Are women truly capable of love? /pol edition/

Society, together with all the legacy of courtly love, convinced us women are caring and tender creatures.

However, I would like to maintain an different, politically incorrect view:
>Women are incapable of love

Never a smile, never a gib, never tolerance... never respect for people who give them something. Never wanting to negotiate, always ready to leave or go away as soon as the situation turns disadvantageous (even notwithstanding the good will of their involved partner).

When SHTF, women are off. You might have behaved perfectly, but their primal instinct is still that of getting rid of you as soon as something makes their delusions collapse or as soon as some of their unrealistic expectations goes unfulfilled.

Moreover, they will go to great extent in order to control and manipulate you.

Silly as it may seem, exceptions do occur. I do not deny this.

P.S.: this is not about love for their offspring. I am talking love toward their partners.

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They have all of the requisite neurochemical components for love, yes.

So it's probably some other part of the brain that ends up fucking you over.

Yes - they are. I love my Grandma and she was absolutely capable of real love towards my Grandpa after she had to care for him for 20 years in a wheelchair.

The problem is not "women" - it's how they are treated. Human beings are products of their surroundings & social expectations. It's the world that's turned women sour, not that they inherently are sour.

Not really. Only to their children.

A women will always be looking for a better male than what she has currently has. This is more true with modern, western because of the degenerate culture she grew up in that does not teach good wholesome values. All women are like this however, some more than others.
They are made to be ok with being conquered by the male(s) that took over the tribe.
They adapt to this very easy and it is embedded into them.

Yes, women's natural role to care for their man in the long run so their children are provided for into adulthood, if anything it's men who are less predisposed to be loving since it's at no biological cost to you to have as many children as you can with as many women as you can.

Le womin cant luv >;0 is jewish propaganda to keep you from having a family.

>Yes - they are. I love my Grandma and she was absolutely capable of real love towards my Grandpa after she had to care for him for 20 years in a wheelchair.
Exceptions do occur though. I said that.

For example, my mother always seems very "altruistic", but as soon as you seem to take a path of your own, she starts blaming you are getting away from her.

Basically, everything that is not part of *her* plan is seen as either stupid/irrational/etc.

So much for motherly love!

>The problem is not "women" - it's how they are treated. Human beings are products of their surroundings & social expectations. It's the world that's turned women sour, not that they inherently are sour.
Then how do we fix women?

I have noticed the only family oriented ones are religious nazi.
As far as the other ones go... they seem to keep waiting, waiting, waiting... for the *right* conditions... and end up like old hags.

Most of my female friends are now 30 and they seem unable to get into a stable relationship. Neither do I, I admit... yet they keep shifting from one bf to another and are always unsatisfied and use me as their psychologist (thing that I have been refusing to do -- causing me to lose most of my friendships).

I think they are just silly bastards who cannot settle down because they are unable to realize their own limits and to accept those of others.

Romance was invented by men, that is the final redpill on women.

>They are made to be ok with being conquered by the male(s) that took over the tribe.
>They adapt to this very easy and it is embedded into them.
I noticed this.

Women always have high demands.
They want you to "respect" them, to "accept" their refusals, to "comply" with their demands, to avoid "sexualising" everything.

However, when you strive to follow their doctrine, you end up being exploited and are left alone in the end.

Instead, the Chad they keep complaining about -- try and guess -- is exactly the guy that fucks them over and over.

Plus, I find it to be a double standard:
>they keep complaining Chad (or whoever is in his place) does not respect them
>yet they would allow only a Chad to fuck them

It's like irrationality in a nutshell.

>by men
Tell me more about those who wrote the "Cantar do Amigo" in Gallego language.

They were men who dreamt of a woman's love, from her perspective.

This was written by our king, El Rei D. Dinis (1279 - 1325)


You kikes must have one, sick, childhood.

I had a good childhood, and am not a kike, but I definitely have noticed that women do not function has higher-level creatures. They aren't quite dog-level, but they are definitely not as high on the intellectual food-chain as men.

Women are mostly a bundle of sensation and instinct, with a little bit of rationality that starts to show when they hit menopause. I legit am starting to think women don't actually have thoughts as men understand them. I believe they have reactions. Much closer to a higher-order beast than a man.

