Post red pills that mainstream society will never swallow

I'll take the easy one so it becomes harder for you guys.
>race realism

Other urls found in this thread:

women are inferior


A Christian revival could stop all this degeneracy

hitler did nothing wrong

Mainstream society accepted these for millennia before the mid 20th century and they will accept them again in the next 50 years and for millennia afterwards.

the holocaust didn't actually happen. There is not a harder redpill to swallow.

OP isn't a faggot

eating meat is good for you and necessary for good healthiness

he lost

6 Gorillion.

uh, user, those words are synonyms

OK, so ONE thing....

I'm having difficulty getting it down my throat desu.

my redpill was the moment i realized this internet is a point of awareness that i control or manipulate

thanks awareness

Earth is flat. Ellipsoid-Earth model is Zionist propaganda.

Socialism is a good thing and the only reason why capitalism may continue to exist.

the Holocaust is a jewish lie

Islam, the ultimate red pill, wake up guys

silly it cant be flat if it isnt real

Post modernism isn't good.

Climate Change was always a scam.

Joseph McCarthy was right

women have much easier lives than men

wtf? Look at that hideous face.. This looks like some average whore Id see floating around the mall looking confused in life..
Someone payed this whore to show her ass?
Fucking pathetic I am so glad I quit (((porn)))

The international red cross said it never happened the whole time. Most of the stories you believe to be true about the holocaust are myths derived from "memoirs" that are now widely acknowledged to be bullshit. Check out the early days of the Holocaust, the stories were even more ridiculous. There is clearly a pattern of lying around the issue.

Evolution does not stop at the neck level. all behavior comes from our genes.

Superstring theory (12 dimensions)

Chaos theory

>meanwhile the Bolcheviks (Jews) killed 30 millions Christians but its okay

*tips fedora*

Meme magic is real


Also, intelligence matters. People with greater intellectual capacity that are able to effectively apply that intelligence are exponential more aware and capable in general than the average person and are aware of and able to do things that appear as magic to the average person.

>Hitler was extremely moderate in comparison to the Alt-Right, just authoritarian.
>The Holocaust never happened. There were camps and people died in them from things like disease and starvation, but that was unintentional. It cannot even be called negligence when supply runs are being bombed by your enemies.
>Christianity, Athiesm, and the forms of contemporary Paganism made purely to oppose Christiandom are all Jew-operated to turn Europeans against each other over non-issues
>Women are not goddesses nor animals, but they shouldn't be considered equal. Their drives and instincts combined with a lack of gray matter and the constant shit-tests make them self-destructive and arguably less human and more sinister in their behavior in order to narrow down the list of men allowed to breed. Women's rights are a joke, and actively detrimental -- not only to society, but evolution as a whole.
>Democracy isn't the best system, at all. Unfortunately, all alternatives are flawed, as is the total absence of a government.
>Jews are at the core of our problems in the modern day, as absurd as it seems on the surface. Even Hitler thought International Jewry was bullshit when he was a teenager, then he got red-pilled.
>There is no telling whether or not there is a god or many, but that creator we speak of is completely unable to influence us in our own universe. Every religion that has a deity meant to be taken seriously is wrong, as their deities are easily falsified by their own holy documents.
>Literally nothing matters. Time is a flat circle in which multiple cycles occur within. This civilization will collapse and we will make all our old mistakes again and again until all life on this rock is completely wiped out when our sun collapses.

Good, it's working...

Fuggin bidorra
Ebin maymay X3DDDDDD


The male g-spot


Pls stop

knowledge and truth exist only in the absence of better alternatives.

in a mind: there are a finite number of brain cells and a finite number of connections and a finite number and quantity of chemicals and electrical impulses.

therefore every possible outcome, knowledge, understanding, perception, awareness, intuition, creation, synthesis..... everything. it already exists as a potential in every mind.

