What IS uranium?

What IS uranium?

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There is nothing about this statement that is false.

Uranium is used to make nukes.

That thing we gave to the pakis and the indians.

Why are there so many fucking leafs posting about a country they don't live in?

PR cards followed by citizenships?

Because a lot of us know the only country that matters in the world is the U.S.A what your country does effects us so much we kinda have to at least know whats going on.

Massive cuck inferiority complex. They can't help themselves.

You have your own problems to worry about. Don't act like Trudeau is good for Canada

Canada is basically an extension on the US. You're our biggest trading partner by massive margins and our economy and way of life is directly connected to the US.

This isn't one of the quotes that makes him look like a liar, this is one of the quotes that makes him look like an idiot. They often overlap, but not in this case.

You're nothing but a bunch of leeches.

Yeah I know hes shit thats why I want a strong United States because Canada is throwing it self down the shit slide head first.

How? Saying a true statement makes you stupid now?

I liek the goading goys. I liek it because before oaklahoma left office, he signed a bill to give the prezdunt power to shut down fake noos. Keep goading NBC. You have freedom of speak, but the broadcast channel belongs to FCC.

Something something. Damanging American. ABC, NBC, CBS shut down with prez order 12345. Replaced with Trumpvision.

Trump takes the personal attacks personal. He commands the military. What does you command, fake newses?

Uranium is used in nuclear weapons and many other things. What's wrong with this?

Just admit your mistake already, you're not helping yourself or anyone by just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

>What's 1+1
>it's 2, obviously. duh, what's math?

Yeah I'm the one who is digging deeper

He's not always trying to sound smart like other politicians.
That's what the liberals kept focusing on. He's "unelectable", he's "unpresidential", he doesn't talk like a politician, he doesn't use the right vocabulary, etc. Not to mention the racism, sexism, islamophobia, etc. Always trying to avoid anything of substance. They just tried to condition people into thinking that he could not win. Because they didn't have anything real against him. His policies are great. This was just the establishment trying to protect itself.

And those other politicians that sound so smart aren't all that smart usually. It's well developed linguistic abilities. Comes with practice and out of habits. Trump didn't grow up in the academic world like they did. They're not necessarily all that high IQ. Intelligence is about much more than linguistic abilities.

Let me tell you about 1+1. Its a thing called numbers. It's used in many things, like some maths thungs and other things.

Western civilisation is saved with this exceptional genius at the helm.
>burger education

Nice try but you didn't answer the question. Trump did.

1+1 is still 2 after your little faggy post, honey

100 percent serious, how can Americlaps defend this?

Uranium is a rock, most famous for its use in nuclear weapons and in nuclear power generation. It is vital that we do noty allow it to fall into terrorist hands, although we must still allow its use in power generation.

I made that up LITERALLY on the spot, no thinking before I typed or use of google.

>Uranium is most famous for its use in nuclear weapons

That's exactly what he said.

I understand now, you liberal retards don't think uranium is used for anything other than nuclear weapons

You think he was wrong when he said it was used for good things on top of being used for nukes - except he wasn't. This isn't about Trump being ignorant, it's about liberals being ignorant.

An element? Or, a collection of subatomic particles bound together by various different forces?

He sounded like a illiterate retard. The president should be at least average at english, and should be way, way above average at bullshitting/looking like he knows what hes doing.

That answer doesn't address anything regarding the security of our nation. In a presidential speech, that's just fluff.

The most important point is that it's used for nuclear weapons.

He's being condescending.

oh sweetie, oh honey

No, the president should speak in a way so that everyone can understand him. That's what he does.

When he talks privately and not on the podium, he sounds like a different person.

that's what he said, are you stupid

Uranium is not nuclear weapons you dumb faggots.

What's used to make nukes then? Magic fairy dust?

Fuck off.

>No, the president should speak in a way so that everyone can understand him.

A completely average person is much better at getting their ideas across. It's unbelieveable how you Americlkaps defend your president sounding like a 10 year old.


I hate how he says 'things' and 'stuff'
This is vague language that does nothing for the cause.
Trump should be clear and articulate on every subject he speaks, as President.

plutonium, you fuck.

