Geert Wilders Video, thoughts?

Based Geert has released a new vid. What does /Pol think of it? Feel free to discuss since Geert will read this and use feedback to improve other video's to come.

Dutch election in a few weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice digits. Not sure kek approves but very aestheticly pleasing

best luck dutchbro

Thanks. I have a feeling this thread is not taking the highroad I was hoping it to take.

he's going to win big

lmao holy shit hes literally running saying hell deislamize the netherlands. kek let him win

You know you country is a shit, when your biggest hope is Indonesian bottle blond kike

Kek wills it!


Best part of that is that he actually told in an interview the law can be changed. And the constitution is not set in stone.

Imagine the butthurt from all the virtue signallers/politically correct.

Let me Fragments of alex jones chimping out over aliens or what ever, fragments of kikes in his video...yeah no thanks, ill wait for an actually party not someone who would see a synagogue on every corner

This roach gets it, this is pathetic if this is the best we can do.

hes a retard and he will fail

fuck that clown

Man, back in my day we just shot nazis in broad day light, not too long ago actually, i think its time to rekindle some old fires.

You need more memes. Lets do it.

He fail and the Netherland fails

kys shill

get a load of this faggot, thinks he knows our country better then us, gas yourself faggot

Are you one of the 400k (maybe it's 600k in reality) Moroccans currently occupying the Netherlands?

Let me tell you that the Netherlands is more my country than it's yours. You will never be Dutch, you will never be Germanic and you need to get back to your own country. You don't belong there.

Nice to see the good people from Shareblue among us again...

wow good one, original joke of the year


win please

What is Shareblue? Dutch CTR?

So you are not white. Why do you pretend to be Dutch? The Netherlands will never be your country.

The Netherlands live with the Dutch people and will die with the Dutch people. If the day comes and you sub-humans take over, it's no longer the Netherlands.

Thanks based Danebro. Just ignore the (((shill))) they are nervous, panicking. Look at how the Fakenews is acting lately with their smearcampaigns.

>What is Shareblue? Dutch CTR?
Shareblue is basically renamed CTR, but they got unlimited proxies. So they can pretend to be Dutch for this thread. German in AfD threads, French in LePen threads and basically trying to demoralize.

It's not working and they know this, but they keep throwing money at this in the hope they can change the inevitable.

I am pleased the Danes are no fools though. Effectively closed down the borders and fighting to tackle problems.

This is the danish flag.
We are definitely doing more than Sweden to fight the problem, but the border control is still pretty much a joke.


Both we and Denmark have taken relatively large measures against immigration, but it's still a long road ahead. Who knows if the winds changes with the next election though.

Luckily EU sceptic party is doing well though, so if the Labour Party is going to win, they have to form a coalition with them.

Wow don't I feel like an Idiot now! I'm very sorry I confused the flags. It's late and it's been a long day but that's no excuse.

Turn your phones bluetooth on and off 3 times and yell out "Valhalla", and you'll be forgiven.

Dutch anons - I promise to make some new OC this weekend

>pic related

goodluck getting your nation back

Geert is based af, I watched him speak at that bullshit trial, brilliant.


Ah thank god. Best decree ever. Netherlands I love you. I spend alot of time there and I'm trying to learn dutch as well.

You guys not only spared us from becoming Sweden, but you went on the offensive to retake Skåne with. We didn't succeed but we never surrendered and were never content mediocrity.

How tall is geert?

wow thats some serious projection you got going over there

hes an Indonesian kike manlet

Done and done o7.

Take a picture of your hand with time stamp and prove that you are white :)

Well done soldier, here's your sword, now back to battle!

Geert is not that tall for a Dutchy. He's not a manlet either. I would say he's of average Dutch height.

Why is the army full of Manley's?


The Jews are behind smartphone keyboards and autocorrect

Such a great video. I seriously want them all to win.

It's part of their eugenics program. Fill the army with manlets, send them off to die or have their partners breed with tall men while they're away.

>do things a random faggot on the internet tells you to because ???
No thanks
>inb4 wow haha gotteeem see? see you guys? guy?

Kek approves of your work Burger
That trial and the judges are not doing themselves any favors dragging Geert in court for saying things. While """they""" let the assasin of this guy:


Walk around freely, commiting paroleviolations, and saying: Meh, it's cool.
Let's rev up our memefactories
Thanks (let's not make a joke about Texas flag now)

I am going to assume everyone that is against Wilders is Non-white.

So tell me who you are voting for, that is so much better for the Netherlands. Tell me why you are obviously shilling against him

They buy military equipment from the US, and the vehicles and clothes are made for American sized men, so it's impractical and expensive for stiltment to be in the military.