Stalin was worse than hitler and we only sided with him because hitler targeted Jews and the elite Jewish cabal that formed because of their selfish in group out group mentality saw Hitler as a threat to their power/global influence

Randy Weaver dindu nuffin and our government murdered half of his family in cold blood

People dying from direct or indirect consequences of Fascist regimes: 25,000,000

People dying from direct or indirect consequences of Communist regimes: 100,000,000

>reddit spacing

What Japan did to the Chinese before and during ww2 was way worse than what hitler did. Literally hitler had to tell Japan to dial is down a bit. No one talks about that shit at all. Same time period, same war. But it's always muh jews.

>Democracy isn't the best system, at all. Unfortunately, all alternatives are flawed, as is the total absence of a government.
lol wut?

>Literally nothing matters. Time is a flat circle in which multiple cycles occur within. This civilization will collapse and we will make all our old mistakes again and again until all life on this rock is completely wiped out when our sun collapses.
Life doesn't matter but pain and pleasure are a reality. So why not work to minimize pain and maximize pleasure?

A lot of people are into that, you're just helping me out.

>Pls stop

You know why i know the holocaust didn't happen?

If Hitler wanted to kill all the jews he only needed to round them and wait 1 week without giving them food or water. If he wanted to kill jews he wouldn't have wasted resources to keep them alive and waste even more in killing them with gas and bullets

America is an tirefire that the radical left nor the radical right will be able to save. The two party system only serves to keep a select handful of the US population in power, and does so not by making change, but just promising change. Your voice doesn't matter. Your votes don't matter. Arguing about politics does nothing but fan the flames. The only choice is escape.

That the shadow governments of the world have secret stay behind groups in every major western country operating on their own with no supervision from any official state and that up until the 90s not one single head of state knew of their existence but know as Operation Gladio.

All investigations fell silent

Fuck forgot image.

Only arguably correct. Arguably. After you've created goalposts you might be able to score. Maybe.

Incorrect, but a revival in piety or some mysticism could fix art which might fix journalism.

Correct, archeologists have uncovered a correlation between brain volume and when proto humans started eating meat.

Yet if you find free speech websites it becomes completely in your own personal favour, where your responsibility becomes to filter it.

Socialism is resentment. Socialism is equality by any means necessary. Socialism is degenerate as it stifles the strong.

Socialism is evil.

Islam only makes me believe the Islamic world understood evolution but misunderstood its mechanism. It preaches violence as well as judgment. Think of that and try to imagine what angel would visit Mohammed to catalyze this?

Modernity and modernist philosophy, real modernism, is a beautiful merge of the romantic with the functional. This scares the resentful and they naturally resist it, usually attaching to ideologies and philosophies that prey on that weakness like socialism.

We need a new way, something that allows multiple levels but is always looks out for those in need, maybe out of charity or self interest.

I've seen it, I call it a coincidence.

Fallacious. Big number here and big number there aren't necessarily correlative. It only means the brain CAN perceive the infinite universe, it doesn't mean it does. You can never truly perceive everything as a real thing.

I think she is a very beautiful, mature woman. She isn't perfect, but real people aren't perfect. She is very attractive by the average persons standard.

>the 3rd Reich might have been our only hope to become a space civilization

This one feels like it's slowly becoming more and more accepted. Well, the part about Stalin being worse than Hitler.

Any subject/happening that has long been the fodder of conspiracy theorists can not be believed by the public.

If aliens were real you wouldn't believe it unless one punched you in the nose.

If MKULTRA was still in full swing producing suicide bombers no one could believe.

Underage individuals can and do have consensual sex all the time, and despite that they manage to have fulfilling lives not plagued by mental illness.

Human intellect is retarded by original sin.

Niggers are the sources of commotion

In order to have a functioning democracy you need to filter out who is allowed to vote.

All forms of government are significantly flawed to a point where they can cause just as much harm as they can help. Total anarchy is just as bad. There is no lasting political solution to the problems of the people.

