Why does Sup Forums incorrectly refer to human beings fleeing from war and terror as "rapefugees"?

Why does Sup Forums incorrectly refer to human beings fleeing from war and terror as "rapefugees"?

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thats righte
be a good goy and take all of the poor refugees
meanwhile the rest of us will live in normal countries and watch with joy as germany finally gets what it deserves

>fleeing from war

turkey isn't at war you thick kraut stop listening to literal occupiers propaganda

Because "sexual-harrasmentfugees" doesn't have the same ring to it.

clearly you are using a proxy or you wouldn't have to ask this question retard. or maybe the news is more censored in germany than it is here

>human beings fleeing from war and terror
>99% male in their 20s

there you go Mehmet

>fleeing from war and terror
Kill yourself Ahmed. You and your fellow goatfuckers will rue the day you crawled your way in here.

Because wherever they go, they must also rape.

about 5% are fleeing from war and terror

you should know that already achmed. those women from the other night know as well.





why do you incorrectly refer to these animals as "human beings"?

Why do you keep posting this faggot?

Why doesn't Europe just get nuked?

We had this thread already.

>germans unironically believe what state-owned media conglomerate GEZ/ADF/ZDF tells them.

Because they are.

Mainstream media fake news:


Actual, official numbers from the BKA

Pic related.

Also, Germans have to pay a mandatory fee of 17,5 Euros a month for TV/Radio/Newspapers that include Regierungsjornalismus (political journalism) completely controlled by the government. Retired head of ZDF Dr. Wolfgang Herles exposes it all here: (he notably blasts political journalism at 27:00): youtube.com/watch?v=6n_NZ7kmLEk

>living beings
Pick one

1. Die unterschiedliche Alters- und sozioökonomische Zusammensetzung der jeweiligen Kohorten müssten bei einem Vergleich auf der Ebene der individuellen Strafanfälligkeit mittels ökonometrischer Analysen herausgerechnet werden.

2. Auf der Ebene der Kollektivbetrachtung (Gesamtrisikoveränderungen...) entfällt die Korektur nach (1) demgegenüber wieder.

3. Jede Statistik ist nur so gut wie die ihr zugrundegelegten Daten (Inputs); vgl. Praxis in NRW.

4. Deutsche Tatverdächtige schließen solche mit Migrationshintergrund ein; alle verfügbaren Daten legen nahe, dass dies die Statistik (die Daten nur im Aggregat berichtet und - vgl. (3) - erfasst) dadurch verzerrt wird; im Klartext: die bestehenden Unterschiede werden höchstwahrscheinlich unterschätzt.

5. Der volle Effekt der Zuwanderungswelle dürfte sich erst 2016 zeigen.

Schließlich gilt stets: Korrelation bedeutet nicht Kausalität. Außerdem: qualitativ kaum bekannte Brutalität entzieht sich weitgehend der nüchternen zahlenbasierten, also rein quantitativen Statistik.


>Why are you such a cock sucking faggot?

Some questions answer themselves.

>No English
>Hey, let's just additionally include all characteristics defining an average refugee! What is multicollinearity? Obviously refugees aren't criminal, checkmate!
>Muh data problems