Should we NUKE Spain ?

Holy fucking shit !!!...

Seems like Spanish people are even more insane than French marxists and Swedish cucks...

Get this , +160 000 people marched because they want Spain to be swamped by 2 digit IQ third worlders !...
They accuse their leaders of not respecting their duties toward the EU. They protest because Spain has only allowed 1100 migrants since 2015 , (and they were supposed to let in 16000 migrants/invadors)...

WTF SPAIN ? Miss the days when you guys were under sharia law ? Is it Nostalgia for the good ol days ?...You all regret the reconquista ? YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING TRAITORS !!!!!

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WTF !!!...I still can't believe this fucking SHIT ....!!!! COME ON !!! Is Soros paying all these people to protest ? +160000 people ?
I don't know what to believe anymore...

I don't think there's any need for Soros...People are just plain fucking stupid...That's my conclusion.

Cataluña = California.

And these people are exaclty the same leftards that claim for independence. They are completely organized in (((parties))) and (((NGOs))). 99% of spaniards don't want refugees.

How do they even know that it were 160K people protesting?

Mass hysteria

This is disgusting...Seriously man...This almost makes me want to cry...It seems hopeless...As if our leaders being pieces of shit wasn't enough...You'd got a bunch of traitors marching , begging for europe to destroy its very own existence...FUCK THESE PEOPLE...I don't care what their intentions are...Is they're naive or not..Fuck them !

Will I be okay in Barcelona ? What is the least cucked place in Spain

It's what they're claiming on french news...I don't know if it's true...But regardless , even 100 of them marching to have more migrants is too many...

This. Pisses me off too I've seen both places. I pray for the day spain is made great again and not another fucking caliphate. Some Arab was saying what's going on in spain is "beautiful" wanted to deck that faggot.

>tfw universities actually are pushing that the spain take over way back when was a good thing

kill me

Most of them are paid shills or just complete assholes. It's like catalonian independentism, it's another globalist tool to destroy states.

Most spaniards DON'T want refugees, or Islam, just like the rest of Europe.

Spain are one of the biggest baboons in Europe if we don't include rapefugees. They don't know how to elect someone and their whole culture is:
>We got occupied by muslims for 800 years
>Sorry for finding America and killing natives!
>Remember Franco? that was harsh guys
>Picasso did shit even though he ran away from Spain like a coward every time he was at risk
Their language is an arabic-spanish mix mess, and it doesn't help that all of the spaniard I ever met talked like they were in a talking speed contest.
I fucking hate spaniard so fucking much. I even considered suicide when I found out my late late grandfather was spaniard and realized my surname was spanish.
They ruined my entire life because I couldn't speak their fucking baboon language in HS and no university wanted to get me because of my spanish grade ruined my file. Now and I can't have a job. Spaniard ruined my fucking life just by existing and I want to murder every single one of them.
Get more refugees in, it won't change the fact that your country is a fucking shithole with no hope because of your retarted population.

You're drunk Mamadou Desjardins. Get off the internet and go to sleep.

As for the refugees, it's easy to protest for more refugees when you know they won't stay in Spain (no gibs).

Is this a new pasta?


The place has close to triple the proportion of Muslims of Spain as a whole. If it was cut loose, it would not be a net loss.

>Most spaniards DON'T want refugees, or Islam, just like the rest of Europe.
How come there's no counter-manifestations ? How can you let these fuckers get away with this shit ? Where are the people who are supposed to be against these piece of shit traitors ? Why are they silent ?

I think Andalusia as more muslims

Those are Catalonian leftist scum, not Spaniards.

That's what I thought. Seeing all these catalan flags made me thinks this operation was controlled by the parties and the catalan government.

You know what ? Let them be independant and alone with their colossal debt.

It's just more paid protestors.

One more thing...right @0:41 that arabic woman saying the usual shit...that they're here in europe because they want freedom and blah blah blah...But these people always bring their SHIT culture with them , and once their number increase , they're lobbying for hallal food , for more mosques...They always end up reproducing the same third world shit hole conditions they originally escaped from !!!!
They don't understand that THEY'RE THE FUCKING PROBLEM !!!...

Their country is a shithole because of THEM !...
And we allow these pieces of shit, to live on welfare in OUR LAND ; and for them to bitch about how racist , how intolerant we are...I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF THESE PARASITES!!!

My grandparents were spanish, but I lived my hole life in Chile
And yet this still hit as if someone burnt the flag of my country right in front of my eyes.

They are a minority, most catalans are fed up with all this bullshit. TV3, the catalan public tv channel has been pushing the refugee bullshit really hard for months, claiming we all want them, but it's pure horseshit. I'm not sure who's behind this and why but it has to stop and for once I hope the spanish government keeps preventing refugees from coming here, we've got enough with moroccans and algerians jumping the fences of Ceuta and Melilla. Fuck I hate leftists.

