A shanty town in Seattle in the 30s

Notice anything?

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Everyone's working and not taking shits in the dirt

I notice that in the 30's poor people lived near the beach and ate pleb tier food like lobster, abalone, and shrimp. I notice that in the 10's rich people live near the beach and eat fancy food like lobster, abalone, and shrimp.

life was good and life was huuuwhiiiitte.

The shanty houses seem to be build sturdier then those in Brazil and Africa and each shanty house has more personal space around it

Poor white people built the suburban homes now operated by the drug dealing blacks?

Also cozy as fuck.

False coloring.

The shacks look fairly well made and clean. Unlike a similar nigger's ghetto.

it doesnt look like brazil

surprising how even in extreme poverty, white people are cleaner, more sanitary, and superior at building.

they have plots of land on beachfront property, each of those homes would be worth 3 million in vancouver

Looks pretty comfy actually

Interesting, but clearly abandoned at this point.

I'd take a poor huwhite shanty town over a multi racial city literally any day

Smith Tower. The tallest building west of the Mississippi.

>Notice anything?
Everyone seems to be at work in the background, and there's no trash even though there's dirt roads.

Cucksheds everywhere

I noticed the sacks arent on top of one another, and that it seems like everyone is respecting everyones personal space.

back then, your faggotry was punishable by death.


How the fuck is it in color if its from the 1930s

Holy shit can't you read the water mark on the bottom?

time travel

looks comfy. i'd trade my apartment for a shanty home any day. i wish we still had shanty towns...

i hope this is a troll.

what are we supposed to be noticing?

2 things.

Color photography has been around since the 1800s

Have a nice day. Pic related.

Alright OP. What are we supposed to notice?

I love these kind of photos


What're we supposed to notice in OP's pic?

no niggers and mudslimes i guess?

That even in the poorest of conditions with no money, they still manage to make it look relatively neat.

It's fucking clean and comfy
Nigger slums are dirty

It's in color?

Ancap paradise

who fuckin knows, it just looks cool

aesthetic as fuck

And here I thought it was going to be something obscure or profound, less obvious. Oh well.

I work in the area where most of the historical pictures of Seattle are from. It's now where most of the homeless people hang out, there are multiple shelters and public health clinics and they're considering adding a "safe injection" site. Every day on my walk to work I pass no fewer than 15 homeless people, most of them high out of their minds or deeply mentally disturbed.

They're at work, Tyrone.

I heard it's even worse in Portland.


Wish we could turn back time

no starbucks?

would not live there


My brother

we can

elect nationalists

Seattle has shanty towns. That's unheard of on the east coast.

That American shanty town still looks 1000 X better and is safer than your average Favela.


No iPhones

>Never Again


American cant into good favelas.

If outside looked like that still, I'd not give a fuck about the internet or modern technology. That's absolutely beautiful.

Seattle's steeped in rich cultural traditions

>Notice anything?

That's the nicest shanty town I've ever seen. Put me on the waiting list for accommodations.

This is a special, dangerous kind of delusion. Wew.

It's nicer than Tijuana.

Hard men create good time.jpg

'cause now the guilt is all mine

They even had hipster coffee shops back then


I know right? Where are the downed helicopters and armed skirmishes?

This is a shanty town in Toronto in the 1920's notice anything?

White people are even better at being poor

They lived in lakes

OP what are you doing

Those photos are always amazing. Over 100 years ago and it looks like they were just taken yesterday, except everyone's dressed up in fancy costumes

>They lived in lakes

The funny thing is is that nonwhite countries have patriarchies or whatever just as severe or worse than white countries.

Those signs are a symptom of mental illness.

Look clean despite the obvious poverty. Whites can actually carve out a decent existence despite harsh conditions.

A world before there ever was a world war.

What struck, other than the clean conditions, is that there is only ONE guy there. Everyone else is gone, presumably looking for work or working. Unlike today's "homeless" camps that would be full of people drinking and drugging.

They're claiming

struck me*

Seriously though, this picture could have been taken last week



Sure you'd struggle to afford to eat. But you'd be dammed if you couldn't eat what you had off the doorstep

to the good old days.

This lol. We've degraded to tents.

Hadn't seen that one.


Lots of cucksheds. I didn't know Seattle had a lot of Swedes living there in the 1930s. Thanks for the history lesson, gramps

>ywn peddle your wares to the highest bidder through the auction gods

Seeings pics like these then looking around outside makes me want to kill myself tbqh and I'm not even a depressed guy

Look in the foreground, one of the shacks even has a non-rectangular addition. It's funny that even the poorest whites still knew how to construct houses yet africans today are living in grass huts.

Their woodworking skills were something else, goddamn

Where the fuck would they get lumber/hardware/roofing, and how would they transport it, and how would they pay for the permits and the tools etc......

ITT we time travel
>literal time travel, seeing an actual moment in time hundreds of years ago
post moar

I was raised in Ballard, a community in Seattle. When I was growing up it was considered the "little Minnesota of the West" due to it's large Scandinavian population. Now it has been gentrified and filled with hipster bespectacled libtard cucks and a tradesman cannot afford to live there.

This place is gorgeous


Before power tools too. It's basically a lost art at this point.

Everything is so much less crowded. Even that last NYC street scene doesn't hold a candle to modern congestion.

I can only imagine that more than half of those tent owners are dumb kids from rich/upper middle class background. Living in a shanty town for hipster cred.


>Human Comedy

damn, no trash, no open sewer, no ones getting raped, no ones wearing an hiv positive tshirt, the shacks look cozy, neatly piled building materials, little veg gardens.

this is why we don't need money or jews