I am not religious, but if I ever had a child, I would strongly encourage Christianity...

I am not religious, but if I ever had a child, I would strongly encourage Christianity. The Bible has so much to offer and should be a beacon of clarity in today's nihilistic age.

My child would need to be filled with wisdom, wonder, and hope of life. The Bible is so rich with meaning, understanding, and discovery. And a Christian community offers a safe place for a child to learn.

But even though I would put my child through religion, I myself can not tolerate it. To me, it is poisonous hypocrisy. I appreciate it, but cannot swallow it.

So what kind of person does that make me? A hypocrite maybe? If that was the best for my child then that's bad enough to give them a good life.

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Just teach natural law, it's a fallacy that you need religion for objective morality and metaphysical purpose. Most of Christianity is incredibly corrupt, and has nothing to do with what Christ taught

you can instill values in your kid without having to resort to exposing them to religion

just give them real reasons why acting a certain way is better instead of teaching them "oh well jebus and god said so"

not saying that's easy, being a good parent is challenging regardless

If you raise them Christian then really teach them. Not just read the gospels but whatever the best Christian works are on top of that.

I suppose I felt the same way about raising a child, but I think it would be a lot more efficient and intuitive to allow them to go on their own truth-seeking journey, and subtly guide them in the right direction in regards to morality and meaning.

>fallacy that you need religion for objective morality and metaphysical purpose.
No it's not. What natural law do you teach? The one you hash together that borrows heavily from Christianity with your own made up bits thrown in?

>So what kind of person does that make me?
a fulfillment.
Maybe you need this archive.fo/dnM8C

Wrong. Christianity borrows from objective moral law and mixes it complete nonsense. I don't want to hear any mentally ill relativist trash, objective morality is self evident

>borrows heavily from
You can't really claim Christianity as a first source for anything except maybe some aspects of superstitious salvationism.

Their moral system is a one to one copy of Plato, and is empirically incorrect, since as the Sophists said way back then, it's just a means of arrogantly reinforcing your opinion with the threat of supernatural punishment.

Democritus and the Atomists, some of the first founders of modern science, are far more accurate.
Morality is a physiological social adaptation to support society. You should be nice to other people who are nice to you because it helps all of you. The Prisoner's Dilemma covers this nicely.

In the study of materialist ethics, religion objectively removes moral reasoning, since people no longer care about life or preventing suffering: only appeasing their deity.

I just want to move to a small town with a bunch of like-minded individuals and turn it into a pagan community

The ethics of Christianity pre-date Plato, and Greek civilization. It's earliest origins can be found in the teachings of Zarathustra.
Baring all you stupidity however, Kant has already made the Ethical/philosophical argument that some external power governs right and wrong.

I have two young kids, I have your same attitude towards religion, my wife does not believe in the long history and magic but she can tolerate it.

Associating them with a religious community is ultimately about the community, and not about religion. When my children are older, I will make them read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, Aristotle's Ethics, the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucius, the central Buddhist sutras, etc. I don't mind having been exposed to religion in my early life, I consider it to have been an early attack on my reality perception which taught me how to defend myself. I also let my 2 year old son solve his own problems with his obnoxious 3 year old cousin, he learned how to fight a bit instead of just crying for help.

I can't bare the sermons either and usually abstain. I've been considering trying to fix the piano at this church and play for the services, the practice would be nice but I'm not sure I could tolerate it.

Religion is metaphysics for the masses. Most people need to be taught morality and have it imposed on them by society in order to respect its precepts. Plebs don't sit around pondering natural law.

What like sex drugs and underage pregnancy? Children deserve guidance, community, respect and opportunity. Leaving them to run in the middle of the road and get crushed by traffic is the liberal way. Exposing them to prostitution and inability is not responsible or fatherly.

See >You can't really claim Christianity as a first source for anything except maybe some aspects of superstitious salvationism.
Christianity was revolutionary in that there is only one god. Also t. Noah's Commandments. So there is plenty new about Christianity.

>In the study of materialist ethics, religion objectively removes moral reasoning
Religion IS ethics. We have built our philosophy and our idea of philosophy on religion and mysticism. In extreme circumstances, there are contradictions. These are not sufficient to deny a comfortable upbringing for a child.

