Pro 2A Firearm General

ITT post pro 2nd amendment statistics, memes, images, and stories.

I have recently analyzed and visualized the new CDC and FBI 2015 data that was recently released. I'll post my graphs here, feel free to save and repost.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pie chart with homicides and suicides

"Assault" rifle homicides compared to nonfirearm homicides


The gov states hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

Why should the white spanish ones of pure spanish descent be blamed for the actions of mestizos?

Divide them by their races or else you're anti white

No idea what you're talking about. It clearly says race and ethnicity.

Trends in firearm homicides vs public perception of the last 20 years

Trends by itself

The bump in homicides for 2015 is primarily due to the Black homicide rate. Thanks George Soros!

I got some




Breakdown in rates between White and Black homicides by race of the offender. This chart uses the correct calculation by population of victim. There is a chart that constantly gets posted around here where it uses the population of the offender. This is WRONG. If you have that graph saved, please delete it and use this one.


Difference between Blacks killed by civilians vs police

do you have any weapon stats of mentally ill compared to non mentally ill people?

I'm not aware of any readily available CDC or FBI data on that subject. Best bet would be to check Google Scholar for some research reports.


Strong correlation between race and firearm homicides using state-level data

No correlation between law abiding gun owners and firearm homicides

Justification for the right to bear arms by a well-respected academic philosopher:

Last graph I have, a multiple linear regression model predicting state-level variation in firearm homicides. Race and poverty are strongly significant, other variables have no relationship (although geographic variation is significant outside the model).

Please submit any questions you have before the thread auto-archives, thanks

you should try posting in /r/dataisbeautiful

I have, not usually well received :( I usually stick to /r/Firearms

I must be a nigger Asian then since I own a fuckton of guns

Good red pill material


It is. You can sell it as pro gun stats but red pill on black crime



How did you get data on Hispanics? From the data I've seen they're represented as "white."

The CDC allows you to separate Whites into Hispanic and non-Hispanic

AR = Armalite Rifle NOT Assault Rifle

I never said that's what AR stood for. I own several, I know the history of the weapon.

Wow, there's so many posts I wish I could have had that for.
>feels bad man.jpg

Oh, I like this one. Saved.

What is this saying? That negro density is the best indicator of gun crime?

Yes, the state-level % of Black population is the single largest predictor of firearm homicides, and that is controlling for other variables such as poverty and gun ownership.



yeah but most monkeys and spics are the ones living in poverty?
so even in that, they are still the domain when it comes to poor life choices and shitty living
