If you support deportation

Then how do you plan on dealing with all the broken families? Didn't think that far did you?

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Deport the children after they're taught how to fix their country .

I support deportations of all non-Europeans. America was founded as a nation for white men of good character you know

I don't agree, deport all but blacks and Asians. The rest go.

They can live with their family in the state of their parent's origin.

That's not really my, or Americas problem.

Though if pressed I'd say deport them too, and nothing of value is lost.

>not deporting blacks

Great. Now post the original

strip citizenship from anchor babies and send them home too

Illegals knew the risk of deportation before sneaking in here and securing fake identities to work. Multiple crimes, no remorse? No remorse = no remorse from me. Fuck them and their children. Teat dried up, get smuggled into Canada they'll actually take you.

>Americans should pay to teach the children
Put them in forced labor until they've paid back everything they and the mother took from this country and then send them back (after taking a foot so they can't run back).

When their mother breaks any criminal law she goes to jail. Who's crying about criminals breaking up their own families? Emotional appeals are retarded. It is her fault that she had her kids her, and it is also our Supreme Court's fault for interpreting an amendment meant to address slaves as direct evidence that anchor babies are constitutionally legit.

deport or gas

horsey is BASED

mom should be trying to grab one of these instead of her kids

ICE is doing it for a reason. They came here illegally. Should have thought about having kids when you are here illegally. Also, the kids can also leave. They don't want to learn the language, they can fuck off

They aren't here legally. Fucking get out.

>Then how do you plan on dealing with all the broken families?
Deporting them as well.

deport families too
problem solved

And to think, her only crime was breaking the law.

Have some sympathy!

Deport the whole family.

Problem fixed.

Also no one cries about bank robbers going to prison and getting separated from their family. Why do these criminals get special treatment?

Family reunification. Surely the countries they will be sent back to won't refuse to take in the children too, that would be very problematic.

What matters is money. If farmers/industrialists/business owners lose more money with the immigrant shortage than they make with recent tax cuts, all is ok. If not, Trump is fucked.

Simple as that.

And no. Sup Forums will not plow the fields and unclog toilets (for now that is). They are not business owners either. Hell, most are students or NEETS!

he's a stupid nigger that lost.

separating families is terrible, better send them back together

fuck those families

They are allowed to travel with their parents :^)

>If farmers/industrialists/business owners lose more money with the immigrant shortage than they make with recent tax cuts...*Trump is fucked

I meant the other way around ofc.

by leaving their other family in mexico or wherever they've already split their family. One can argue we are reuniting them with their larger family. Think of it as family reunification.

>Then how do you plan on dealing with all the broken families?

Deport the whole family

Whats up tyrone


The children are free to follow their parents back to Mexico

The pic confirms the narrative they have to many kids to take care of, and are here illegally.

Reaffirming the main argument they should stay in their own country... Good work horsey.

>Then how do you plan on dealing with all the broken families?
Just do it?

If you county has prison for life, you dont allow to not go to jail because he has a child. The same apply here.

Deportation at this case can be seen as prison for life.

when cutting weeds you need to dig up the root or they just come back

Free slave labor to help build the wall.

Can't, 13th amendment

Just deport the kids too.

If blacks were in power, they would slaughter you. Watch the first 5 min of this:

tl;dr: africans slaughter every french, woman and child after they were given equal rights. the country turned to shit without whites. america came in because of business interests, and repaired their infrastructure. turned to shit again. america came in once again, and haiti is now the shithole it is today, who would die as a nation if we didn't come to their aid all the fucking time.

she falsified social security. fuck her.

Its not that we didnt think its that we dont care. Youre the ones who dont think, coming here illegally. Would you be happier if we sent all of them back? Even the whites they had anchor babies with?


or give them to the gay couples.



>all but blacks
Are you afraid that you're gonna miss your wife's boyfriend?

Why would the constitution apply to a non citizen?



>Can't, 13th amendment
Shit, 14th amendment

>broken families
families can leave too
>Didn't think
much as they did when they crossed illegally

Sadly someone broke the law and now there will be consequences for that, if there are such a large amount of cases then that just shows how shit other countries are

I agree, if one person in a family has immigrated illegally, the whole family should be deported.


>bombs reflectively

Cease posting these offensive edits immediately. They are libel and slander.

Why would they be broken families if the whole family would be deported? Didn't think that far did you?

I like this plan

the problem is how to send them back when the country of origin doesn't want them.
we got the same problem, even with 2-pasport Moroccans, they just don't want them back.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


you are right

we shouldn´t imprison criminals either. even if they are violently rapists or murders.

it´s way more important that their families stay intact


deport them too, obv

In an age of single parenthood being the norm, and divorce and abortion on demand, the nuclear family has all but been destroyed. The decades of liberal propaganda against traditional family structure has been very convincing.
So why all of a sudden should I care about it now?

Horsey seems kinda angry. Huh, ironic.

Woah Hold Up! We didn't think this cleary through but the illegal hispanic woman who crossed the border, stole social security numbers, and had anchor babies did. Give me a break! Those kids can go with her. America would be better off if Central Americans sent their smart legal Hispanics here, but no we always get the dumb beaners.
Nice Bait tho so here's your (You)!

>Muslims still being in the US long enough to have a badge put on them

Also while on this topic I'd like to point out I have no problem with Arabs and Mediterraneans themselves, in fact I have a lot of respect for them. Muslims are vermin though, and what's more is they're vermin by choice.

You are just going to get a lot of agents kill for this.


what broken families. deport them all.

>I shouldnt be responsible for my actions

Just because someone is a mother doesn't automatically absolve them of a criminal history, fucking liberals.

Horsey really needs to start drawing porn. I know that porn of this one exists, I've seen it. I'll trade my very rarest pepe for it.

They're free to leave with their parents.


>not posting the right version

Why do they need to be broken? If family is so important to them, they can bring their kids back with them. The kids are Mexican citizens, too.



Entering another country illegally is a crime!


fuck 'em
sage and hide all shill threads

lmao the flag patch on the guys arm isnt even correct jfc

Do you also scream like a bitch every time a mother is taken from her family and put in prison because she ran over a toddler whilst drunk driving? No? Why not?

They're both criminals aren't they?

Deport them too

You're right chinks and niggers should be exterminated.

Asians are far more damaging to the fabric of society than hispanics, and theyre coming at a much faster rate.

oy vey



I wish we still defended our castles.

>mfw I'm anti 2nd amendment
>unironically make an anti 2nd amendment comic strip where comic strip tard compares government to hitler
>go to twitter
>Trump is Hitler

sweet reminds me of that scene in attack on titan

You only really need to take the big toe on thier dominant foot. They wont be able to run without that.


>stop holding people accountable for committing felonies

>they can bring their kids back with them.
At some countries you need to be born there. to be considered a citizen.

The answer is just to separate the families, if they were "deported back to jail" no one would complain, but we are talking about countries and shills go apeshit

So should spics