>objective morality is self evident
But that's foolish. Your subjective understanding of "objective" morality is self evident to you, as everyone else's subjective understanding is self evident to them. To say that the same morality is self evident to everyone would be the correct definition of an objective morality, but it would be an asinine rejection of what we observe in human thought and action.

I don't want to buy the old testament and the epistles etc. and just follow only the sayings of Jesus. But according to christians around me that's not good enough.

Get out Varg

>let's work together for better europe.

liberals : [autistic screeching]

"Christianity was revolutionary in that there is only one God."

I think Zoorastrianism in the Persian Empire beat you to that punch by a few hundred years.

I think Judaism also beat you there.

Get fucked and kill yourself.

"Religion is Ethics."

Religion is Religion. Ethics is Ethics. I think I helped you enough with the first one, you can figure this shit out yourself.

Basically, this guy gets it:

and so does this guy:

You, however, do not, and write demonstratably false things on the internet out of willful ignorance. Have I mentioned that you should kill yourself?

>What like sex drugs and underage pregnancy?
No. I was thinking more along the lines of laying out paths of self-discovery for them to take.

I was raised in a relatively strict Christian household and I still ended up using drugs and engaging in sexual activities at a young age.

>Children deserve guidance, community, respect and opportunity.
I don't disagree, but at the same time you have to allow them to be molded by their own experiences and not completely engulfing them in superstitious doctrines.

>Exposing them to prostitution and inability is not responsible or fatherly.
No one said that it is.

You highly overestimate the education people have here. Know that most of this board is high school grad blue collar workers.

So when you see a british flag, do not expect basic theological history, let alone oxbridge/eton level elitism.

Good bread. Bump it so it sits next to the red pilled tranny one in the catalog.

>I don't mind having been exposed to religion in my early life
>I consider it to have been an early attack on my reality perception which taught me how to defend myself.
>What did he mean by this?
Are you talking about critical thinking, or getting on in society?

As someone who sang Hallelujahs in school, went to Sunday school, and read the Bible until mid-teen years, I carefully believe that Christianity made me a better person.

The Bible is a "cheat sheet" to life. There are too many repeating, predictable patterns. And even if they were created by the influence of Christians themselves, through their implementation of morality, surely to teach the Bible to my child would be advantageous in giving them a good life?

is it just me or is sofia the biggest fucking shithole city in the whole country?


>As someone who sang Hallelujahs in school, went to Sunday school, and read the Bible until mid-teen years

So at one point did you believe what the Bible said about Jesus was true?

No seriously i was literally searching for a place to pull my cash out from western union at 8 in the evening and LITERALLY every fucking western union exchange office stops working at 8, ''yeah sorry kid we dont work no more sorry''

woke up at 5 am, took the metro from druzhba to serdica and was there at 5:30, spent 2.5h walking around the center at -7 degrees with wind looking for an exchange, still found nothing, had to go all the way back to the fucking station without slipping on the fucking ice in the disgusting city and not die, managed to exchange the money at the last moment and catch the first bus outta that fucking country

Him being the son of god and perfect and resurrected and all.

Eh. I'd be careful with that. Or rather, make sure that it is "you" who raises your children on christianity. The schools do a bad job of it, afaic.
I'd also keep to jesus himself for the most part, for that man had a lot of good thoughts - it is ridiculous how his own words (spoken to simple folk [as in, seriously, not meant to be complicated]) are twisted, or straight-out ignored.

>I think Judaism also beat you there.
So the continent called Europe which Christianity overrun means nothing to you. Also:

>You highly overestimate the education people have here.
Said it yourself Cletus

>I was raised in a relatively strict Christian household and I still ended up using drugs and engaging in sexual activities at a young age.
It sounds like your household was not relatively strict, but just strict, and due to its strictness it failed and you went out and partied.

In this society we throw away people like we throw away vehicles or phones. But children deserve the chance to grow into adults in the way that they want to, and feel the need to.

We're horrible towards them. They're either strictly children or strictly adults. So that attracts me to the Bible. At least there, whether you're a child or adult, you're treated with intrinsic respect.
