Why do some people on Sup Forums like Martin Schulz?

As far as i know he's a leftist, shouldn't that mean that he is bad?

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>As far as i know he's a leftist, shouldn't that mean that he is bad?

and he looks like the quintessential cuck

Most are shills.

He's the biggest ultrakike in Europe. Believe it or not there are actually state-sponsored Germans being paid to spread propaganda for him, on plebbit you can see them copying the tried and true the_donald memes word for word, on Sup Forums they've begun with it as well.


Sup Forums isn't a single person

didn't schulz pay for a social media presence?


same reason they like trump - they're idiots

Social Democrats (SPD) are running a huuuuge PR campaign since weeks to ramp up the image of this corrupt EU drunkard. All "Lügenpresse" media channels ran articles on this clown and the polls were rigged in favour of SPD. This kikeloving shill is to be installed as the "alternative" to Merkel (CDU). Which is of course a roose. He's even worse.
They're probably even exploring the "swamp regions" of ze intarwebz and try to force memes ... blasphemy to Kek

I guess he paid or someone paid a german version of CTR

fuck this eurocuck

he is worse than just a leftist
former president of the European parliament,
known corruptocrat and the only person truly capable of leading germany to join the 3rd world nations.

he's a bald Merkel
just another globalist socialist EU cunt
Germoney & the EU know that people are becoming fed up with Angela so they're switching puppets and propagandizing like it's the will of the people when it's the same old soup, reheated.

hes going to federalize the EU, which will either result in a glorious collapse and fascist rebirth or will severely piss off anglo cunts when the EU removes military bases and competes with their interests.


They are trying to adapt after seeing Trump and Brexit.

Its just shills. People forget who this guy is or something. He openly said back around 2011 anyone who doesn't immediately welcome migrants into Germany is a racist who deserves to die and he would be very happy if no more white Germans existed. Can't find the video right now.

Also this.

they're all paid shills

You mean, they're shitting their pants because Netherlands and France are in the Right Wing pipeline leading up to Germany's parliamental elections in September.

and then you have terrified anglos spreading lies like this

Shills. Literally shills.
In reality, the majority doesn't give a fuck about him at all. Do not believe what the (((media))) keeps telling you.

Paid shills. It's really a quite common practice.


KEK confirms

>checked for kek
so many shills

yeah pretty much.
I wouldn't be surprised if the German left have better propaganda methods stemming from the East German Stasi though and they can brainwash and shame German normies far more easily.

Thanks i needed a confirmation
Praise kek
Kek will always win
And be on the good side


He's not bad because he's a lefty, he is a pretty reasonable debater even. What scares people is his boner for the European Union.

trolling and Reddit shills

Give me a quick rundown on the infamous quote, because I can only find one article on haaretz.com not even directly quoted from around the time Schulz spoke before the Knesset in German, proposed a Two-State solution while people left during his speech booing.

there is no real evidence. Sup Forums has turned into a brainless anglo hugbox

thanks for the reply you literal subhuman :)

Post more of Frauke, she's cute and I wish I had a gf like her

well he has a penis so its a little better than anything with a vagina

I really like him

>What scares people is his boner for the European Union.
>Not the nose
Wtf is wrong with you krauts nowadays?

>Some people
I think you mean most people who know a shit or two about Martin "Saviour of Germany's economy" Schulz.
Just fuck off, Merkelshill.


thats not an argument tho

We have AfD chan ... postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
Whoever did these deserves the blassing of Kek

The jewish boogeyman is such an argumentative chimera nowadays since Sup Forums supports Trump and ultra-nationalists which in turn love Jews nowadays. The only ones who don't like jews are leftists so Sup Forums hates leftists but jews too if it fits their agenda.

/leftypol/'s failed attempt at forcing a meme.

Das ist ein nett Meme mein Freund.

so german friends can you fill me in on who is closest to trump? Its certainly not this rat.

No one on Sup Forums but his paid shills like that Jew rat.
He's a kike that's going to plunder what's left of Germany for Israel.

I don't like Martin Schulz.

