Reminder that race is a social construct used to pit people against each other and we're all actually the same race -...

Reminder that race is a social construct used to pit people against each other and we're all actually the same race - human.

it's a twist on tribalism to pander to humans natural instincts and its easier to divide by color rather than culture.

A black person from the UK is way different than a black person from the southern USA and again way different than one from Kenya. Yet, a society that wants to pit you against each other would want you to think they're all the same in the worst ways.

Be woke everyone.

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Fuck off nigger

race is very much a real thing. simply by way of appearance we are different, just as different dog breeds are different. a yorkshire terrier is not the same as a bulldog, just as a black man is not the same as a white man. each race has its own characteristics, and its own reasons for those characteristics. you cannot pretend that they are not there. the true redpill is working together to preserve those unique strengths and keeping everyone alive.

i hate niggers

Yes and a chihuahua is the same species as a rottweiler. and there's no reason to treat them any differently or take any precautions for your children when you are one or the other.

fuck off

Go watch some google street view in Africa and start using your brain faggot.

Tell that to the fucking chinks, jesus dude the yellow fucks are racist as fuck


We're different sub-species. Niggers need to get shipped to Africa.

No, societies are racial constructs.


I'm white.

Did you know that Mongolians invaded China in the 1200s. Like completely invaded and fucked the country over. and then after one generation it all became Chinese again because the culture never changed. You can hardly tell that the Mongolians were even there now.

Racial features are just attributes to local. Like a black person has large nostrils because of the thin air in the African plains. Mexicans have olive skin because they are from a warmer climate. White people are only white because they are from the North. That's all it actually means.

Culture is really the only thing that matters, not race. If different races come to America they just become absorbed in our culture. You don't see black people rain dancing, they just act like American poor people.

A purebred dog is an inbred dog

So there's no such animal as white guilt? Awesome.

As long as you stop blathering about "people of color" being "represented" then I'm happy to ignore race too.

>Reminder that race is a social construct
Then why isn't your picture showing a person with homogeneous traits?
>human race

Civic nationalists are fucking retards. America needs to be destroyed, democracy is a fucking scam.

stop watching shitty media if you're sick of that. Don't let other peoples shit posting influence your world views.

Alright, then black lives don't matter because there is no such thing as a black life. Only a human life.

genetic haplogroups exist, anyone who gets a DNA test can be told their racial admixture.

Race is very much a thing and Whites are the next species of human to be bred out of the gene pool.

In 1500 years they will be talked about in a similar vain to the neanderthal

Reminder, plural gender self-identity (LGBTQ) is a social construct.

Black Lives Matter a socially constructed conflict to get people like you to be upset over it and mad about it and therefore it can be used to control you. you will now vote for anything that is anti black lives matter. It's a cause that exists to exploit you.

youre a peasant for even acknowledging it

Did you know Europeans invaded the Americas and whiped out the natives? There's only like 2k Nimi'ipuu left and I'm one of them.

Reminder, Communism is a jewish elite social construct to enslave.

b8 thread


I agree communism is an awful form of government, but thats an irrelevant topic for this thread.

>taking the b8 without realizing that it's b8
Who's the peasant now?

Is there something else you would like to discuss?

Not really, I'm just here to shitpost

This sounds like a legit analogy because everyone agrees that dogs are all one species and yet everyone also agrees that dog breeds have firm characteristics, both physical and in terms of temperament, so why should we not expect the same from humans? So I looked into it, and it's not so simple.

By genetic variability, dog breeds have about 65% of variance within breed, 30% of variance between breed, and an Fst distance of about 0.33. Humans have about 85% variance within race and 10% between races, and an Fst distance of about 0.15. Basically, in summary, dog breeds are narrower genetically within their own breed and wider genetically between breeds than human races. Dog breeds are more like islands in an archipelago and human races are more like different elevations on one big crescent shaped island based on distance from sub-Saharan Africa.

Racism makes more sense specifically in a country like America where the contrast between white European colonizers, Native Americans, and sub-Saharan African slaves was stark. If you visited every country from Norway heading south toward Nigeria, you'd find that there's actually a relatively gradual change from Nordic white to Mediterranean olive to Berber brown, to sub-Saharan African black, with the greatest change seen across the Sahara desert as it represents a significant genetic barrier.

Similarly, in North America, we receive immigration from East Asia, which is the opposite side of the Eurasian continent from Western Europe, so again, the racial differences are stark. I've had the opportunity to travel eastward across Eurasia along the Silk Road and I can tell you that the racial gradient between Caucasoids and Mongoloids is relatively smooth and there's no hard line for which one could say, this is where the Caucasoids stop and this is where the Mongoloids begin.

Racial heuristics sprung up and were found to be useful because race was a convenient signal for deep cultural differences.

So because it's not as obvious (lol) we should just ignore it?
THAT is retarded.

Maybe you're misplacing your scrutiny.

No, you should look at information for it's own worth, not based on whether it jives with the ideology of your political tribe. Most variation happens at the individual level.

