How does Sup Forums feel about this?

How does Sup Forums feel about this?

It's just a ruse.
They need people to hang it's easier to make the victims come to them than it is to go out and kidnap them.

The KKK are degenerate dope smoking democrats. So this doesn't surprise me at all.

KKK also wants that affirmative action gibmedats

i blame the ruski hackers

the kkk doesn't exist

it's just a fbi joint

Any organisation which threatens (((them))) will be infiltrated and taken over in such manners.

This prob
Something for the aclu to shame us about

FBI cant find enough white people who will go commit hate crimes so they are binging in job security.

It's illegal for the FBI to discriminate against protected classes

Any heeb, fag, or spook that wants to openly proclaim the superiority of the race that built the world is a-okay in my book.


Niggers kill more blacks and BLM is trying to bring back segregation. They've done the KKKs job way better than they ever have.

>the kkk isn't racist anymore

this fucking timeline man

First thing that came to mind.

>70% FBI agents/informants
KKK is a spook


Even Hitler didn't like them

they're trying to pull an alt right.

Because the Klan was protestant and heavily anti-catholic.

Can't be called racist if they have Blacks marching with them. That's the rules.

No one even cares about the KKK but they keep trotting these guys out.
>Holy shit you wont believe with kkk did RED ALERT!

A step in the right direction.
A nation needs to be united by everyone who occupies it's land.
National sovereignty is stronger than race politics.

he just saw them as a bunch of degenerate american criminals

the kkk doesn't even exist anymore. the "klan" is run by the FBI and it's so called "members" are all FBI agents.

all "white extremist" groups are honeypot schemes run by alphabet soup agencies

I'm sure there's more than one black man, hated and scorned all his life because the majority of his people are crime worshiping scum, who wishes he could burn down the ghettos where the niggers live.

So is the KKK going to start asking for gibs now? I can't see niggers bothering to show up to Klan events unless you promise them crack and fat ugly white women......just like anything else political for them

>Democrats recruiting other likely Democrats

seems about right

kkk and all those other honeypots were founded by jews and ran by jews
>no wonder they were calculated failures

>it's the jews

The KKK needs to fucking die. They are the eternal boogie man.

klan was jews it's why they burned crosses

Sup Forums probably shouldn't talk shit


>americans mongrels

>the KKK got taken over by college millenials and is all about hugs and tolerance now

looks like the KKK is accepting diversity

>Democrat party organization
>Actively seeks minority approval
Sounds about right desu


I'd be interested in seeing what black person would ever join the KKK.

>what do you guys think?



Fuck yes. I've always wanted to burn a cross with my multicultural buddies. Now I can.

Obviously they're just trying to confuse shitlibs. No real risk of people taking them up on the offer.

Now, if they had ditched the outfit, then it would be suspicious. But under the circumstances, nothing has changed, but the waters have been successfully muddied.

The Klan's 300 active members are returning to their Democratic party roots and pandering to victim-culture.

Hopefully they castrate themselves too

Kuck Klux Klan


looks little like an Olympiad sign...

cool cuck club