Why does this logo trigger millennials so hard?

Have millennials been brainwashed by a psyop to hate McDonalds?

It seems this logo triggers them hard. Like HARD

What's up with that?
Are millennials brain washed?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's because they're too old for Happy Meals now, they're pissed

There was a media push to negatise McDonald's in the name of limiting obesity, if you get them as kids this sticks until you explain it to them.

Eat healthy guys, you can do this by homecooking.

Yuppies are triggered by McDonald's. Not millennials. Once you are middle class or better bringing around McDonald's bag will garner some deserved looks of disdain. The food is cheap shit that's pretty bad for you and should only be eaten when you don't have any other practical choice or as occasional meal to keep up to date on what kind of food poor people are eating.

I thought millennials were all nu-males who unironically ordered happy meals for themselves because they are all man-children? Make up your mind Sup Forums.

Also, let's post some images that trigger people


McDonalds just sucks.

>wall of text
>nothing but insults
NOT triggered.


Am I the only one forced to watch Super Size Me multiple times throughout middle/high school?

Remember their "do the arches" campaign? Let's make it a thing again no matter how corny it was.

Because Super Size Me is shown in every health ed class in middle/high school and once kids see that for the first time they become hyperreactionary faggots towards McDonalds and Fast Food in general. Same thing goes when they see An Inconvenient Truth.

So a psyop?

>Hating McCuckald's
The real psyop is tricking conservatives that the best way to trigger liberals is to unironically shill for (((capitalism)))

I saw this thread before.

>thinks its millenials
If you have heard boomer hippies talk they hate mcdonalds. Hipster liberals are huge snobs ironically. They associate mcdonalds with low class (even more ironic)

Not a psyop guiz

Yes, they're triggered, but it has nothing to do with people of millennial age. Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Z will have the same reaction.

its two lines you fucking phone posting canadian

So a psyop against McDonalds to brain wash kids

I had to watch it in college. When I was in high school was it just holocaust holocaust holocaust year after year

may be they don't like masonry?

Confirmation bias?

I dont give a shit about mcdonalds

I think nothing of them other than they're shit fake food

I do not
Must've missed canada.
We don't get all day breakfast either
We don't get a lot of stuff you guys have. Like A LOT

name one good reason why fast food is good for the general public

McDonalds food is shit but I still get it once in a while because it's so close to my campus. People who get all up in arms over that sort of shit are fucking retarded though.

that's why

>nu-males hate McDonald's

Wow, that's now two things I agree with them on (craft beer). Good for them.

My sister in law is a millennial. She says my family is a "McDonalds" family with a sneer. Every time she wants to get Chipoltle or Panera and I say "naaa we are headed to McDonalds" she starts hyperventilating until we drop her off to get takeout then go to McDonalds.

The McDonalds app is amazing. They give away free fries when my local NBA team wins. The whole staff knows me because I hardily spend money there.

I've always been fascinated by negative reactions to McDonalds.

If the mention of a burger joint triggers you, then you are pretty much a fag.

I like McCafe coffee better than starcucks

Well, you've missed nothing special.

Yes it's a psyop, just not a completely executed one. It's basically just older millenials. In Australia it became a point of anti American contention and possibly led to the gym culture in some suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney.

Issue is, McDonald's is a big company with lots of influence and an honest intent of providing affordable food. Psyop didn't do too well.

These things basically come from anyone and everything with an audience. Memes are a form of psyop. Repeating undefeated arguments conducive to our agenda is a psyop.

Limiting obesity isn't a bad thing, it's just not a good idea to attack McDonald's. That's all.

why does this picture trigger white people so hard.

Have white people been brainwashed by a psyop to think theyre the best and their shit dont stink?

Millennials chimp out at McDonalds the thread part 3

>Issue is, McDonald's is a big company with lots of influence and an honest intent of providing affordable food
>affordable food

>Buy a Big Mac meal, large fries and drink, apple pie and ice cream
>"That will be $17.50 please"

Steel is better.

There is simply nothing more american, and it gave birth to mac tonight.

This thread
I make them.to laugh
Its mind blowing

Fuck you. Fuck McDonalds. Fuck your app. Fuck your basketball team. And fuck your gay ass small French fries. Fucking shill.

