Is this true Sup Forums?

Is this true Sup Forums?

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yep 100% true everything in that you posted is an absolute fact and those are the only things every single republican wants to do

>deny science
>there's 91232189127389213 genders and all races are the same
>revise history




Accuse your enemy of what you, yourself are guilty of.

>deny science, revise history, cut school funding
uh thats things Dems have already done

>keep em sick
you forgot to add repealing laws on corporations to dump toxic waste into rivers

And also keep them heavily armed? Hmmm

Welfare keeps people poor

>keep em poor

every time


>goal of republicans is to create democrats

>defending welfare, minimum wages and abortion

>keep em poor
>democrats have been socially turning skilled trade jobs into taboo career choices since the 70's

>No equal pay
How do they still keep pushing this after its been so thoroughly debunked?
Want to get paid more ladies? Go into STEM
How dare actions have consequences?!
>Close Planned Parenthood
Defund Planned Parenthood. Big fucking difference. Now theyll have to depend on private donations instead of being federally subsidized.

"No equal pay" is wrong, but the general category of "control the women" sneakily pretends that a strictly Republican government is the only government in which people would be controlled. If the US government were all Democrats, women would still be controlled, just in different ways -- more dependence on the state, more pressure to work full-time high-paying jobs, more rapists keeping them in check, etc.

Republicans don't benefit from keeping people poor, the Democrats do, which is how they get the nigger vote cause "muh welfare."

As for the middle two, debatable on the proper approach to healthcare and education.

As for controlling women? Pfffft, the Democrats/liberals have been masters of that for years. The picture says it all too well, they make up the "pay gap" myth as well as claim they care more about human life, except, of course, if that life gets in the way of a womyns choice. But, the dem's are just good at controlling the most easily controlled groups.

roasties on suicide watch

If the people want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, then they can shoulder the cost of raising those children.

>No minimum wage
Good, I shouldn't have to pay $27 for a hamburger because taquisha who can't even get an order right if her welfare check depended on it wants to be a fuck up making $15 an hour

>break the unions
Not a thing they do. Never broken a union before.

> cut welfare/SS
GOOD! Why should I pay for shaquishikitas 11 kids because she's a whore?

>Repeal Obamacare
It was a disaster, good.

>Cut disability checks
Good, most abuse the system anyway.

>Privatize healthcare
Oh, like it was 6 years ago before Obongo fucked it up?

>Deny science
Says the ones who think there are more than 2 genders

>Revise history / Cut school funding
Democrats are the ones making shit up on history and changing definitions to fit their narritive and they're only going to cut sanctuary schools, so good

>no equal pay
We've had equal pay laws for almost 80 years

>Pro life
Implying this is somehow wrong?

>Close planned parenthood
Cutting a scam that was literally selling baby fetuses?

Christ these morons will say ANYTHING even if it doesn't make sense

>If the people want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term
If those same women didnt fuck when they didnt want a baby, they wouldnt be in that situation in the first place.
Actions have consequences and as an adult, you have to deal with those consequences.

Shoo drumpf

Hurr durr zlumpf is finished but really we can't let him get the nuc-

Not an argument

Jumping through the hoops as needed to get a kid aborted *is* facing a set of consequences for her actions. Since taxpayer dollars don't go to abortions anyway, you shouldn't really care how they deal with their unwanted pregnancies. If you want to step in and tell them how they should deal with them, then you can pay the exorbant cost.

"oh uh...yeah i didn't want this baby I guess haha can the tax payers pay for it XDDDDDDD"

Why did I get the (you)?

This is all a bunch of strawmen made to appeal to liberals on reddit and social media

hurr durr the republicans wants to control women by closing planned parenthood hurr durr

If you're talking about the ambition of a typical leftist, a jobless lives in their mother's basement liberal arts degree holder, yeah it's bad for them. They fucked up in life and they should have to pay the toll. Hell I think we should have weekly public executions of the homeless, excluding vets which shouldn't be homeless in the goddamn first place.
Right wing death squads when?

>I shouldnt care that mothers are murdering their children because they are an inconvenience
Do you really not see a problem with this?
>Jumping through the hoops as needed to get a kid aborted *is* facing a set of consequences for her actions.
No the set of consequences should be raising the child that she created through her actions. Why is it so hard to understand that if you do not want a baby, do not have sex? Its only failed once in the last couple thousand years of human history. The choice is still in her hands (create baby or dont create baby), and I shouldnt have to pay for her shitty decisions.

why do you post these bitchy one liners and leave? What's the fun?

>keep em poor
>keep em sick
>keep em stupid
>control the women

Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing yourself. The liberal cries out in pain as he strikes you.

You don't have to pay for her decisions if you don't try to say how she should make them.

>Le abortion=murder maymay xDDD

What laughable bullshit.
Kill yourself after murdering your own family faggit!

Y r u drooling

>Every choice is ethical if it's "her choice"
>Killing a human is not murder

>bitchy one liners
>actually happening
i'd like to see one thing redumblicans do for the American people (aka the average income, not 250k a yr+). pro tip: you cant

>no minimum wage
This is beneficial for rural americans, because towns that rely on one business or factory wont cut employees or shut down, making it a playground for meth heads. Minimum wage could only help city people, where the price of living is higher.
>break unions
Because unions are mainly democratic and destroying them destroys the democrat party
>cutting welfare and social security
For the rural and suburban retards? Having people work is better than than them on welfare for the gdp. Plus no more subsidized democrat voters.
>repeal obamacare, cut disability benefits and privatize veterans health care
All of this makes health insurance more competitive, thus making it less expensive.
>deny science
6 million genders
>revise history
>cut school funding
Creates better charter schools for the money you would spend in taxes
>no equal pay
No one is equal, if your boss is not paying you fairly then fuck him and find a better job by being a stronk womyn.
>pro-life, close planned parenthood
I am pro choice but planned parenthood should go because it should be in your health insurance rayher than given by the government. There would be a lot more accountability on women having the abortions since they are paying for them.

>because it should be in your health insurance rather than given by the government.

I agree. I am not a fan of abortion myself, but I do feel like if you fuck up and get pregnant, it should come out of your pocket not mine.

and before anyone says anything, rapists should have to pay for it. Being raped is not you fucking up.