He talks like an everyday person not like some rich elite who is out of touch with the people.

It's fissile material. If you refine it to have a high enough concentration of a certain isotope (235 i think) it can be used to make nuclear weapons. In other words Trump is correct. There is nothing controversial of inaccurate about his statement.

Which is obtained from Uranium. Eat a dick.

That maybe so, but it is the case that he is not an everyday man. He holds the most powerful position on earth, and I think that requires some dignitas in the way he speaks.

If anyone is interested in the context, Trump said this line during the infamous press conference a few days back, and he was explicitly talking down to the press using the same tone one might use with an unruly kindergartner.

There's plenty of actual stupid shit Trump has said, you don't need to remove context to fabricate more.

I wonder how well Trump would fare in a third grade spelling bee.

Why should he change just because we elected him? We elected him because we like the way he already is.

That plutonium is breed from uranium. There is not enough natural plutonium to reliably make weapons. So it must be produced in a 'breeder' reactor from uranium.

Pretty sure you need enriched uranium to make plutonium I could be wrong tho I'm a fucking leaf.

It's easier for liberals to ignore context than it is to find actual wrongdoing.

The press was asking stupid as fuck questions. He responded in the appropriate way.

>You guys with the largest freshwater reserves in the world are leeches

We're gonna get annexed by you eventually, we're just getting climatized

Uranium itself is in no way a nuclear weapon, not even the most radioactive isotope. It's essentially fuel for a nuclear weapon.

Maybe a dumb question but is uranium actually from Uranus? If not then why is it named after it?

Which is what he fucking said.

>You know what Uranium is [used for], right? It's this thing called nuclear weapons

He speaks like a toddler at every public event.

Because Martin Heinrich Klaproth named it after Uranus.

The media was asking questions like a toddler. Ignoring context doesn't make you sound smart.


The earliest iterations of nukes (aka mark 1 aka little boy) was a gun type uranium bomb. So it is possible to create a bomb from highly enriched uranium alone. Later iterations were plutonium based implosion bombs.

Let's hope they let Trump play with his crayons instead of the box that launches the nukes today....

The only way to have a successful conversation against hostile people bent on misunderstanding and twisting each of your word is to speak to them like children, to make short and redundant sentences that go straight to the point in the most formulaic and boring manner. Perhaps the american press should ask itself why it needs to be treated like retards.

Let me put it in words an untermensch like you would understand.
Beef is used to make disgusting greasy burgers. Beef isn't burgers, you disgusting greasy burger.

Uranus is the name of a greek god. Uranium is named after him because this god is actually very real and he walks the earth in human shape and he uses mystic powers to turn internet shitposts into fissile material.

most of us are refugees from america after fucking drumpf cheated his way into the white house

well uranium isnt a rock its an element you fucking idiot. A rock is composed of minerals not single elements. Uranium is found within mineral ores in rocks.

No one outside of the Leftist bubble gives a shit about this. I think it's hysterical. Have you ever winged a speech before as a president? You improve when you wing it, and when you improvise, sometimes it's not awesome. People who already like him, like him more for this shit.

I want hillaryfags to get the fuck out of my country, it's already cucked enough as it is.

Uranium is a chemical element of peace.

You're correct, and the liberal knows it. The liberal does not care because it is desperately trying to find anything to confirm its bias that Trump is an idiot. Arguing with these things is a waste of time honestly.

I like Trumps off the cuff style. It's refreshing. I hope it catches on in politics, in general.


Me too, but it probably won't. People still get butthurt at it, and he's been doing it coming up on like two years. I mean, someone took the time to make that image.

What's wrong about it? The earliest bombs did use uranium.

I like how you define uranium. One of my most retarded teachers in college asked us to define something and after 10-20 correct definitions he told his own definition, that was horribly wrong, but allowed him to continue the lecture.

No. The earliest bombs used gunpowder.


it's cool guys
he's just trying to make Bush feel better about the dumb shit he said
pi r2 parcheesi

lol what an inarticulate adult-baby.

how are his legion of inbred southern trash not the least bit embarrassed of their devotion for him?
oh that right, they're just inbred southern trash.