Women are highly vain.
That is why they have not ever accomplished anything.

Are you capable of love?

Is love your highest virtue?

Will love provide a family with a future?

You might stake a claim on love, but do you live as if you love life?

Do you have what it takes to be loved and not squander it?

Are you capable of discipline?


What do you mean by love? Rmantisized fiction or reality? In reality love is nothing but a deep rapport. You have to work on it or it will eventually brake, like any other connection. And its only possible to build it deep if you're precieved as high value by her.

This is kind of sad.

>For example, my mother always seems very "altruistic", but as soon as you seem to take a path of your own, she starts blaming you are getting away from her.

la madre italiana ladies and gentlemen

History and literature tells us they were different once. But I would have to agree OP.

I think women were only kept in line because losing one virginity before marriage made them worthless, and only marriage guaranteed them a future and security. Speaking back or getting out of line meat getting a punch in the mouth. Adultery was a death sentence, and children were expected, and not an option prior to birth control.

They have too many rights now, and look what's happened to them.

>la madre italiana ladies and gentlemen
Dioporco sì
Fucking God -- yes.

Although, mine looks more like one of those "Dragon-mothers" that are very common in China. Not sure if you're familiar with the concept.

>and only marriage guaranteed them a future and security
But do they still believe that?

they can probably love but i've never experienced it. Most guys i know just love girls who never love them, always seem to break down after a relation end, while girls don't get the same connection.
but i'm sure love exists

All women crave the BBC, they can be in a relationship with a WHITE MALE for years but will leave him and his faggot good job and house and goals and aspirations in a heart beat for some jobless colt 45. smelling gigantic black cock. There is no way around it or arguing it, women cannot get enough of it.

Women love their shoes and handbags. Prove me that's not real love.


Source: anecdotal personal experience, related anecdotal experience from people that I trust, literature, and the overall structure of human societies.

>Most guys i know just love girls who never love them, always seem to break down after a relation end, while girls don't get the same connection.
This is exactly the concept I tried to express in OP.

I have seen countless of loving men who got shattered by girls because of some whims, selfish caprice, or delusional expectations.
Plus, men always end up standing on the wrong side of things no matter what they do to save the relationship.

Instead, women get the gibs, legal aid, and even approval from both other women (who then stab them in their back as soon as things go back to normality) AND white kinghts, who are (way more than friendzoned lads) the most cancerous elements in our current year society.

Sometimes I wonder if they're all psycho or something. With no ability to feel empathy other than the feelings they project on others.

Being emotional is not the same thing as being empathic.

But they even cheat on someone they love.
They have no honor.

Always obeying the herd, if her friends dont like you she will dump you, even if she loves you.
No matter if they are shit friends who will leave her anyway. Television will always dictate what to think.

Of course not all women, but many.

They believe the opposite

this. 'freedom' (the phony modern definition) and happiness are completely incompatible. people need guidance. otherwise it's all chaos and confusion.

In other words, you think the burden of proof is not on you.

But seriously, why are they so hostile these days?

Of course not. Having the vote, and birth control and going to university for 4+ years and entering the job market, and having no children to have a career instead.

Of course the more militant ones and the ones that push this adgenda now put forth men are no longer required for security or position. If they want ids they can fuck some random and rasise it a single mother without stigma.

Its a major major reason the world has gone to shit and why the west is dying.

Absolutely yes, I could not care less if you goyim want to stay in your rooms and masturbate instead.

there's definitely a difference in reaction. why and what this means i don't know.
society still functions, which i guess is the main thing.
how we deal with this girl stuff is our own, sad business.

>Then how do we fix women?

Step one, get rid of jewish influence.

>Are women truly capable of love?
I would like to believe they are capable of love but I have never seen it in my life.

I believe the issue lies within the values that the recent generations of women have been raised with, and the society that we exist in today.

Same reason minorities are. The same marxist professors, and Jewish media is telling them the "white fucking males" are responsible for their oppression. Whhite women now relate more to ethnic minorities and sexual deviant minorities because they see themselves as "oppressed".

It always boils down to conditioning and that the lesser races, and sexes are easily manipulated by indoctrination and propaganda.

uuuhhh, le ebin troll collects black porn, thinking he is not subconsciously a cuckold.

