Right wing atheist libertarian nationalists show me some love

Right wing atheist libertarian nationalists show me some love

I'd love some feedback on my youtube channel! Thanks!



what does right wing libertarianism mean?

You lost me at Atheist. If you're not religious or a Deist, you're a retard.

Agnosticism is a type of atheism.

That seems a hasty conclusion to come to.

Get rekt
>Agnosticism is a type of atheism
Get rekt

Where Noam Chomsky would be "left libertarian" espousing "people should be free from the tyranny of unfair working conditions and poverty" right wing libertarianism is "you should be free to do whatever harms no one else, and you are entitled to nothing sans what you'd have if no one else existed".

Off the top of my head, that's the best way I can describe it.

Color me rekt

Sure cunt... sure

Was that in reply to me? A deist has nothing to do with agnosticism.

Did your fee, fee's get hurt?

Libertarianism is inherently right, liberalism is its leftist cousin.

What have you against people who don't believe there's certainly a god?

What will the people worship if not God? Answer: the state. This is your blind spot.


Maybe stupid people who need to worship something....I believe ENOUGH of us are evolving beyond that.

Yet you feel the need to confirm your "right wing" form of libertarianism, implying a left-wing version.

*tips fedora*

Well yea, because not everyone believes that.

You worship the self and the idea of evolution. You are a new age puppet.


Maybe. The point I'm trying to make is you should not prescribe atheism. The vast swath of humanity needs a promise of a better world beyond this one. Your typical atheist leftie doesn't believe in heaven, so they try and create it in this world via authoritarian legislation.

What are you on about? I don't WORSHIP it. I just subscribe to it. Do you not believe there's a difference?

Numale Channel

Those subs
Muh freedom fuck my race though
That beard

Your the epitome of alt-light just got on Sup Forums last year kind of faggot

Correct. That's why I wanted to specify. It's rare that I come across anyone who believes as I do. Right wingers are all Christ-talk, left wingers are....well, left wing.

I find myself without many to relate to, which is why I started a youtube channel.

Hahahahahaha what?

Because it's idiotic and the Atheism movement is too edgy and retarded now to even be associated with it even if you truly were a reasonable skeptic.

Realistically, look at the world and you will see order. The level of order and level of capabilities in existence aren't random and it's too implausible to believe so. Not even discussing the way life works, from plants to animals, the systems of energy, genes, dna... but general principles. Everything we have now, and will have in 100 years, existed as far back as the stone age. Those principles existed, rockets, computers, genetic splicing. These things are inherently at their core things which prove some type of creator or creators. Doesn't have to be "God" in the literal 2017 sense.

The universe is too large, too detailed, too ordered (even chaotic order) to be from nothingness. Nothing did not create nothing. Something did, and that something created a world which has evolved and furthered itself with precision and detail order, including fundamental blueprints for the creation of all things we have now, and will have.

It's the only rational position to have. Atheism is not rational.

That was beautifully worded.

Unfortunately it's not only presumptuous to say "therefore creator" but it's absurd to say someone's unreasonable if they disagree with that conclusion.

I don't believe in god. I don't not. I'm merely distancing myself from Christianity.

A case can be made for god with the argument for contingency.

but, since your argument basically devolves to "life is complicated, and earth is great", I'd argue that if trillions of planets exist, the chances that at least one will harbor sentient life isn't implausible.

You're right though. Atheists are cunts. I do share many christian values myself.

You only got on Sup Forums or Sup Forums a year or two ago, and your a member of the alt-light.

Those subs reek of it and you reek of cuck and civic nationalism

Islam and the Left have teamed up and are bringing down Western civilization, dude. You better start getting tribal if you ever hope for your libertarian society to even stand a chance of being implemented.

Actually, I'm inclined to agree.

What OP ment to say was:
"I'll suck your cock if you sub my channel. I promise it's in no way cring worthy and does not repeat the same, tired arguments every other atheist channel does."

Awwww hahaha which one did you watch?

I'll get my lips ready


Nationalism is only slightly better than globalism. Regionalism is much better. True Patriotism requires distaste of the federal government.

The true path is to have diverging intranational interests and a unified international outlook. Which is basically what federalism is all about, but we don't have that anymore.

All of them. I also subbed so I'm gonna need you to lube up they boi pussy.

Yo you said bjs I aint gettin it in my anus

...so tribalism?

Fine but you better swallow.

only if you talk dirty to me like you did in the first post



thanks man!

get a load of this newfag
but really dont
atheist is code for anti white

>right wing atheist

Minarchism with strong border control