Trumptards be like:
>Just because Trump sounds like he's retarded doesn't mean he's actually retarded.

Yeah but he still talks like a retard, so there's that.

nuclear bomb can detonate by just having certain amount of mass. dunno about nowdays, but fat man and little boy detonated by just connecting two pieces of plutonium, forming critical mass. the pieces were separated and during the falling of the bomb they merged.
The earliest nuclear bombs used plutonium

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

him talking like a toddler at every rally, meeting, and address does though

Sorry, but you're wrong AF. You can use uranium to make a bomb and the earliest designs did.

>The "gun" method is roughly how the Little Boy weapon, which was detonated over Hiroshima, worked, using uranium-235 as its fissile material.


They deny everything said against him.

>He is a successful business man.

oh, he actually had most of his businesses fail and that was his only qualification.

> He says what we are all thinking

loses the popular vote by more than any president ever, oh

> He inst corrupt because he is using his own money

His cabinet is people that paid him for the part, journalists, and corporate cronies.

> Hillary is worse because emails

He has to have his phone taken away because it inst secure and he is talking about top secret stuff in public...

Their mental gymnastics always astound me.

Drumpftards epically and finally BTFO. Miss me now, America?

To all the retards saying this is false. Uraniums the part of the bomb that makes it an atomic bomb. So yes, it IS the nuclear weapon.

not really

I wanna throw in that I don't think he said "It's this thing called nuclear weapons."
I'm listening to him rn and it sounds like the full sentence is supposed to be: "This thing called nuclear weapons and other things, like lots of things are done with uranium, Including some bad things."

Which makes the sentence slightly less retarded. To me it looks like he started the sentence planning on listing usages and after nuclear weapons realized he can't come up with any on the spot and descended into the stuttering mess it became.

Yes, really. See

It's the part that makes the weapon nuclear.

Thanks leaf(s?)
You are safe from the rake for another day.

He's dumb as a bag of bricks user.

Exactly this. I mean of course if he followed the orders of typical campaign managers they would give him a written speech or make him practice saying "Uranium is a dangerous element used in the production of Nuclear weapons and in Nuclear Power Plants." But who the fuck cares, the point gets across eitherway, and everyone knows what hes talking about.

Thats the main point of language, if you know what the person is talking about, then you have succeeded in communication. Adding on a bunch of unnecessary detail, which is clearly unnecessary in a speech to thousands of people who are not scientists, literally makes no sense.

He talks as if he is having a normal conversation with a friend over lunch.

Thanks, bong. I don't understand how people can be so ignorant on something so well documented. Enriched uranium can be used to make a bomb, end of story.

Didn't the Trumpers hate Rubio for sounding like a robot? And you are saying we should not criticize for the content of their speech and how they sound. Backtracking when it fits your narrative. just like Trump and the media you hate so much.

Uranium is all around us in very small amounts. It's actually mined by scraping the top soil of the earth.

He's cool because he doesn't know or say a lot about stuff forcing you to google what he's talking about making yourself more red pilled on the subject finding out its actually worse than you thought it was.

Treat them nice, with intelligent long sentences, based on truths that are either known by the listener, or can be easily checked. Have a smile on your face. Treat them with respect. Do not fall for their childish behaviour, behave like an adult.
do NOT act like a teacher, these guys are what? all 30+?? do not let people like that influence you to become a lesser version of yourself.

That being said, Trump is fucking old, probably has some brain damage due to his age and he is, when talking about important political stuff, the biggest child i have ever seen.

I wish (for America and posibly the rest of the world (future discisions have to make that clear), not myself) that he would die peacefully, in his sleep tonight.

That's pretty good user

bad bait.

Welcome to the Internet age:
A wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, none of the initiative to use it.

Are Trumpers this stupid? We are making fun of the way he said it and how he said it. In other words he sounds fucking stupid constantly.

It's this thing called nuclear weapons, and other things, lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things.

Cause i wish i Was you :(
Seig heil
Salut Trump

Ur anus may produce radioactive material but shit just comes out of mine.