Do not post this filth

I mean, I un-ironically like black-on-white porn but I'm not white myself and neither is my wife.

I don't like it for some retarded political reasons, though, I just find it kinky.

Yes but no, women are capable of loving, but they will always be suffering for repressing their inner whore.

So women can love as long as they are miserable, women pleasure is the root of all evil.

Another way to put it, in other for a women to truly love you, you have to make her suffer, its in their wiring.

yeah. had a relation destroyed by the lesbo-feminist freedom-jew.
wish i was joking

dating is what girls do now, will try to get babies soon Sup Forums i promise

There is a sage among us - heed this posters message.

I maintain that yes, they are, given certain circumstances that are not present in modern society.

The reason women never respect people that give them things and never give anything in return is because they don't truly need it.
The state is providing women with all they need, which is why they don't appreciate men anymore and why they will keep voting for commie scum, by and large.

Love is inherently something that can only happen in traditionalist societies, because these are built with recognition of male and female instincts, and aim to perfect both sexes.

Love as in romance is no more.
It's just beneficial today. Stop thinking about love because you'll only get sadder.

You dont have a wife.
And its probably only a question of time that you turn homosexual.
Have fun collecting dicks.

Polish Jew with Korean wife, actually.

Homosexuals collect dicks?

>into cuck porn

>liking cuckshit

The memes make themselves

Women are capable of love, but it's only the crème de la crème of women who do it properly. My woman, for example, is capable of love and has also proven herself to be trustworthy. She was already a bit of a tomboy mentally when I met her and I took advantage of that, she thinks more like a man than the average woman does.

I've taught her logic and common sense to a level even higher than even the average man today, that was a requirement to even think of a relationship. If I am to get close to someone, then it must be done correctly. However, she listened to me so ardently and took my words to heart because she had already established me as an authority and a worthy mate in her head. There's that IF again, which all women have. Women largely lack independent thought and will adopt the views of the most prominent figure in their lives. Even my woman who is aware of the faults of her gender and is disgusted by them, still suffers from them from time to time - such as rapid mood-swings. It's something which is tied to them biologically and hard to control.

on the hard drive, he trashes his hdd full with it,
he isnt gonna chop them off.
You have to search somewhere else for your fetish.

They won't admit it but women enjoy being raped.

I think it has to do with the tens of thousands of years of tribal infrastructure of historical human culture.

>Invaders come in
>Rape the women
>Women get pregnant
>The ones who can't take the shame kill themselves and do not perpetuate their genealogy
>The ones that enjoy it carry on, birth some bastard and anxiously await the next wave of invaders.


>my girl is different than all the other girls

no she isn't.

You did not understand. She has become different due to an outside intervention she cannot resist, such as a male authority. They are easily shaped by the men who control them.

If you were to die do you think your woman would
a) avenge your death if another party were at fault
b) take her own life to follow you into the afterlife (or lack thereof)
c) remain celibate for her remaining years alive and never loving any else again
d) cry for 1 week - 1 month, receive comforting words/advice/help from her support-structure of female friend, relatives and hopeful males and go out again as if everything were normal. Eventually finding someone else to fill the gap in her life.
e) immediately hoping back onto the cock carousel.

Anything but answers a, b or c and you got a problem.

You do not understand. Women do whatever the fuck they want. Right now she wants to satisfy her man. The minute she wants something else, all your "male authority" ain't gonna mean shit.

A lot of you guys are really dumb concerning women. It's funny how easily they can play you, even while being less intelligent than you.

>be me
>get gf
>gf works full time to support me while I NEET
>stoping NEETing, enter grad school, gf continues to support me
>break up with gf upon graduating, take high paying job

This made me hated by a good deal of our "friends." I literally don't see what I did wrong


>Silly as it may seem, exceptions do occur. I do not deny this.

90% of everything is shit. Find a good one. Or deal with a woman that's less than perfect but has it where it counts (loyal, strong morals, family values).

Congratulations you act like a women, ya cunt. (except the get a high paying job part)

Also your story is fake is gay. fuck off.

>here's an incorrect opinion presented as a fact
>what's that you offered a rebuttal
>hurrr there are exceptions

yet another Internet victory

Love is but a chemical reaction telling you that you and her are compatible for making children.
The woman will also feel love, but only if her body chemically reacts to the prospect of being with you and she thinks of you highly.