Those are catacucks, not spanish people, they don't want to be spanish. Let them die.

Andalusian here, just three cities has a huge amount of muslims: Algeciras, Marbella (rich arabs) and Tarifa

That's not true, these are the ones that voted Podemos and put Colau as a mayor of Barcelona, not all of them are for independence, these are the ones that want open borders for everyone. Also a shiton of them were foreigners.


Emirate of Cordoba when?


You can bomb Cataluña all you want, we'll even thank you for it.

What? Are you serious? Revolutionary Catalonia shill for the EU rather than independence from both Spain & the EU? Wtf?

>Why are they silent?
Because they don't want to prove the catalufos right, it will be way better when those faggot politicians get arrested for corruption.

The worst thing is, EU doesn't even want them, they could be reannexed in 3.5 seconds.

does cataluña even have an army lol?

brexit is already a logistical nightmare, are they fucking crazy? catalunya separating from spain would be a 100 times worse. i was in barcelona once and everthing was written in catalan already what the fuck do they want???

>does cataluña even have an army?
No, they have to suck Spain's dick for it.
>are they fucking crazy?
>what the fuck do they want???
I mostly think it's just a corrupt plan to have soverign control of a nation and """""""catalonians"""""" like it.

>70%+ of protestors are women

I suspect that the popularity of marxism in Spain, Portugal and Latin America is because it reminds them of catholic emphasis on justice and taking care of the poor. So this is like a bastard baby of catholicism and opposition to immoral, greedy utilitarianism as promoted by Anglosaxons. A similar situation was in Russia

And OLD people...(they should know better..)...CAN'T THEY FUCKING DIE ALREADY ? They have to ruin our generation too ?

They want the brown D

>oh look its all women trying to destroy their society

women are cancer in society, i think they are worse than jews

You don't pay off 110 000 people

Wherever you are in the west remove boomers

They have massive unemployment in Spain, right? Why would they want more people?

Also, I remember I wanted to move there, and all I was told by Spaniards was that they hate Americans. That's fine if you don't like Americans, but instead of me you'd want . . . Muslim dirt farmers?! Ok suit yourself.

All the Spaniards I know are leftist as fuck as all that do is listen to their unis

nuke catalonia

>They have massive unemployment in Spain, right? Why would they want more people?
I don't know man...It makes no fucking's as fucking stupid as seeing feminists chanting allah akbar

It's like the world as gone fucking's a nightmare !!!...I don't care if some europeans want to end their lives or become slaves , but they should do it on their own....Move to fucking ethiopia or Congo or Egypt , or Pakistan...But they shouldn't force the rest of us to pay for their insanity and the destruction of our civilisation...

>as gone
i meant "has"

Today I walked to the store and passed a mosque on my street. The street was blocked off by police to allow for a protest. The muslims were waving American flags and signs that were pro-refugee. I want to cry when I think of my country circling the drain. It's sad.

Hey guys I know we were subjugated by them for 800 years but I think it's time for a second go-'round!

Just know that Barcelona is indeed the Berkeley of Europe. Rest assured that this meetup says as little about the mood in Spain (or Europe) as some anti-Trump protest in D.C. does about the feelings of real Americans.

A pity, since Barcelona is actually a beautiful city. Or used to be years ago.

Very ashamed to be a Spade right now.


>Operation Sweden


Get ready for the northern meme war!

My grandparents live in Alicantie and you will not find a SINGLE house anywhere without metals bars over every window and door.

The amount of crime the Niggers and Moroccans cause is worse than you can imagine.

No one and I mean no one goes to bed without locking every door and window.

The funny thing about leftist cucks from "poorer" countries is that, despite all their efforts to be open towards refugees, they will hardly recieve any because their welfare system is too shitty compared to nordcuck countries like Sweden, Belgium, NL, Germany and the UK

Makes me so frustrated

Each year our regional government on Catalonia does a march for the independence, each year since 2004 telling the catalan people that next year they will be independent, it doesn't matter if they don't. They put A LOT of money on it, paid buses, paid media coverage, helicopters. They literally colapse barcelona for 1 day.
Obviously not of them all are paid, but the paid ones are enough to seem that its a legit protest.
In fact, at the end of the protest or whatever that was the thing that happened yesterday, there was an NGO proactiva open arms, worked for them on the NGO and on their lifeguard business, they are corrupt as fuck, as everything in Spain and specially on Catalonia.
That NGO rescues refugees on lesbos and on Libia coast, but makes their employees work for 54h a week, and thats ilegal on Spain they don't pay you the first month you work but on the second one, and so on, literally dozens of dirty tricks. Got redpilled there.
Just bomb Barcelona I want to live here, but not with leftards.