What is the point of your racial heuristic if not to make better decisions in your life? You understand that black people have lower IQs, lower incomes, lower credit ratings, and higher rates of violent crime, so you use that information to avoid hiring black people, avoid renting to black people, and not allowing black people to date your daughter.

Yet, when you live in the West, the reality is that chinks and poos have higher IQs, higher incomes, higher credit ratings, and lower rates of violent crime than native born whites. Even if this is only true because of selective immigration poaching the top chinks and poos, it doesn't change the racial reality of your country. You don't live in China or India, you live in France.

Should you use this information to hire chinks and poos over whites? To give them preference when renting out your room? To give approval when they date your daughter? In reality, you'd probably give native-born whites the benefit of individual assessment, rather than just assuming they come from an inferior group.

You can learn far more about any individual from a short conversation than you can from their race, so what is the purpose of your racial heuristic? What function does it serve?

is this picture allowed on this board?
or should I fuck off back to Sup Forums?

>you should look at information for it's own worth
that's exactly what I do. You claim the interracial difference is an average of 10%, that's more than enough to not discard the race card.

Yeah but for what reason? Individual and cultural differences far outweigh the race effect. What use is it?

I can imagine choosing a neighbourhood to live in based on the racial demographics because black people have higher crime rates. Or I could just look at the crime statistics of a neighbourhood to get a more accurate and direct representation of the neighbourhood's safety.

What can you use race for that you can't do better by individual assessment or direct assessment?

Races still correlate to behavior

Us whites should help conquer the world for the Japanese and treat Japan the way we treat Israel right now

>Individual and cultural differences far outweigh the race effect
Living among sand niggers I beg to differ. Race is still the most important factor despite not offering the biggest range of differences. The thing is, as low these differences are, they still happen to be much important, skin tone is the first thing you notice when you see someone, whether you want it or not, but then come things such as intelligence.

And saying differences are a product of culture is erroneous at best, dishonest at worst. Culture is a product of racial differences.

Race is not a social construct, however the races are.

Division purely along ethnic lines only causes interethnic conflict which allows the Jew to pit Gentile against Gentile and Aryan against Gentile and vice verse.

Race realism ought to be replaced with Racial idealism as you only serve the interest of the Jews if you make an enemy of everyone.

Remember the Jews want constant struggle among the non-Jews.

Race realism is quantity, Racial idealism is quality.

Here's a link if anyone is interested in reading more into this.

pic unrelated.

Civic Nationalism is a farce, you should be ashamed of yourself.


>so what is the purpose of your racial heuristic? What function does it serve?
They want to get gibs for being white, simple as that. The only difference from Democrats is that they are too proud to beg, so they try to prove that they're the toughest, smartest, and most beautiful, instead of straight out whining. But if their claims were true, why would they need to prove it?



Wrong, culture correlates to behavior.

>A black person from the UK is way different from the southern USA
Since I actually lived in the UK for half my life, this is actually true, to a point.
The 2nd and 3rd generation black people who actually integrated into British society aren't that bad at all.
The mass immigration in recent years where western governments brought so many people with the same shit culture over at once, these people will never integrate.
This is eventually going to lead to a civil war, not really civil though since these double digit IQ fuck ups don't belong in the west anyway and they have no allegiance to it.


If I need blood transfusion I can only use blood from my race If that's true how is race a social construct

>Though compatibility is not based on race, genetically similar blood is best for patients who need repeated or large volumes of blood transfusions, or those who have produced red blood cell antibodies for various diseases and conditions like sickle cell, heart disease and kidney disease.

Asians are a great example of a socially manipulated and divided people.

>Culture is a product of racial differences.

Not for the most part, they just often go hand in hand, because both are the result of the environment in which a people developed. It's not as though cultural development is a tower whose higher floors can only be reached by those of a particular intelligence. However, more often, cultural development is more often the result of mundane differences such as whether a town grows rice or wheat.

Even among Han Chinese people living on opposite sides of a river display marked differences in culture based on what they grow. Rice is labor intensive, requires extensive irrigation, and produces more calories per acre than wheat does. As a result, rice farming communities tend to be more densely populated and have a communitarian culture whereas wheat farmers, who can sustain their own family off their plot and labour without outsider help tend to be more individualistic in culture.

I'm sure you can tell the cultural differences between an Algerian and a Lebanese person, and they're reasonably distinct ethnically as well, though in modern racial categorizations they're all sand niggers. Lebanon has a long history of urban civilization and mercantilism whereas Algeria has historically been a backwater region plagued with piracy and banditry on the periphery of more powerful empires or provinces of empires within Morocco and Tunisia. Consequently, you'll find that Lebanese people are far more successful than Algerians within France and are generally more trustworthy despite being somewhat calculating.

