It would be a shame if yet another poll didn't go the way they wanted it to

It would be a shame if yet another poll didn't go the way they wanted it to

I hijacked the poll by voting lads :3

twitter is such a dumb site

Voted. Everyone else should do the same

Liberal guy with liberal followers creates a poll, thinks it's representative of average populace. Good one.

>lib followers
Sure, public alright.

Beat me to it man.

what happened to the other thread?


Wow, that guys got some momentum behind his messages.

Not enough ork to make a new Twitter, have a bump


Does he have pedo art like podesta in his twitter banner? It looks like naked kids on a sea saw

17,000 votes though.


>AJ Joshi
Fucking faggot is a disgrace to Brahmins.

it really fucking is, the management, the users, and the underlying concept are all just awful.

we've raised it by 4% since we started

I don't understand this poll

im getting a "sorry something happened to your vote"

Just voted for shambles!

I think i got a cut from all this edge.

That's OK, it's your right as a member of a democratic society to express views and opinions that may differ from those of your peers

>Poll expires in five days
Dumb ass. That's why when I make polls that make Trump look bad I only let the poll last for one day. So that alt-right sjws don't catch wind and unfairly skew the results.


>leftard poll, again
Bots incoming.

Use Gab fags.