As for the hedonist philosophy, that is used as an argument by the left to justify degeneracy just as we could use it to justify social engineering for a conservative, wholesome society that would allow the (objectively) most fulfilling existence for the individual. It can be spun every which way, but the problem in the red-pill on nihilism is that because nothing matters and the misery we face now will come again in short succession from any ground we gain, some people waste their lives and are consumed by a hatred that amounts to nothing.

Only if the Führer (PBUH) not only succeeded in the war, but in the engineering of future generations.

Modern Christianity is a bastardization of Christs teaching. Christianity is the oil to pacifisms water.

The holocaust didn't happen.

Africa pill 1/6

Only true depending on how underage is underage.

Africa 2/6

Africa 3/6

Africa 4/6

Africa 5/6

That was common fact pre-60s



The world is controlled by a cabal of pedophilic satanists.

6/6. Africa pill successfully swallowed.

AI, mass automation, and severe global population collapse will destroy capitalism as you know it

Most non-numales know this. Most men are actually misogynistic, except it's not a bad thing and it's a meme term coined by feminists that don't want to accept their inferiority.

>Only arguably correct. Arguably. After you've created goalposts you might be able to score. Maybe.
Butthurt roastie detected. Islam is right about one thing: women need to be physically punished for being whores.

>Socialism is resentment.
Yes, resentment of being exploited.

>Socialism is equality by any means necessary.
Socialism is about having the opportunity to achieve equality. Communism is equality by any mean necessary.

>Socialism is degenerate as it stifles the strong.
Capitalism is parasitic and it's strength comes from the exploitation of the hard work that others do.

>Socialism is evil.
Unregulated capitalism is evil. Communism is evil. Socialism balances out the evils of capitalism and makes things fair.



This is buying into the leftist narrative. Women are childbearers, caretakers, and mothers. They are not workers, politicians, or leaders. This doesn't make them inferior.

He didn't kill all of the Jews...

The vast majority of people believe this.

I think you failed grammar school m8

I remember one of my old science teachers tellling me that. He said that there was a study done where they had two groups of sheep. One of them ate their natural diet, while the other was fed meat. The ones that ate meat were able to function better and didn't need to eat as much compared to the ones that didn't eat meat. It pissed off all of the vegans in the class.

>only arguably correct
So it's also only arguably incorrect, which is what your useless post seems to be attempting to imply.
Here's an idea, why not actually present an argument rather than pussyfooting around you fucking dipshit

>I think she is a very beautiful, mature woman. She isn't perfect, but real people aren't perfect. She is very attractive by the average persons standard.
Cool, here's another.

>All forms of government are significantly flawed to a point where they can cause just as much harm as they can help. Total anarchy is just as bad. There is no lasting political solution to the problems of the people.
The point I was trying to make is that if Democracy is the least flawed system, then doesn't that make it the best?

>As for the hedonist philosophy, that is used as an argument by the left to justify degeneracy just as we could use it to justify social engineering for a conservative, wholesome society that would allow the (objectively) most fulfilling existence for the individual. It can be spun every which way, but the problem in the red-pill on nihilism is that because nothing matters and the misery we face now will come again in short succession from any ground we gain, some people waste their lives and are consumed by a hatred that amounts to nothing.
Which is why you should pick a side. Both sides agree on minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure.

Honestly, anything that even feels like sexism has kind of annoyed me after dating bit. Please just shut up.

>Yes, resentment of being exploited.
Cute, but it doesn't explain how socialist feminists justify gender quotas on graduate positions. You can't accuse a white male graduate of being exploitive when he hasn't eve entered the industry.

This is the socialism fairly common in the west. Free market socialism, a fun joke.

>Socialism is about having the opportunity to achieve equality.
To which you abuse the truism that poor people have fewer opportunities to justify resentful tyranny?

>Capitalism is parasitic and it's strength comes from the exploitation of the hard work that others do.
Not an argument! Especially if the net difference of happiness and productivity don't equate.