White Power Wendy's

mcdonald's represents capitalism's modus operandi adopted by baby boomers that have fucked millenials overs

>eternally accelerating growth model
>costs have always to go down
>so wages stagnate
>and you cut corners on ingredients
>at the cost of health of the population
>don't forget prices have always to go up too
>so purchasing power always goes down
>and you end up paying twice for half the product
>if le free market tries to correct your evil doings:
>cut prices to drive competition out of business
>when that fails: buy them out!
>expand into new territory
>lobby washington to make life easier for you
>now expand overseas
>and so the economy suffers with unhealthy unproductive workers and lack of competition
>and so the government suffers with backdoor dealings and costs for medicare and medicaid
>someone has to pay for all the obese fucks after all
>on top of it all we're talking mass production of food
>food is culture
>so we're talking the progressive destruction culture
>end up with a nation of obese lords
>that stuff their faces in 5 minutes or less
>locked up alone inside their cars in some parking lot
>all of this for some fuck to become a billionaire and some top execs millionaires

mcdonald's is a social catastrophe

france knows what's up banning supermarkets and having 2 hour lunches everyday


I kept getting the wrong toy in my happy meal as a kid. REEEEEEEE

>giving a shit about mcdonalds

Because fast food is degenerate as fuck and horrible for society on every level except providing low skill jobs to mexicans, blacks, and other immigrants.

kill yourself
>kill yourself

Alternatively you could buy 7 bacon mcdoubles with that money

And if you arent a canuck you would still have money left over for a drink, Big Macs are shit tier pricing

Isn't most of Sup Forums millennials? I'm pretty sure it's defined as being born in the early 80s to the late 90s/early 00s, so I'd imagine most of Sup Forums fits into that.

I'm 1991 btw and I enjoy a nice double quarter-pounder from time to time.

This is well known for at least a decade. Its the one thing they do right.

Also, liberals (rightly) hate Starbucks and prefer local coffee shops in any case

This triggered

>some wounds don't heal
>you've been fucked by psyops kid

I personally see nothing wrong with Muslims attacking the Great Satan.

America is actively promoting sodomitic propoganda to the 3rd world

McDonald's simply isn't very good. The food isn't good, its overpriced, they don't have a true Dollar Menu anymore. The interior decor looks like a prison, McDonald's is always full of old people sitting there all day, crazies, junkies, and homeless people.

There are better fast food places to go to. Or just cook and eat healthier at home. And seeing obese people who eat fast food 3 times a day does trigger me. I don't want to end up like them, they are an obese burden to society.

Dur Dur

Parents tell you Mac donald is trash food and you find out its true.

it's funny because even here in brazil I was shown both of those documentaries in school (also michael moore 9/11)

>honest intent of providing affordable food.
no nigger get the scorpion out of your bum

What the fuck? I thought millennials live off cheap value food? I don't eat McDonalds because I hate it but I thought most millennials were obsessed with it

It tastes good?

No seriously, nothing is wrong with good food. Are guns bad because some people go crazy with them? No!

It keeps ghetto niggers from having a life expectancy over 50. On top of the gang violence of course.

mcdonalds food is terrible. everything good they had on their menu is gone now in my area. we have a burger king right next to it and all I eat from them is their god tier breakfast. wish I had a taco bell desu.

>unironically cucking for megacorporations






Didn't the dude in Super Size Me intentionally eat an absurd amount of food?

I seem to remember a sort of counter-documentary to that where a dude only ate McDonald's and ended up losing weight and being healthy overall.

I watched this at least once a year in highschool. Hell my health class was nothing but "hmm relly maeks u think" videos



I.hope sane people are reading these outragoues replies and reactions.
Here's the "future"
Triggered by McDonalds



He ate 3 full meals with a orange juice or soda with every meal and always got desert and super sized when asked. He claimed to have gained 50 or so pounds in a month even though no one has ever been able to replicate the results and he refuses to release his calorie log so people think he's full of shit and lied or cheated

it's anyone born from a baby boomer

The super size me nigger literally ate 3 super sized meals every day and got absolutely no exercise. It was no surprise that that amount of unhealthy, processed food, filled with trans fats, paired with extreme portion sizes and soda all day, with milkshakes too, had THAT effect on him

The fucked up part is that the guy was shutting down his liver just by eating McDonalds with even more negative effects than constantly drinking alcohol for that period of time would have

That requires effort

>What the fuck? I thought millennials live off cheap value food?
McDonald's isn't even cheap value food anymore. They don't have a true Dollar menu. And their combos are expensive and not even very big or filling. Its like 7.50$ for a Big Mac meal. And millenials want to be healthier too than the Boomer generation.

I like BK's breakfast too. I like using the coupon to get 2 Corssanwiches, Hash browns, and a soda for 4$. I had their 10 Chicken Nuggets for $1.50 today.

I mostly go to Taco Bell for breakfast and get the Grilled Breakfast Burrito with a drink.