Yeah, youre projecting, as i said earlier, gas yourself


So you are a non-white shill. You are simply here to be against Wilders. Why?

You refuse to answer that. You propose no alternative. Obvious shill

he's an obvious shill

which would be one thing, but to make it worse he's just such a fucking clown


Non answer, not honest. CTR/Shareblue detected.
Not putting my money on this being a sandnigger even. Just posting for 2 shekels a post.



Yeah, I will just ignore him. He is just trying to derail the thread.

I know a family from the Netherlands, and they used to be hardcore centrists and mainstream but my impression is that they are going to vote for Wilders in secret or not vote at all. How rough is the media on him?

Keep them flowing

>Yeah, I will just ignore him. He is just trying to derail the thread.
Webm related

>I know a family from the Netherlands, and they used to be hardcore centrists and mainstream but my impression is that they are going to vote for Wilders in secret or not vote at all. How rough is the media on him?

well, obviously we have different kinds of media. But almost without exception the mainstream media, the public broadcasters/TV news and big newspapers are very very dishonest and taking words he said out of context.

Kinda like what they have been doing for the past 30 years but people are catching on. Also keep in mind the things Geert has been saying for over 10 years now, he's been demonized for saying what he said. But more and more he proved to be right on pretty much all subjects.

What you said about the family sounds like a very realistic option.

>my impression is that they are going to vote for Wilders in secret or not vote at all

I'm working on. German meme campaign to encourage Shy German voters to lie (quietly) in public about their views, then bit for AfD in private.

Do you think I could repurpose pic related for a Dutch audience? Happy to do so.

You sure could. I am happy to provide translations if you want me to?

Ahmed pls go

>Alex Jones

Yeah im 30 seconds in
He's going to win

Excellent! Let's get started.

So: here's how this sorta works. You need to provide a translation, but it should *NOT* be a literal translation.

My text works for English - coincidentally, it also works for German, but that's just a quirk. Praise Kek.

So, take the picture and the basic elements and give me a figurative Dutch version. There are hipster men and women who really don't give a shit about politics. However, deep down they realize something is wrong. So, we encourage them to "continue on as normal" but then make up for this fakery by voting their conscience in the privacy of the voting booth.

Also, try to make them feel guilty about something. Guilt is a powerful motivator.

>here's this hipster's German boyfriend

Has anyone kept sending messages to Geert on twitter urging him to adopt a right of return for afrikaaners into the netherlands instead of africans and middle easterners? I mean he's already used statistics on african fertility rates as a scare tactic.

Is that an ad you've made?

Digits agree with you.

>Is that an ad you've made?
Do you think it looks like a real ad? Or a fake ad?

Well it's in english. Why would an afd ad be in english?

That army of manlets.

I always make the English versions first, then I make the national versions. Good question. I should make this clear early on.

We should make memes urging for geert to adopt a right of return for afrikaaners. There are a good few quotes that has geert using african fertility rates as a scare tactic. And by we I mean you ;)

This one's really good. Got any more?

Fair enough. Give me some quotes so I don't have to do the basic research.

Meanwhile, shed a tear with the knowledge that Geert Wilder will never be able to buy chocolates for his wife (at least not in public)

>tfw you are under 24/7 police protection due to round-the-clock death threats
>tfw you live in one 'safe house' after another
>tfw liberal cucks interview you on TV then unironically get filmed riding a bicycle around Amsterdam (something Wilders will never do again)

Great vid bro
I thought it was Geert's legit Ad for a minute

I have a lot of content

>Operation Inversion
>Operation Insertion
>Post-Election Schadenfreude
>Austria (reminder: Sup Forums lost in Austria)
>What Geert Can't Do

And so on. If I add more hashtags, I'll trigger Sup Forums's filters. Which one should I start with?

Mostly interested in the German one. Need any translations?

I need to go soon but I'll be hanging around AfD threads, especially when the election comes closer.

Okay from top top bottom:

Ik heb twee gezichten

Publiekelijk zeg ik de juiste dingen
- Grenzen open
- Diversiteit
- Oorlogsslachtoffers zijn welkom
- Multicultureel

Maar privé doe ik wat goed voelt.


>few notes, I thought about it quite a lot and didn't go with literal translations, but what would work for Dutch people. I also left out Globalism because it's not a virtuesignalling thing here. I am worried it will make people overthink things.

Also, I can source you a PVV logo you can use. Found it, use pic related. I looked for on you can crop and the text is all in one line, there are more just look up PVV logo and you'll see a ton of them.