>Socialism balances out the evils of capitalism and makes things fair.
But as Marxist socialism it becomes a tool to justify resentment and policies to execute that resentment. Even in Soviet bureaucracies the system would become big enough to create a very similar sort of corruption to what we currently have. Bad policies.

Women are more fun to talk to than men. There, I said it. Give me a bitch who can't shut up and needs to win arguments.

Guys always devolve to the last "game." I don't care about your tribalism, faggot.

>I find women more pleasing to talk to therefore they are equal to men
>despite men literally building all forms of civilisation
Stupid argument.
I put women on equal grounds to men in a sense because they can have children and that makes them damn important.
But we all know what superior means in general (bigger, stronger, smarter, more disciplined).
You argue like a woman actually


>That voice, colors, frequencies, vibrations, sound are all 1 dimensional

I argue the way of our time, the right wing or left brained are sick of losing because "not enough emotions." So we revived Socrates and made our arguments fun.

Might doesn't make right and at this stage you're pretending I didn't ask for goal posts which I never received and that you didn't just shift them from "fun, interesting people" to "bigger, stronger, smarter, more disciplined."

What you just did there was intellectually dishonest.

Again, I don't care how much you drank and I don't care about your games, I care about the distant possibility that reptilians from the last evolution of humanoids on earth control our banking system.

I think is a suppository

No. you are shifting the goal posts. Go ask 100 people how they would measure superior people. Few will use your definition.

Anyone has the huge infographic on number of sexual partners and likelihood of divorce?

That's a bitter pill to swallow.

Fuck off, I can set whatever I like when the grounds for the conversation haven't been set and is as vague as "superior" or "better."

You failed this argument because you didn't take the initiative.

>women are children.
>giving them rights destroyed western civilization.

>Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Original red pill of the new generation. Gets em every time.

Here's a good one: Russia used wikileaks to influence the US election. It wouldn't have worked on an actual civilized country, but it turns out the US is just racist and sexist enough!

And then the POTUS used all his honey-moon karma to wage a war on the free press, who valiantly reports on all his lies and wrong doings and blatant corruption.

Oh wait, this is probably the kind of red pill you'd decline, because it doesn't fit your narrative. Never mind, carry on.

Vaccine red pill - turns out the fucktards saying that you shouldn't get vaccines were right. Links below show swine flu was a hoax, vaccine caused brain damage.

WebMD November 12, 2009
Nov. 12, 2009 -- H1N1 swine flu has killed more than 4,000 Americans -- perhaps as many as 6,000, the CDC now estimates.

CBS Reporter Sheryl Attkinsson April 20, 2015
I exclusively obtained lab test results from 50 states when the Centers for Disease Control refused to produce them. The results showed that most of the supposed cases of swine flu were not swine flu at all. In fact, they weren’t any type of flu.
That reality makes it all the more difficult for those who were brain damaged by the vaccine they took to try to prevent swine flu.

International Business Times March 2, 2014
Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation

>fuck off i can use obscure definitions rather than the usual ones
Kill yourself you fucking cunt

not just "Modern feminism", the idea of feminism and women's rights are a mistake

>always the swede
Don't you have enough problems of your own, Ahmed?

>Here's a good one: Russia used wikileaks to influence the US election. It wouldn't have worked on an actual civilized country, but it turns out the US is just racist and sexist enough!
This is assuming the people didn't deserve to know.

>And then the POTUS used all his honey-moon karma to wage a war on the free press, who valiantly reports on all his lies and wrong doings and blatant corruption.
This is assuming he is lying and corrupt, a lot of if has been debunked.

>Oh wait, this is probably the kind of red pill you'd decline, because it doesn't fit your narrative. Never mind, carry on.
Because slandering a head of state is illegal, it's only not slander if it's true and some of it hasn't been.

Here I crab walk and screech reeee away.

Fuck you Sweden you see what you want to see.