Is Global Warming real guys?

Is Global Warming real guys?

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I feel like you want somebody to tell you no. But the answer is a resounding yes.

If you have questions I'd be more than happy to help.

>Is Global Warming real guys?
Is it caused by humans?

Yes, but by the time it'll ruin the world us and our grandchildren will all be dead so who cares

>>Is Global Warming real guys?
>>Is it caused by humans?

So close. Humans output nearly 29 billion tons of carbon every year. And we know for sure that it's making it's way to the atmosphere because of the Seuss effect.

doesnt matter we dont need the shit that produces so much emissions whether they are malignant or not. Look at it like this, the oil industry is the fat kid in the school yard who beats the fuck out of any kid who says anything that threatens him and we need to kill the kid and torture his parents. It doesn't matter if we continue to use oil, we just need to obliterate all the cartels.

Largely; It's a money grab by feeble minded people. The type of people that brought us the Salem witch trials

Not so largely; planets heat & cool all the damn time even & especially before mankind was around

Dr Seuss?

Plant your oil tree in your oil garden

>And keep dreaming

>planets heat & cool all the damn time even & especially before mankind was around
Not with this sun at this age, not with human CO2 footprints fucking it up.
The fuck? No.

Global warming/ climate change caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions is a fraud.

statistics is a junk science promoted by ugly celebrities.

anything provable is provable by algebra.

algebra has disproven the effect of carbon dioxide on an environment.

the 10th planet these same shitty celebs denied existed 20 years ago is having a major effect on sun spots.

thats why its climate change and not global warming now in the media.

He's such a quiffy faggot. Why do people listen to this guy?

pollution has a negative effect. real scientists would be talking about pollution and its negative impact on human life.

ugly celebs are promoting new taxes by foreign bodies. or in short, its a racket by a global mob. pay up or we shut you down.

thats mafia mentality if ive ever heard it.

>Is Global Warming real guys?
>Is it caused by humans?
>is it as bad as everyone's fucking saying

>thats why its climate change and not global warming now in the media.
No, it's "climate change" now, because idiots went:
>lol, it's snowing!
>so much for global warming

What about 25% of all coral reefs are already dead?
What about a pass through the Arctic Circle for the first time in known human history
What about mass animal and plant extinction?
What about increased worldwide temperatures changing animals migration cycles?
What about sea level rise in Miami?
Just a couple of examples

By "it is not as bad as everyone says" I meant "it's not going to destroy all life on Earth".

>mfw idiots like the ones that deny global warming say "lol it's snowing xD" until people notice
>scientists change the name so idiots like that don't just call it fake immediately
>same idiots suddenly call it fake due to the name change

^Found the faggot shill

More CO2 than ever yet less warming

>the sun is expanding and getting closer to earth each year in about 14 billion earth years the sun will have swallowed earth.

Earth goes through periods of warming and cooling.
Whether man kind is causing it or not is irrelevant, the relevant question is how we are going to adapt to our changing environment.


>Is Global Warming real guys?

obivously, how else can you explain polar ice receding from all the way from europe back to just north pole?

We're just now coming out of the last ice age

No it isn't; Globe itself isn't real, Earth is flat.

Man-made climate change is not real.
It's a political and economic grab.
The whole scheme is based on CO2. Obvious nonsense aimed at the mal-educated.
Pic related is one of many proofs.

prove it?


It's as real as the Hologram.

On average: yes.
However, there are plenty of exceptions all over the world where it's actually getting colder.
Because of this technicality, it's just easier to say climate change.
The main thing that is still up for debate in the scientific community is whether humans play a role in this change and if so, to what extent.

of course. that is why the government is staking out mineral claims in the Arctic.

But the wealthy don't want to pay carbon tax, so they are trying to clear out the NASA/NOAA/NCDC data that proves warming.

Don't worry about it.

global warming is a real estate hoax to drive up the prices of mountain properties. it's a myth, i mean, it's a lie. where I live the weather is always the same. it's not getting warmer, last week was pretty cold. its always one of 4 things. rain, sun! anyway it's a goddamn lie. the real problem is the next ice age. which will come in about 3 years. they're using global warming as a tool to frighten people into accepting extreme weather and than, BOOM. thick ice everywhere. and suddenly sled dogs cost as much as cars. it's a trick by people in the pet industry to finally take down the american automobile industry.

All I know is that unless China does something about their own environment problems nothing else matters. Every car in the US and Europe could cease running and it still wouldn't make up for China

Fucking leaf making more sense than the burger meister

But why should we care?

We are the Global Government
Resistance is futile
You will be de-carbonated

absolutely. it should not be fucking 65 degrees anywhere in the state of new york in mid-february

It's no coincidence the climate spooking started the same time CIA spooks identified and verified peak oil theory. World is running down fast with so many consumers of the black goo and if all goes well with the spooks, they can lock shit down and kill a few billion useless eaters off before losing complete control and drifting into anarchy where spooks won't even have those nice high paying goobermint jobs. Fucking monkeys...

global warming or climate change, whatever it is this particular week, is a bunch of kikery. it's a way for coldplay listening faggots to feel smug and superior because they're being taxed more than the chinks and niggers. fuck global warming.

behold the Seuss Effect (tm)

That's because we've entered a mini ice-age you fucking imbecile. There's literally zero solar activity right now and nearly all climatologists expected it to be much colder than it currently is right now.

