Alright, trumpcucks...

Alright, trumpcucks, explain to me exactly how this florida rally DOESN'T qualify as one big 'Safe Space' to bounce things around an echo chamber without any mean, mean people saying feeling-hurt things?

inb4 'no, u'

That is exactly what it was.

>R-rallies are safe spaces..!
I know it triggers you that the President goes out to meet the regular guy and keeps caring about the people even after the elections ended

must have hurt when Hillary and Bernie stopped giving a fuck after they lost huh

If only they'd leave him alone with old glory to grab that sweet fabric

See, this is that "no u" I was talking about
>sorry it triggers you

Still, though, if it's red-pilled to hate safe spaces, explain how this isn't one. You still failed to do that, regardless if I'm triggered or not.

Looks like there is no defense.


You sure do sound triggered, familia.

Why would I take a moment to give the time of day to a random retard insulting me on the internet? Legitimately curious what the fuck you expect.

>Reply twice to make people think anybody but you cares
>Doesn't know what IDs are
We can see it's you, retard.

>Why would I take a moment to
>makes two posts

Whole buncha ad hominem but not alotta answers

If lefties need bajilion safespaces for every identity, "race", religion, ideology, belief etc. etc.
Then why shouldn't we have a few safe spaces? :)

Drumpf cucks will defend this


Making America Cucked Again!

So is the argument that safe spaces are fine as long as they are utilized across groups from both ends of the political spectrum? Also, isn't ANY private gathering a "Safe Space". Technically, isn't only inviting certain people into your home a "Safe Space"? You don't chastise your friend at a party like

"Why didn't you invite that douchebag who hates us and everything we do? Are you afraid of him?"

Looks like you're new here, and have decided not to lurk in order to gain a solid grasp of the board's culture. 1. Fuck you, 2. Who said hating echo chambers was redpilled? 3. What's wrong with having a rally?

Your safe spaces protect your feelings from being hurt. Our safe spaces protect us from being mauled to death and set on fire by a rabid pack of niggers and their collaborators.


Making America Cucked Again!

He hides, he lies, he is one day closer to death

I commonly see 'safe space' hurled around as an insult. Nothin wrong with a rally or any private meeting of like-minded people. I just don't see the logic of how one is a shut-in crybaby fest and one isn't. The rule applies evenly, or it doesn't hold water.

Tbh Donald looked so happy and lively during this. You just have to like him

Can you explain to me how a political rally containing a few thousand people is the same as a college safe space? I fail to see the connection that you are trying to imply.

I suppose it kind of is, but you could apply that description to any rally, or any event where those without tickets are excluded

can you tell me why it matters? are you really complaining that a group of people want to get together for something they like?

Actually I argue against complaining about that here

Both are places where you only invite people who agree with you, because you're trying to have a private discussion without interruptions. A college safespace isn't a place to hide forever from the fact that people disagree with you, although that's a fun over-simplification to make fun of. It's like "trigger warning", a "safe space" is really just a dumb-sounding name for something that everybody already does that's easy to attack.

I suppose there is a distinction in that the lefty crybabies themselves refer to their safespaces as protection from the real world, whereas rallies or concerts are not referred to as safe spaces for the protection from reality. they are just events

I'm sorry but I still fail to see the connection here. In a college safe space (which is what safe space means here), there are actual imposed rules saying what is and isn't allowed to be said in a certain areas. A rally is an event where you buy a ticket to see someone speak.

So if you ran, say, a panel at a convention where you were there to talk about how X is great, you would purposefully invite somebody who hates X, just to be sure?

Same thing. Just a space to talk about what you want to talk about without being shouted at by the opposition, for that moment.

>refer to their safespaces as protection from the real world


sources that the leftfags refer to safespaces?

There we protestors outside you stupid fuck. If it were a safe place there wouldn't be a protest there to "protect" trump and his supporters. But it's not a college safe space you stupid cuck

There's that word again. How does buying a ticket count as an invite? It sounds more like a willing exchange of goods and services. Even if I were to accept that as part of your argument, does that mean you need to be "invited" into a college safe space as well?

There can be protesters outside of safe spaces, too.

No, but say you walked into a Trump rally and started screaming "fuck Trump!", you'd be asked to leave and escorted out. The people who paid to be there paid to be around like-minded folks. Same thing with a panel of people thinking the same thing getting up to speak. Same with a safe space, a bunch of like-minded folks want a space to discuss something concerning them without the shouting masses outside interrupting. But, it's not forever, public debates can happen later, outside of that space. If you went into a safe space screaming "FUCK WHATEVER THIS IS ABOUT" you'd also be asked to leave.

That they refer to their own spaces as "protection from the real world"

>We can see it's you, retard.
tickets were free you stupid fuck.

>We elected a president who actually cares about and talks directly to the people
>this is somehow a bad thing and Trump should just forget us and his promises for 4 years like Obama forgot twice.