ITT : Post things that tempt burgers

ITT : Post things that tempt burgers

Dude, you are from Albania. What gives you the right make fun of other countries? Fucking gypsies.

any1 who will ever move to this country knows that wallmart is one of the first stores you go to

>burger on vacation
Made me think

Foreigners in America love going to the Walmart. They are more fascinated by it than we are.

Nah you gotta go to six flags if you want real burger temptation. It has great America in the name so you know it's going to be a fun time.

The only Americans who vacation in Europe are liberals who hate America. He would have agreed with you if he really was an American on vacation.

Nigger, a lot of us hate those places. Full of poor & dumb people.

Trump voters.



Don't you have a "*sips tea*" thread to make? I know people will still take you seriously here but you could get more hits making your own thread.


I've been working there for over a decade. Ask me anything about walmart.

Haven't you made threads here before?

Also, what's working there like? Why do you still work there?

Do your parents love you


Shit that reminds me, I need more propane.

Sure you are. No one wants to go on vacation to your brown shithole, Albaniscum.

I don't make the best threads or nu/pol/ is so anti-white that no one listens to stormfront radio.

My father is proud I can keep a job because his ass can't keep one. I havent seen my mother in almost a decade and for good reason.

I'm in my 30s, so their relevance to me is minor.

Have you ever seen someone shart in da mart?

I've been to England, Ireland, Italy, and the Vatican twice each. My grandfather told us that it's a shame I won't be able to take my children to the same London he knew since it was changing so much.

I'm not on maintenence so I'm possibly shielded from that.

Are you going to do anything else with your life or do you only plan on staying at Walmart forever

I don't have a GED or anything and I'm in my mid 30s. If a change would have taken place, it would have already happened. I am honestly jealous of the people who have career goals/dreams.

No other place would be able to mach my hourly wage of $15, so I'm stuck and probably fucked if I get fired that suicide is unfortunately the only option I'll have.