What the fuck is Trump's problem...

What the fuck is Trump's problem? I thought we were allies and now you want to attack us with literal russian propaganda. Fuck off USA. I'm done with your shit.


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Fuck off. We rule the world. We do what we want.




we're fucking on to you, polandball

Hi Ahmed.

Inculding being betraying shits?

I'm an Israeli-American Jew. I eat Ahmeds for breakfast.

>We do what we want.

Then, I guess, you want to lose almost every time.

we should have enslaved more Poles and less niggers

Nothing personal...kid

Maybe it's time for Germany and Poland to get along again.

We can't let Trump get a hold of the nuclear codes.

Flood the world with some much fake news even the CIA can't figure out what is going on. Now there's a plan

have you considered the possibility that maybe there is something to look into here and the media are just being their typical cuntish selves calling him unhinged for simply asking 'is there anything to this rumour'?

Don't be testy. We are still besties. Don't go starting silly rumors. Its fake news based on one anonymous government employee's claim originally seen here:


"According to one U.S. official, national security aides have sought information about Polish incursions in Belarus, an eyebrow-raising request because little evidence of such activities appears to exist."

There is not one single other claim of evidence of this. Its EU propaganda. Everyone thinks that because we are trying to normalize relations with Russia, that we are abandoning everyone else which is silly. The EU is just having a bitchfest about Trump's election because they didn't get their way with Crimea and want us to be mad at Russia.

>I thought we were allies

Haven't you fucking learned by now? This is what you thought of Britain too and as a result, you demostic and foreign policy went a bit overboard and the US had their hands in "pushing" you too. The only allies you could find that would ever care about you might be your direct neighbors.

>Poland still trusting anglo-american influence 80 years later

I would call this Stockholm Syndrome.

>have you considered the possibility that maybe there is something to look into

No. This shit is well known russian propaganda and everyone in Europe knows about this. Trump's people shouldn't fall for this shit, but it seems they will now belive every bit of propaganda from Kremlin. Very disrespectful towards us and other USA allies from Eastern Europe.

Don't believe anything our media says.
Our media is on the same level as Venezuela saying their economy is "booming"


>Don't be testy. We are still besties
dont make them think they are people

You had the idea you are allies with THE terrorist nation of the globe?Really?

Why are you listening to our liberal media? They don't even have proof.

>Trusting the anglos to protect you from ebil neighbors

Turned out great for you last time.

(((We))) rule the world