Petition for J. K. Rowling to take in muslim refugees

Put her feet in the fire, Sup Forums.

I support this

this is a bad idea. she'll find some way to do it and spin it like making her house an underground railroad or something and be revered as a hero

Oh please. You, I, and everyone know she'll flounder if this gets any real traction.

She a cutie, hopefully the 6h long gang rape will be streamed

They'll screen the fuck out of them and will be legitimate young girls and a few actually underage boys to sprinkle in for the sex quota
She won't take in the ones that they are asking the common man to take in

didn't she buy the house next to hers and flatten it to keep niggers out?

You realize this could backfire right?


She flattened a mansion that had been around since, what, the 1700's or something? Then she made a Harry Potter garden over the rubble, then put up a ~10 meter privacy barrier out of trees to keep out the prying eyes on another one of her properties.

Look, how much press is she really going to get outside of 25+ year-old z-gender tumblrinas that live with 10 cats that still think her books are somewhere between Canterbury Tales and The Grapes of Wrath? Worst case scenario, a 3-minute feel-good video on BuzzFeed that gets forgotten until someone asks Gary Johnson about it.

Bump. I'll voluntarily move in with her. For the memes of course

This is divine so it will be BUMPED


I've never watched the Harry Potter movie series. If I give it a try, are there redpills in it or subtle clues to leftists propaganda.?

Because it doesn't hurt her and only serves to help her
It can also be used to further push the bullshit about taking them in, "Rowling took some, you do your part too" propaganda

she can afford it, its time to put her money where her mouth is and if she does not take in dozens of refugees she is islamiphobic

Hey, if you don't want to sign the petition, don't. End of the day, you and I know it'll most likely be ignored and go nowhere. But in the grand scheme of things, her taking immigrants or not really won't have an impact on the issue. Britain is getting ready to leave the EU, and will most likely prevent immigrants from coming in anyways.

It's all leftist bluepill propaganda broadly speaking, although it at least stays away from some of the worst SJW excess (there's no gay couples, no trans issues, etc.) Although J.K Rolwing has been doing her pest to shove all that shit in after the fact by randomly stating Dumbledore is gay for example.

Ironically enough it's based on and obsessed with an old conservative-style English boarding school environment though.

this is all lies. I'm sure there is a screen cap about the 5 Muslim families she is hosting at her home.

In this game, we've made our move. Now it's her turn. And afterward it'll be our turn to counter. Maybe Rowling will give us quite the challenge or maybe she'll flounder

Digits of truth

This. Gotta put some skin in the game. She sits on twitter all day and screeches at people. She's gonna learn what it's like when people shoot back.



She's got a good rugged milf thing going on (kinda like modern Winona Ryder) I just wish she wasn't such a fucking idiot

No it won't backfire if done correctly.

Get the statistics on how many men women and children flooded the EU from Syria (AKA every other fucking middle eastern country including Libya and Afghanistan in actual fact)

We all know it something like 80+% men that flooded Europe..

Mean the fact she would need to take in atleast 8 men for every 2 women or childeren if she wants to demonstrate how virtuous she is.

Plus she can't cop out by housing them seperaly in a fucking flat.

AND she doesn't get to screen them because they were not fucking screened when entering Europe do it wouldn't be fair round it.

So we can run a campaign on her fucking ehalf instead..a diversity lottery..

10 lucky refugees 8 men and a couple of women or childeren get to live in the lap of luxury with jk and her family.

I think we could meme it all over fuckbook and twatter and push that which into going along with it

she's scottish, what did you expect

I hate her, but I love her tits.

No she won't do it. She's actually very racist.

She will have had this pointed out to her before, that she has all this money, all these bedrooms and all this power, but she hasn't lifted a finger outside twitter yet.

She wants the attention and adoration of young middle class white people. She doesn't give a real shit aboit refugees, as far as she's concerned they can all be brought in and dumped in the middle of Hull with £10 and left to starve.

The real proof? In 10 years when the trendy people have stopped talking about refugees (though there's still going to be millions of them) she will be busy virtue signalling on twitter about whatever she thinks will make her more popular.

This woman is richer than the queen, the fact that she does less physically helping other people than the average person is an absolute travesty. She is utterly racist to the core, and things like this petition will eventually expose her.

This plan may backfire
She'll use her money and influence to try to turn this to her advantage
Rich people are slippery

strong pit game too