Ya the supersize me dude lied. His other documentary is also a dumpster fire.
Basically like 10 others tried to replicate it and none could even come close. So either he's the statistical outlier or he fudged it somehow. Considering he was doing this for money I'm gonna assume he fudged it

No the food gets shittier every year and we have more options now.


But the fucked up thing that I forgot to mention in my post, was that the guy tried to use his experience with eating all that shit for that period of time to try to tell people eat McDonalds once a week that it is somehow killing them

georgiafag here, can confirm I had to do the same.

>Its like 7.50$ for a Big Mac meal

Imagine this being expensive to someone :^)

it's because they won't bring back McRibs

millennial here. can confirm that mcdonalds is fucking tasty.

I watched super size me when I was 7 or 8 and it never deterred me

>His other documentary is also a dumpster fire
Which one? I found his one about advertising interesting even though it should've been obvious how advertising worked

not triggered

I occasionally eat at McDonalds, up until very recently they weren't that bad down here, but inflation and competition have driven them against the wall and shit's been going downhill ever since

problem is millenials see through all this bullshit and how unsustainabe it all is and how much business can hurt actual culture which is what matters

it won't take long for people to start choosing products and companies primarily based on values instead of price or quality, it sorta is already happening but it's still very shy

post ww2 capitalism has done good multiplying wealth (and handing it all over to boomers), but now that first world markets are saturated as fuck and growth won't come that easy millenials will make capitalism become a force of stability and benevolence in the long run instead of a multiplying but ruthless force

mcdonald's has no place in a world like this, and they don't seem to be pointed in the right direction to adapt

This is the McPolice, you posted that image without a Golden McMembership. This is your only warning.

The osama bin Ladin one. Basically a thinly disguised cash grab

Why do you post this thread topic word for word every other day on pol?


He super-sized the meal (meaning a giant side of fries and a giant drink) every time they asked them. Back when that doc was made, they always asked. One of the rules of his "experiment" was that he HAD to finish his food every time. So basically an urban liberal used to living with a vegan girlfriend started stuffing his face with massive quantities of low quality food that his body wasn't used to. Of course that shit is going to fuck you up.

I don't like McDonalds as a company, but the food itself is harmless if you only eat it every now and then.

I'm personally not big on fast food because where I live there are lots of different takeout joints (local places not chains) and delis with really good food that are no more expensive than the big fast food chains.

I'll eat fast food on rare occasions, but I'd rather go to Burger King than McDonalds. It's not for ideological reasons, but simply because I like the food better.

McDonalds isn't even the worst fast food chain though. White Castle makes McDonalds look like a fucking gourmet restaurant.

Baby boomers are mid 1940's to mid 1960's.

By your definition that means that millennials would mostly be people born around 1960 to 1980. That seems inaccurate.

Yeah, that counter-documentary was Fat Head. I remember seeing it on Netflix and watching it repeatedly because I was borderline autistic at that age

It was good and forever opened my eyes to how that documentary was a crock of shit and how unhealthy food isn't magically bad for you if you eat in moderation

The counter-documentary I mentioned is called Fat Head by the way.

the guy probably used to be fat at some point in his life, got into shape and then decided to to the documentary

fat cells never really go away even if you lose all your extra weight, so people that were fat gain weight much easier than people that have always been in shape

actually it's recommended for every 20 pounds you lose you stay 1 year watching closely what you eat and your caloric intake, it's the time it takes for your body to get accostumed to your new weight

otherwise you are at risk of gaining a lot of weight really fast even with minor hiccups in your diet which can kill motivation and make you give up and gain it all back

How can we harvest these fat cells which defy the base law of thermodynamics

This post is a fucking ad for McDonalds

they want our money because we stole moonman

I go to McDonalds every day. Tons of free food with the app. It's badass


that's a funny name for boipucci

>I thought millennials were all nu-males who unironically ordered happy meals for themselves because they are all man-children

You are confusing millennial with GenX. All through the 90s 18+ year old GenXers pulled this shit. Only thing worse was when GenXers made the Vege Whopper a thing when Burger King didn't fucking have Vege patties. All the Vege Whopper was in the 90s was a fucking pattie-less burger with bun, lettuce, tomato and sauce. Millennials may be shit but GenX is responsible for paving the way for Millennials to be shit. Fuck at least Millenials have a fuking fake beef patty in their Whoppers.

>Have millennials been brainwashed by a psyop to hate McDonalds?
How the fuck could they have been brainwashed? It's a fact that McDonalds is degenerate-tier food

>going to mcdonalds everyday
like pottery