Country love/like/hate/rate thread

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Of course you would hate us Paco Taco, you're jelly of our german grandmothers while your father works cleaning toilets at mc donalds.



Why the hate :(

Though I now live in the US, I was born in the UK and you still owe an apology for the Falklands.


What can I do to alleviate this undeserved indifference!!!

because 60% gringo over here probably hates you for your white privilege

>Hating on the whitest country in Europe

Hello Jamal

You just went on the dislike list.





tho I guess I actually hate Iran and also dislike Israel

I think South Africa was fine during Apartheid, no hard feelings.

What the fuck greatest ally?

Any of you post a picture of loving Scotland? You deserve to be cucked into extinction. You deserve it and it will happen to you. Scotland is of cuck.

so you're a nigga?

Only relevant map in this thread


I don't use the same type of linguistics as Black Rednecks.
But I'm Biafran*, AMA.

how did you learn about pol and what are your political views?

also you should post your hand in ns thread to trigger them

I was playing a League game on EUW, enemy Lux said "Why play League when Europe is being swarmed by Refugees"

>At the time I had a grasp on the refugee problem and I didn't want Europe to turn into a Psuedo-Arabic hellhole.

Anyway, I agreed with him and we started talking about it during game, turned out that there were 2 Muslims on my team, one of them living in Sweden who got upset about our conversation, then it turned into a full blown argument. Once the game ended the enemy player added me as a contact and we started talking politics, he introduced me to Sup Forums and National Action, and funny you mention /ns/. He's a NatSoc as well.

Do you want to have white european women or black race women ?

My mother raised me to never racemix with whites, so it's obvious I prefer my own group.

>He's a NatSoc as well.
But did you tell him you're black?


Yes I did, we agree on a lot of stuff desu and there rarely is a case where my ethnicity becomes a problem to him, I'm quite interested in NatSoc and would like to see if it could work in an African Ethno-state so he's been redpilling me on National Socialism himself.

>Pic Related, my political views.

Do you think that mixing race should be banned?
I always want to have black wife, but I think that should be banned because diversity should be always in your own cultural background.
It's not good but I accepted that. I'm white so my duty is to have white women.




I do not agree with race-mixing but I have no personal problems with it.
However, when the state starts using my tax money to fund shit racemixing propaganda like:

>Blanda Upp

>Good Fellas

Then I have a real fucking problem with it.

>Pic Related

I honestly thought most of what Sup Forums was saying about government pushing race mixing was a meme.

File name


Sup Forums itself is a meme now desu, when I first came here, it was ~December, bunch of r/The_Donald types and normies coming here. There were some quality threads, but now I see a huge decline in quality, "AMA, Am I white" , shill threads etc. etc.
Most of what Sup Forums says, I take it with a grain of salt.

But yeah, governments do push race-mixing via tax money, not sure to what extent, but they push it.

>Beige Power



Nice to see that Anglos still get along

>being sovok
>hating NK

r8 no h8


I'm proud of this.