Beyond that it's just a fairytale. A beautiful story and blissful, but an exaggeration of reality.

If we did not have children at that time, it would be a) followed by b). If we did, it would be c). We have discussed this very thing, in fact.

She is on a very tight leash of which there is no escape. I have clearly laid down the rules and they are simple yet strict. If she were to not respect them then the deal is off immediately along with her untimely demise. I entered her life at a very opportune time which has made her devoted to me to the point where she has acknowledged it as her life's duty.

I get your position, and I probably would have been like that as well had I not been as lucky as I was.

Men love beautiful women, women admire strong men. Become a strong man worthy of being admired, and you'll find a beautiful woman worthy of your love.

>If she were to not respect them then the deal is off immediately along with her untimely demise. I entered her life at a very opportune time which has made her devoted to me to the point where she has acknowledged it as her life's duty.

I think I would like you two. Keep on keeping on.

People don't seem to think that way in my country, just me.

Yeah, most women are. This isn't controversial among my women peers at all. That's probably why I no longer hang out with them and instead spend my time with my children and husband. Can't get enough of the man, though. Probably because I'm pregnant and I want him to hold and kiss me all the time.

My mother has often told me this. I remember one day she went off on a massive rant to one of my female friends how women don't actually have any friends, just people they can co-exist with.

And, to support this, all the guys I know have had the same friends since secondary school (or even primary) but all the women I know change their friend groups every 5 years.

>SJWs have daddy issues
>Sup Forums has mommy issues

can't make this shit up

Look at this, and tell me this isn't love.,

You threaten your wife with death unless she acts like she loves you, so this means she loves you.

Yeah, you're a fucking idiot.

>mommy issues
>mummy issues

Come on fag goy did u even read

KEK, it would sound like that. Perhaps I should elaborate. We were already best friends for a long time before we begun dating. She had very good insight into my mind and wanted to take it to the next level. I told her that if she wanted to become my partner it would be a permanent arrangement, she agreed to it with no hesitation because she trusts me completely. At that time I had very serious reservations regarding relationships and women and that was a sort of insurance, if you will.

we /ss/ now

> Sharia in Portugal already?

Actually, here until 1974 (commie coup) it was legal to kill your wife if she was caught cheating on you.

the whole of italy you mean? thats how they roll gringo

Oh schieze, thats actually pretty interesting did not know this actually kek

they love the things you can give them

sicily had lesser crimes for the same until very recently. like, it was a couple of years, no big deal if you found out and went straight to her and killed her

many positive traits, like the ability to feel romantic love, loyalty and honour, must be tied to the Y chromosome, because I just don't see women possessing them. It's as if the difficulties of pre-modern life and being controlled by men gave them a substitute for those qualities, but now they are free they have nothing resembling them

Yes but like most people of both genders they dont know how to love

are men?

We used to have a thing where a man can kill the man your wife with instead of the wife.
twas high teir gentlecuck duels.

Well, maybe "legal" wasn't the right word. Looking into it, if you caught your wife in the act of adultery and killed her in that moment you would be "forgiven" with only about 6 months of jail time.

Men aren't capable of love either

If true alpha as fuck.
>Survival of the fittest

So you get off kinda for being momentarily insane.

Men adore women the way women adore their children, but women will never adore her man the way he adores her.

Freud wasnt a hack after all

Yes. Plus, marriage was done through the Catholic Church and divorces were absolutely illegal. The deal was always permanent, I'm basically just continuing the tradition on a personal level with my woman. The idea of divorce also disgusts her because she believes it to be a holy union. Iberians always were hardcore zealots, I guess.

It's men who are not capable of love. At least not in that way towards a woman. The sooner you realise it the happier you will be.

Is this the redhead from Murdoch Murdoch?

>Quasi-marxist, Soros-funded thinktanks (including BLM and the greater part of Hollywood and wealthy black America)
The world's greatest threats in descending order.
Everything else is just a group that one of the above groups is trying to play you against for their own nefarious purposes.

Women love their children. Husbands/boyfriends are always secondary to this.

Is it really different for fathers?

Loll u méta fagget