
How would you classify his politics?


memes and litterally trump
big guy


Probably as the National Guard revolutionaries of the Paris Commune in 1871

That's what I was thinking. If that's the case I wonder why he doesn't act like a massive fag?
for you

for what?


for you

Anarcho Minarchist

>for you
>for you
what the hell is wrong with you>

It's like that's what his character was based on or something.

He was the good guy in The Dark Knight. I don't care what the (((producers))) say.

he's a big guy

He got cucked hard by Tania, who he was in love with but ended up fucking batman

Is kinda utopic since everyone should be a big guy for you capable of crashing planes... WITH NO SURVIVORS in order to work

Her fucking Batman was LITERALLY part of his plan

yeah he is but why are you stating something so obvious. he is big though, do you think he would die if someone took off his mask?

For you(r digits)

He's manipulating An-Caps to destroy the current world so that he can build a fascist future. He had as much contempt for his army of degenerates as he did for the police, politicians, and societal apparatuses that defended and enabled the rotted out modern society. In many ways, he was like Hitler, and his followers were the SA that he planned to purge once his plans were in motion. Only the best of his followers would be in his new order (a defacto SS).

Morons. He was a Facist posing as a Commie/anacharist.

Once the nuke went off in the city, it would have become abundantly clear that
A) The common man had no spine to stand up to criminals
B) The current goverment administration would have been suspected of interfering with the city(hence they bomb), sparking extremism

Wasn't bane's goal just to destroy Gotham? Isnt that the league of shadow's goal?

Sorry, I mean't an-coms, not an-caps.

>Bane was an unironical cuck all along

I'm now dead inside


Nice, you thought the same thing as me. Good on you leaf poster.

Big Guy

Extremely painful

He is necessary cuck

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the chastity device

He wears the mask for a reason. I think it would be extremely painful.

all his lines came from Mao's little red book.
you are free, liberated from the oppressors / i give the city back to its citizens / actively encouraging looting and destruction of bourgeoise property etc

for the guy trying to take it off man.

>attempts to create commie/anacharist paradise
>will get nuked regardless of what happens

Pretty sure he wasn't wearing his motives on his sleeve to the general public user.

The jacket he's wearing is supposed to be a clue.

But user he was also a big guy, that was the point. Even the cuckiest can be a big guy and even the biggest guy can be a cuck. Dare I say it? Bravo Nolan.

he had no plan.
he made stuff up along the way.


Dats the Joker mang. Making a plan was part of the plan.

He wasnt "In love" as in a romantic relation. He was devoted to her since he protected her as a child in the pit. He was her protector, not her fucking "Bae" you retard.

>He knew he was going to die from step 1, got no intentions of run from the nuke blast.

So, for Op`s question:

He didnt had a politic point of view, he was merely an ruthless instrument for the destruction of degeneracy, nothing else.

For you

What was Bane's tax policy?

Bane was an anarcho-communist, Joker was a pure anarchist, and Ra's al Ghul was an anarcho-primitivist

>yfw the Dark Knight trilogy was a massive redpill about a capitalist billionaire beating down anarchist scum

Homoerotic Giantism.

He is the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

What's an anarcho-primitivist?

they want modern human civilization to end and return to pre-technological society

But he wasn't that. He wanted to punish Gotham City as lesson for the rest of the world to stop being criminal (degenerate). His whole thing was he didn't care about people until they broke the law (moral it seemed). Judges, police and government was useless and the strong needed to band together to enforce moral law on the weak masses. Sounds like a form of facism to me.

meh, pop culture symbols are all just mirrors reflecting off what the culture thinks is bad or good

he doesn't fit the stereotypical definition of anprim, but his League of Shadows constant dismantling of various civilizations because he thinks they all eventually become corrupt is an anarcho-primitive idea

he certainly isn't fascist, because he voluntarily gives up any power he has once his job is done and leaves

But honestly he was more like Bernie
The rich no longer existed everyone was pretty much equal but using resources really fast they had to keep getting goods from the government who would drop the aid
They had a court system that worked well to keep the free shit way of life going exiling everyone that threatened their free way of life
The only retarded thing was they all knew there was a bomb in the city that could go off at any second so the amount of order in such a city was impressive for bane to keep control of