him the reincarnate of muhammad, then he turns out to be a shithead and they kick him out and now hes in canada

> When America sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing guns. They're bringing crime. They're fat. And some, I assume, are good people.


>I would build a great Dam, and nobody builds dams better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great dam on the Niagara falls. And I will have America pay for that wall.

-Maxime "Mad max" Bernier, 2017.


They all want their kids to be illiterate pedophile bandit?

In this case I'll agree with the left. LET'S BUILD BRIDGES NOT WALLS GUYS

Honestly, this.

Canada is so fucking done, it's just sad.

>Mohamed? Nice to meet you.
t. Canda

By the time Canada gets a PM that cares about Canadians it will be too late
Gave up the Goose
Rest in Au Jus

Good for him.


>this country

The western world.


I charge $200 for each illegal caught.

Take it or BTFO

>flee from war-torn somalia to war-torn europe
>flee from war-torn europe to war-torn USA
>flee from war-torn USA to finally save canada
Privileged fucks like you will never know the struggle.

>when Mohamed realizes that he might actually have to get a job

>2 months later
>Breaking news peaceful moderate Somalian refuge that fled the US beheads 2 train passengers on unexpected "rampage".

Just kek my shit up senpai

I love how they all call themselves Mohammed, as a cover so we can't differentiate them, and then they commit crimes just like Mohammed did. Its like if I read an ancient Arabian newspaper that each day would report the next crime mohammed does

>Guy called Mohammed rapes 6 year old
>Guy called Muhammod beaheads a priest
>Guy called Mohammed steals a camel

Surely they aren't turning any of them away, that would be racist.

We won't be hearing about such cases, to protect refugees from racist Canadians. If such an incident is reported it will attributed to mental illness and cultural differences, which make us stronger

My name is Mohamed. 1 parental unit was using it to guilt trip me into being a good goy. Didn't work out so well.

Naming kids Mohamed is abuse.

So who wants to go fund me some rape yes you can do that in Canada billboards near the refugees?

You're not wrong. Canada is most definitely irreversibly fucked.

ehhhh this lmao


He hasn't even started building the wall and refugees are already dividing themselves.

>ahead of schedule & under budget



All of white Western society is irreversibly fucked. Its over. Europe may survive after some horrific violence not seen in centuries, but North America is fucked forever.

fuck off cuckmed we are full

Can't have anything to do with the fact that Canada allows people to collect welfare while collecting welfare from another nation, letting these people double dip.


Saved. Reposted on faceberg and twatter.

Apparently not.

Fucking lel

This is the price of acting morally superior and virtue signalling for decades, leafs.

Wait, this means if we elect a guy like trump the niggers will deport themselves?

>flee during winter.

This is why we have our elections and inaugurations in winter : so the filth die when they try to flee (((our))) country.

If you take away the incentive then the shitskins will deport themselves.

It happened in Denmark.


We do the same thing, and they still suck at the language.
We even have a civics class where we explain that rape is bad. The sad thing is that this class actually fucking works. WHY DO WE TAKE PEOPLE WHO NEED TO BE TOLD THAT RAPE IS BAD?

Mohamed? Nice to meet you. Now please turn back and get the fuck back to your desert hole.

Tell that to the faggot running the show up there.