Why are Americans so god damn stupid? Even Vietnamese are smarter than Americans. What gives?

Why are Americans so god damn stupid? Even Vietnamese are smarter than Americans. What gives?

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>Immigrants are bad


Even if we're stupid at least we don't have Trudeau for a PM.

The Americans have some of the dumbest, but also some of the smartest people in the world.
The dumb just vastly outnumber the smart.
Doesn't matter though. This place will just scream FAKE NEWS and >leaf at you. See


>Murricans are soo stupid XD

I don't see you mocking Austria, France, Sweden, or Italy, faggot. Why are you so obsessed with us?

cause americans stink of pee and drugs

Face it, the only reason we scored so high is because of the chinks in Vancouver.

Reminder that Quebec pulls up the Canadian average

Native born aren't that bad


>cause Americans do everything we do except better but wait look at this test score

Fix'd. You're poorer than us. Your dollar is failing while ours is stronger than it has been in a decade. Our economy is growing while you're currently experiencing a recession in that frozen, SJW wasteland you call a nation. We have Trump while you have Trudeau. Git good, leaf. You'll never be an American ever. Trying your hardest to be America but "not America" isn't a national identity, by the way.

If you get rid of Asians in America, they would rank even lower.

white americans BTFO

So progressive

nigger admixture and hollywood brainwash

looks fake

If we got rid of Blacks, it would be much higher. A hypothetical magic wand that shoahs the dumbest or brightest elements of society isn't an argument since it will never happen.

Niggers and illegals drag it down sweetie

if you took Jews and Asians out of the USA's score, it would rank around a Latin American country in terms of intelligence

white americans are just stupid

silly jew

>illegals drag it down
>immigrants score higher than natives


no societal pressure to be mathnerds

Americans got duped in to paying for the education and health care of morons who failed and fled their own country rather than take care of themselves.

You're next, leaftwat.

Teachers' unions

i went to elementary school in japan.
my math was at least two grades ahead when i moved to the US
and i used to have school two saturdays out of a month

Nothing about it looks fake whatsoever. In fact, the US reading score is almost exactly the same as the 2015 chart.

Unless you're questioning that Mexicans and Blacks have low reading scores, which just makes you sound ridiculous.

JEWS have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. Jews mass murdered tens of millions of non-Jews over the last century but they've seized control of the media so you won't find out.

in what way are those two statements mutually exclusive?

fucking leaf

Yet immigrants score higher than white Americans


It's fake. post the original source

>white americans are just stupid

Post proofs. You won't be able to find one credible chart that shows white Americans scoring lower than Blacks or Mexicans on average as far as academic testing or IQ is concerned.

And one cares about "PISA" results, anyway, unless you're one of the 15 year old faggots that actually took the test.

niggers are natives
why do you think they have retarded names

Because that would leave only Whites, Mexicans, and Blacks.

Are you being retarded on purpose?

It means that immigrants outperform you meth monkeys in education and thus are better suited for a competitive job market

>Post proof
the fact you needed a bailout from Trump is proof enough

'Cause we got so many niggers here.

Whites are about the same intelligence as both blacks and Mexicans

What in the fuck are you even talking about, you stupid nigger? If you're implying only whites voted from Trump, you're fucking retarded.

Trump earned more of the minority vote by percentage than Romney did.

Are teens allowed to drop out in those other countries? People are near-forced to attend public schooling here. The "No Child Left Behind" only works if every child _wants_ to learn. Many do not.

My high school graduating class was 1/4 or 1/5 of the freshman total. The statistics in the chart- what grade or year is that taken from?

The largest minority group in Vietnam is Han Chinese, and the United States is about 25% nigger/taco maggot, so that should clear that up.

only whites voted for trump, faggot

why the fuck would anybody else vote for a nazi

It's the dindus.

Bad bait. Lurk more, you retard.

Niggers, other assorted mud races and mongrels, and a nigger- and Democrat-infested public education system are the reason for this.

Niggers and Indians drag down the average for USA and Canada. Good try tho, at least you got a (You) out of me.

If you stand for truth, you won't let a shaming tactic hold you down.

Just fucking stop.


Does this mean that we're more Asian than Finland?

>Why are Americans so damn stupid?
>USA and leafland the same score
Huh, really makes you think.

Niggers and spics. US would be on top of you didn't count in their scores.

thanks for proving whites are pretty much the same intelligence as blacks and hispanics

"Brilliance masquerading as ineptitude."

Niggers and Mexicans, as usual.

cuz americans are cucks

Because they don't want History.

True and True

I moved to the United States from The Netherlands in 3rd grade and was offered to skip 3 grades even though my English was terrible.

My math skills went unchallenged until 7th grade, when I was sent to a private school.

In 6th grade kids were still struggling with their multiplication tables, something I learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Pathetic.

US Public Schools are an absolute disgrace.

This was in Massachusetts, the state with the supposed 'best education' in the USA.

Oh, okay. So by your logic, they're also just as intelligent as Asians.

That's it guys, we made a new discovery here! Blacks and Mexicans are officially just as smart as the most intelligent races in the world! That must explain all the AIDS, starvation, and mud huts.

Black dude was just your president and you're claiming he lives in a mud hut

Doesn't that just make you wonder how the hell countries like the Netherlands are such underachievers?

Fires the neurons.

Yeah, na, totally had nothing to do with him having the benefit of growing up in a White civilization or anything.

>elected because half-black

Welcome to your country on capitalism, where a small fraction of the population receives benefits while the rest fails

He grew up in Indonesia though and this still doesn't explain your racial superiority narrative

A black man ruled the USA


I was a participant in this test ama

Dude this is obviously bullshit.

It's all those disgusting illegals from mexico and let's not forget the niggers. We have really bright people then we have the niggers bringing us to third world peasant level


the country has 17M people

they've achieved many great things in their history

most don't strive for more because they are happy with a stable family life

in the US there is a constant drive for more due to a lack of infrastructure

Wasn't Sweden consistently right near the top until a couple of years ago? Now below the US. Sad!

The Netherlands was basically the first country in the world (along with Britain) to use Capitalism.

also odd to note was the test included questions like "do you feel like you belong at school?" and "how many close friends do you have"

when I got the results back half of the results was anxiety/emotional related

what is bullshit? they put me in special education english and i was fluent in 3 months as an 8 year old.

when did you learn your multiplication tables dipshit?

Another fun fact about my 1 year at that public middle school: we would have bomb threats every other day because kids wouldn't want to take tests

It got so bad that parent volunteers would have to come in and sit outside the bathrooms with a log book and write down who was entering them.

this was in a 98% white affluent/middle class town in New England.

I can't even imagine how bad it is in Alabama or some flyover state that's cut education funding for 20+ years.

well modern capitalism

the whole shareholder model

pretty genius senpai


hmmm I wonder what causes national test scores to go down.

Must be that white swedes got dumber! The only answer!

That chart is bullshit. I'm Canadian and I am pretty dumb.

>Why are Americans so god damn stupid?
N i G g E r S

Christian leaders want people stupid, to keep them pliable; right-wingers strip public education of funding to achieve the same.