I fucking LOVE Martin Schulz!


I want Merkel gone and I cannot vote AfD as I think climate change is real and a problem.

Who should I vote for but Schulz?

Money for Schulzposting? Can you proof?

it's germany
choices are far-left, far-left, far-left or far-left

Just look at him. It is probably one of the kikest kikes on Earth.

the nose is pretty hooked. other than that hes just a little ugly, no particular jewish features

Naw, he's not but in mid 1970s he started to drink himself into looking like a fucking merchant kike

>he's eternally butthurt about anglo superiority


the_schulz shills

no one actually likes him, he just hired a PR team to try and mimic Trump. he's actually a communist traitor cuck who needs to hang on the day of the rope.

Very shallow set eyes and low slanted forehead is distinctive ashkenazi features.

anglos are great. but they can do their anglo stuff outside of europe

With finns, YOU win! Praise KEK!

Wenn du bist nicht Spanisch, du sollst AfD wählen, natürlich.

Because they're paid to like him.

They're called shills.

There's none. We can only hope for a half-arsed national-conservative that, however, has a pretty strong nationalist Right Wing, i.e. AfD
Björn Höcke is their main troll and Kek loves him but not the opportunistic cuckservatives at the head of the party.

This is so pathetic i don't even

What is he forging there, our future chains?

Seriously Sup Forums source me the direct quote.
Right now that sentence was only used once by a jew to discredit him in the eyes of everyone non-jewish.
Schulz is against jewish settlements. Schulz is for an indipendent Palestine. Schulz is against the subhumane treatment of goyims in Israel. Most socialists are anti-Israel, some have even called Schulz a nazi or KZ-officer.
You can't just put the yellow star on his sleeve because some jew jew'd him.

Buchstäblich eine Sekunde in jewgle, um den Ursprung zu finden, du bekackter Vollidiot.

Wenn du glaubst, Schulz ist ein Antisemit, dann glaubst du auch an die Zahnfee.

His opinions regarding the Kikes don't matter.
What matters is that this fucktard is categorically Pan-European EU anti-white anti-national Kalergi-ridden motherfucker!
That's it, the end. The guy deserves to hang from a lamp post, just as much as Merkel!

>piss off anglo cunts
>terrified anglos spreading lies
>brainless anglo hugbox
Sure, okay Petr.

The thing is, even if Schulz *did* win, he's not going to be able to federalise the EU without severe opposition.

>from around the time
Yeah, it's about a week before they made peace and Schulz assured that he would always stand with Israel. :3333

>They made peace a week later, when Schulz assured him that he would always stand with Israel.

Jews saw the power of meme magic, and now they want to use it on their own.

Schulz has his own form of CTR. There are Schulz shills all over the internet


This turbokike literally said Germoney exists to serve israel. Idk how anyone could want someone who essentially feels as if their nation should lick another nations boot

Schulz is the (((financial parasite's))) favourite candidate, that's why he's getting a professional shill campaign funding by the big money jews. The Trump campaign package basically.

Pretty sure in return he has to heave even more (((national debt))) upon the european nations, so the (((parasites))) can suck even more money out of the goyim nations in the EU

>he's not going to be able to federalise the EU without severe opposition
should be an interesting happening, used to be all Sup Forums wanted

That pic always rustles my jimmies

Not only is that tattoo a Maori only thing, but it's only for Maori women. You will never see a male with that tat, not even a Maori male.

I've never seen anyone ever use a pipe but whatever.

Hast du dir die Quelle angesehen oder hat dir jemand mit einem Löffel dein letztes bisschen Gehirn aus dem Schädel gekratzt? Die einzige Quelle ist ein Schreiberling eines liberalen Oppositionsblatts aus Israel, welcher ihn nicht einmal zitiert sondern lediglich eine vermeintliche Anekdote weitergibt. Der Autor sagt auch im gleichen Absatz, das er und Schulz sich in keinem innenpolitischen Thema recht einig sind, weil Schulz pro-Dialog und folglich anti-Israel ist.




German version

maybe it's good that he becomes popular, it will be an occasion to red pill many.