I always need translation. Give me a starting point and a language, and I'll ask for something right away.

Nice work, user. Kek seems to approve. I'll get started. It will be in this thread...eventually...after I get boozed up enough to make fire up my crusty tools.

I'm German just here on vacation. Got one similar to this ?

"My friends, the UN expects African population quadrupled by the end of the century. A population of 1.1 billion now, to 4.4 billion people. Studies show that in southern africa, one in three adults wants to emigrate. And in the middle east and north africa one in five adults want to emigrate. And many of them will emigrate to europe in the future. The question that none of our ruling politicians dare to ask is How do we protect our country and our identity against mass immigration? How do we protect our values? How do we protect our civilation? Our culture? The future of our children? These are the fundamental questions we need to answer."

The focus on identity is important.

Identity of what? It is implied that he is talking about white europeans. So in that case, it wouldn't be that far to have a sort of right of return program to let dutch speaking white Africans back into the country.

OK, here's what I need.

I have a German version for:
>Report Your Neighbors
(for spreading fake news)

But, I need confirmation translations for:
>Report you co-workers
>Report your friends
>Report your family
>Report your children
>Report your husband
>Report your wife
>Report your spouse
>Report your partner

That should give me enough to work with this weekend, and you'll be making a great contribution to the cause.
>pic related

Good luck Dutch anons I had a Dutch loved one who broke my heart but I'm still cheering for you.

OK. I have to think about this. A lot. I usually try to dance around the edges; this issue requires more consideration

>hardcore centrists

Not here to hate, I love your work, but I don't think this is very effective on Germans. Making people report their friends and colleagues is literally what the Stasi would do. Anyone reading this would think of "Bespitzelung", basically spying on people for a tyrannical government.

I like the two voices campaign because it implies that you are being silenced in public. A lot of Germans feel that way. It makes you think of yourself as the victim and gives you an option to feel you are being a hero if you vote AfD. It rings positive with Germans.

I'll really hope the thread survives that long. I do browse AfD and Polder General a lot. If I see it posted I will know it was you.

I'm sure you noticed but I'm going to put extra emphasis on the letter é in privé (Maar privé doe ik wat goed voelt.)

If I don't get to tell you later on, thank you very much for all the work you're doing!

I agree with you, I have a feeling this will strike a cord in a lot of people personally.

What I originally came to this thread to do, and what I do in each of these polder/geert/pvv threads is to get people to contact geert over twitter to change his mind. Much like trump geert is fond of twitter to spread his message, and since he has been a one man party for so long he also is quite independently minded. So, lightly bombarding him with tweets arguing for a right of return for afrikaaners might actually work. But for someone to actually create a piece of propaganda is better, for there is a better chance that he could use it to retweet.

The equivalent of only voting Labour or Conservatives in the UK

Thanks for the feedback, (presumably) German user on a proxy. The idea is absolutely to force people to think about the Stasi.

I am a Burger. BUT - I live in East Berlin before, during and after the wall came down. In 1989-1990. I had several run-ins with the Stasi (by virtue of my US passport).

Germans in the West need to understand that the Stasi is back in place. I really think that Germans in the East understand this, so this particular campaign is really ONLY targeting former East Germans.

If other Germans are not swayed, that's OK. They are collateral damage.

I want to cum down Marine Le Pen's throat
I really like her voice

I just now saw the facebook logo, kek. So it's basically a false flag? I'm down.

>Report you co-workers
Melde deine Mitarbeiter
>Report your friends
Melde deine Freunde
>Report your family
Melde deine Familie
>Report your children
Melde deine Kinder
>Report your husband
Melde deinen Mann/Gatten
>Report your wife
Melde deine Frau/Gattin
>Report your spouse
Melde deinen Partner
>Report your partner
Melde deinen Partner

Thanks user. I'll get the accent mark right. (My stupid Hillary Clinton Foundation font doesn't support accent marks or umlauts...yet I still love it thanks to #DraftOurDaughters.)

Manley's are the best warriors
>Can walk a lot
>Low center of gravity
>Hard to see, hard to shoot
>Need less food
>Cheaper to house and equip

>and Hillary for America

>I like the two voices campaign because it implies that you are being silenced in public. A lot of Germans feel that way. It makes you think of yourself as the victim and gives you an option to feel you are being a hero if you vote AfD. It rings positive with Germans.

Thanks for this great feedback. I'll come up with some positive affirmation in a new meme combining victimhood with heroism.

I gotta go now but one last thing: don't make your actual campaigns and your false flag campaigns in the same style.

Godspeed, see you around /euro/