If you just looked at the guy's skin and said, ah, he's a sand nigger, you'd be missing out on key information. If you're interviewing for a job, a few questions will let you know if the guy is the son of illegal Algerian immigrants, has poor grades, and aspires to be a gangster rap/hip hop artist or if the guy is the son of Maronite Lebanese importers who is looking for a job to help pay for an engineering degree.

That's not true. For the most part, unless you have some janky antibodies, hospitals will match you to a donor based on ABO type and RH factor. There's a good chance your O-negative universal donor blood came from a beaner.

There are racial differences that are used in medicine. African Americans have a different profile for hypertension and are treated with different drug combinations. South Asians are at a greatly increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Northern Europeans are far more prone to multiple sclerosis. Yet, most of these differences represent changes in broad changes in likelihood for diseases that can occur in any race. Only a few specific conditions, such as sickle cell disease or Tay-Sachs disease are relatively exclusive to one ethnic group. For the most part however, determining someone's racial background is considered to be relatively low yield in a medical history.

We're all terraforming robots. You need to read about Non-Darwinian Evolution.


>A purebred dog is an inbred dog
Yup. And just as you have a race of people always winning the 100 meters in olympics you have a race of dogs always winning dog sprints. For example you need a "inbred" dog to herd cattle. You can't get a wolf to herd cattle. So with "inbreeding" comes certain traits.

Genetic racial traits exist which are independent of culture but associated with geographic regions, the source environment of that adaptation or group of adaptations.

People are NOT equal.
Some ARE genetically inferior.

Do you even DNA?

Commie scum

That sounds like some disgusting degenerate Marxist shit, son.

Guys be sure to remember to type sage in the options field when you reply to these shit threads

>3/4ths asian
>1/4th black

This is what regressives consider (((diversity))) SAGE!

saying race is a socially constructed plot created to pit us against each other in order to control us is not the same as saying we're all the same.

No white person actually believes this.
Not even shit libs are willing to live near blacks.

what is that picture trying to say, each one of those looks completely different

inbreeding is the reason why mammals are the dominant species and why humans exist in the first place faggot

Cultural Marxist crap that you have obviously fallen for. I am not putting my own race above others but the reality is that race does exist.

just remember that the alt right movement was created so the jews could establish an updated hivemind of interests and opinions for you all, which then can be controlled.



>Race is a social construct

Good one. I almost expected this to be shill or bait.

youre confusing culture with race.

>all white people have the same shaped skull

daily reminder animals are a social construct.
we are all made of DNA and neuro-synapses making different reactions based on our environment
We care because certain neuro connections are dangerous and negativly affecting our environments.

Races have different skull shapes. Then there are variations, but the most important features can stull be observed.

you're confusing race and species

This makes it particularly evident in a very funny way.

Do you understand that the features of humans vary on the locale and adaptation.


>Do you understand that the features of humans vary on the locale and adaptation.
That's exactly what races are, you mongoloid.

KEK I see where you get your media

>Racial features are just attributes to local. Like a black person has large nostrils because of the thin air in the African plains. Mexicans have olive skin because they are from a warmer climate. White people are only white because they are from the North. That's all it actually means.

Simplistic nonsense for the liberal masses.

just because someone looks different due to being from a hotter area doesn't mean they are different race. This is where the social construct and pitting against begins.

All shitposting aside this is a well orchestrated argument.

Props leaf

Yes, the alt-right is common term used to describe a mass of trump supporters that can be easily controlled by using terms like "black lives matter".

When a large group all hates the same thing, they can be controlled.

to sum it up, you're not fighting the jews, you're part of their plan.

I had forgotten

But if race is a social construct, there's no such thing as Jews, right? So what does it matter?

Jews aren't a race, they're a religion.

If you talk about them like they're a race then they trained you well.

>All the Jew-run media hates Trump
>All the Jew-owned establishment politicians on both sides hate him
>Jews are repeatedly trying to control him
>Trump making moves against Deep-State
>Making moves against the FED
Liberals are obvious.
I see you, shill scum.
She lost. Don't forget that.

But religion actually is a social construct. So there you go.

Fox News is owned by Jews. They play both sides of the court to keep everyone fighting, otherwise people might unite and fight them.

Count the Jews in Trump's cabinet

>Implying that's not exactly what you shills are trying to do
First day on Sup Forums?
Even Hitler had Jews close to him. Didn't mean he was owned by the Zionists.

>you can hardly tell they were even there now
look at these purely chinese children

they dont look mongolian at all :)

I'm not a liberal, stop getting so triggered.
Stop biting the mainstreams bait and trying to be liberal vs conservative.



Well technically they are sandniggers.

Murder is a social construct too, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

oops meant that for Yes, Religion is a social construct, when talking about the Jews, I'm really talking about the ones who try to control society. It's about the top dogs and israel - rather than nice guy joe goldberg who works as a cars salesman down the block

Murder is a crime in order to main order. Racial conflict exists to create disorder.

Southern BR, Germanic descendance

Not a mudblood

If skin color means so much to you, move to Russia.

This thread is a reminder about how much zyklon b some degenerate shillbots need nowadays.