Schulz ist buchstäblich das Abziehbild eines Juden. Wenn ich im Lexikon 'Jude' nachschlage, finde ich ein Bild von Schulz. Willst du mich eigentlich verkohlen, oder was? Kratz dir die Schluchtenscheißer-Scheiße von deinen Augen, mann.

There are some people who get paid to post here. People who work for ShareBlue, for example. Most people call them shills.


Sup Forums is NOT satir, and Schulz would be absolutely great for Germany. Fuck you snownigger lovers

You certainly don't know anything about politics huh? Schulz came to speak before the Knesset in German under the pretense of praising Israel, instead he called them out on treating non-jews like subhumans, a two-state solution should put an end on the rivalry and jews shouldn't expand settlements in Jordan. Naturally many jews didn't take that lightly, getting lectured by a German in German and stormed out, later Bennet gave Schulz a symbolic sheckel and an apology. It's a power struggle riddled with lip services and empty threats.

look at the pussies whining about being incapable of competing. lazy people need to adapt to a hiring manager's market

You are to be kiddin' me!
I as a German beg to differ.

It's lord of the rings you retard

Gigaronny halt einfach deine Kanackenfresse und mach sie nie wieder auf, du Spast glaubst, nur weil dir reddit für 10 Minuten zu langweilig geworden ist kannst du hier bei einer Diskussion mitreden. Kommst wahrscheinlich eh aus dem Osten, besser du erschießt dich gleich selbst, mag dich eh keiner.

Not sure if I fully grock this feedback. Can you elaborate?

More like he tried to say that "m-muh palistians actually don't have enough water maybe give em?.." but was fucked up and then they "sorted it out", he said "oh no i'm with israel" and that's all. So he's somewhere between globalist and pro-israeli kikes, but he is kike himself and will stand for kikes as all kikes do, stop pretending to be an idiot, even though you're a shill you should understand basics


Ja, der Typ, der Deutschland komplett vernichten und alles was auch nur ansatzweise deutsch ist für immer zerstören will, ist ein Judenhasser.

Is klar. Erstick doch an deinem beschissen Raclette, du Alpen-Ötzi für Arme, meine Fresse. Fick dich einfach.

ok well,

>let's be closet afraid

seems like they are convinced being better people wont work for them so they should try and collude to make some pushback against... well... other people competing for whatever they want.

just seems like it's a group that enjoys trying to be victims

Why is he a kike?
Because you want him to be a kike. You faggots are always on the lowest end of arguments, if you have no arguments you'll just keep spouting shit like he's a jew and I'm a shill. Do you have anything better? Like any evidence the world will end because of him? You low faggots seem so burned out from the world you can't begin to comprehend any counter-argument besides ad hominem. And the worst thing? You think you've won the argument simply by calling the person you oppose or debate against names. It's sad that the majority of Sup Forums does not possess any more intellectual capability than a pre-schooler calling others pottypants.

>mfw i don't have a single drop of anglo blood in me

Shills, retard. Equivalent to CTR and some literal antifa.

Typical Czech wants to be the German lapdog

it reeks of paid shilling, german lefties dont use Sup Forums and the german right thinks he is worse than merkel.

>Why is he a kike?
Because he was born a kike. That happens you know. He earned phd in Hebrew University of Jerusalem so knows kikish, he gave a speech in synagogue which is only allowed for kikes to do, he looks like averaged jew from politics (picrelated), finally.. ugh also find me his mother's name maiden name, would be helpful

the pipe is a joke about hobbits in the lord of the rings because they were filmed in new Zealand.

Deutsch wiki says he was an alcoholic
>In the middle of the 1970s, Schulz became an alcoholic . In an interview with Bunte magazine, he said, "I have nothing to hide. The fights I had to carry out in my life have been carried out successfully. I've drunk everything I could get. "The worst thing to do was wake up in the morning with the feeling of having failed. Every day, it is assumed to do better. "But do not do it the next day. This is a depressing feeling. Such processes are breaking your backbone slowly. " [10] Martin Schulz has been living abstinent since 1980