The infallible cuck

Muslim terrorism doesn't exist, abort your babies and I will forgive, but guns are evil and if you have them I will EXCLUDE you

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That is not the path of true conservatism.

I'm coming for you.

Que maricon de Papa tenemos, eh? casi no me sorprende que sea un mamador argentino...

molymeme aint happy with it

They must have some pedophile files on him.

That's not what infallible means, you dumb nigger.

Francis hasn't utter a single infallible statement in his papacy.

He's from Argentina.
You guys think they are okay because you don't live next to them.
They are like a mix of Sweden and Canada.
You can't be more cucked than it.

Only the cuck knows the true path to conservatism.

He will not forgive those deny to help their muslim brothers.

Benedict Punished Sixtin is still alive.

Well he literally worked in the Church's sexual cover-up department (obviously they don't call/refer to it as that) before being Pope, just like Benedict before him, so make whatever of that that you will.

So what happens to the totally-not-muslim-terrorists who use guns?

Silver lining is that I finally actually understand Christian history. Learning when I was young I never got why every sect was so butthurt about papacy. Now I get it

If they do it in the name of Islam then it's fine since according to him all religions inherently seek out peace and goodness.

Don't talk bad about mouhamedans, they are your brothers



>Being a cucktholic
Sola fide mi loco
The only mediator between God and men is Jesus Christ, not another imperfect man appointed by men.

Destroyer of churches

>Catholics think they're christian
>They also think westboro baptists are christian

>I will exclude you
Mfw this actually means anything to Catholicucks. The pope is so arrogant he thinks he can send people into hell. Why aren't you part of the God tier Orthodox church?

How can anyone defend this cuck


Christians must ask gays to forgive them

The Pope only wants to disarm protestants.


Man why can't Jude Law actually be pope

Read the kuran