Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off shill


at this point what difference does it make

you lost

And you lost your healthcare, burgertard.

Surprise, he isn't
Fuck off





































Nice gets

What's that?
You can't let go of your lost dreams?






Who are you again?







no I didn't cause I'm a veteran, honorable discharge, I go to the VA fucker

fag coward btfo

I won't have to pay Obongo penalty now thanks to Trump, suck my diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

The veteran who writes like a 14 year old full of angst. What are you a veteran of, getting fucked in the ass by your gay uncle when you were a kid?

Did you enjoy pissing over a billion dollars into the wind as much as I enjoyed watching you do it?

No, no you didn't.

cry more no healthcare/job having fag

What the fuck is happening in this thread?!

Well she did file the Citizens United case which fucked up every aspect of electoral politics.

It worked for Obama. He got to blame Bush for a whole 8 years.

You being a cuck