>The main thing that is still up for debate in the scientific community
>is how can the next round of funding be obtained so they don't have to wait tables.
Fixed that for you.

What's your timeline? The last 30 years?
Everyone knows the world didn't exist until you came along, champ.

Is the climate changing? Yes.

Are humans primarily responsible? No.

Is Carbon Tax something that should ever make it to committee in Washington D.C.? Absolutely not.

Don't you have an alex jones show to watch?

(((climatologists))). Read anything in the well established fields of geology, astrophysics, chemistry, or archiology. it will point you towards magnetic reversal as being the primary and unstoppable cause of the climate change being seen.

Simple explanation with decent citations:


Don't you have a dick rate thread to fap to?


Way to contribute to the thread, eh, buddy.
I doubt those neocons who want to poison the planet will be able to respond to that!1!

Of course, and humans are impacting it. The issue is to what extent humans are impacting it and what exactly are the consequences of it.

For the past 5 years most of the West's models have been a bit too alarmist while Chinese models seem to be best predictors. There will be real consequences this century of all of this, but they will be milder than the catastrophists regularly suggest.

That said, the typical solutions coming from the Left aren't sound.

They will be our slaves for eternity. Soon.


Bill Nye is indeed an edgelord, but climate change is very real. I don't fully think it's our fault, but I'm not opposed to efforts cutting it down.

Nice try.

>humans are impacting it.
No one with a high school education will take you seriously after that gem.
What's wrong with you?
Al Gore just bought another mansion on the coast. He knows you're too stupid to know or care. He's fucking laughing at you from his private plane.

Tell us about how de joos be stealin yo moneys, user.
We know it ain't yo fault. You helpless!1!

No warmist ever responds to this pic.
That tells you a lot.

Here's another pic for warmists to ignore.
I wonder why?

>Is the climate changing? Yes.
>Are humans primarily responsible? No.


The poles are shifting and resulting in climate change. They've done so in the past a long time ago and they're doing it again. It's the reason the bees are freaking out the planet over.

But (((global warming))) as a byword is a malleable piece of propaganda used to push through other agendas. Still, the climate itself is altering in large ways. Yes.

The real kicker is that there is literally nothing we can do about this. You can't alter the natural path of the poles. If the whole world decided to join forces to stop (((global warming)) they would be able to do nothing. Not a single thing...

>opposed to efforts cutting it down.
Good luck with that effort. Me, I believe it's going to happen no matter what. I we don't use the oil, the niggers and chinks WILL! So earth WILL revert to dinosaur age climate. No, that's not a defeatist/nihilist attitude. I accept that this will happen, but instead of fighting it, I'm preparing to deal with it. You Burgers have it relatively easy, expensive, all the housing, industry and infrastructure on your coasts will have to move inland. But at least you have inland to move to. We don't. Pretty much all of our clay is going to be under water, even worse for the Dutch. So, when the time comes. We are going to mass migrate, securing ourselves a nice piece of clay in the new climate. Perhaps somewhere in the Afghan high lands. What, the people who already lives there, well, I suppose we'll treat their kind the way they treated our kind when they came here. How the wheel turns and turns and turns

Might as well add the sea-level change pic.

that chart sure looks different from the data. really makes me think

Everyone ignore this one, too.
Science is boring lol!1!

He's quite right you know. The climate change was caused by them pesky dinosaurs and the flora they lived in. Creating millennia squared of carbon sinks. Slowly reducing the atmosphere causing large planets to die under ever present ice. We're merely rectifying that problem.

I quoted a source.
The only way warmists argue is making stuff up, isn't it, princess?
And of course you ignored the ones I predicted. Because of the intellectual dishonesty you require to make your point.


If the Ice caps finish melting, then that will all turn into rain. The world will simply have a vastly larger area to farm, build and live without cold conditions. I don't know why global warming is bad.

We're all going to die better give up muh freedoms for them carbon credits!

>If the Ice caps finish melting, then that will all turn into rain.

Almost like a kind of global "deluge" situation, right? Hmmm. I wonder if that has ever been allegorically spoken about in the past..

Really amps up the nog jog.

climate change you faggot

>If the Ice caps finish melting,
I think so, too. Humanity flourishes in warm periods. Maybe that's why leftists fight so hard?
Sadly, the ice caps are not melting. In fact, they're growing.
Warmists: ignore this pic.

>I don't know why global warming is bad.
For the planet it is not. For specific highly adapted species it is. For some of them it may even be an extinction event (eg. the polar bear). But the planet was way more lush during Jurassic times, which is the climate we are reverting to. Tough lough if you are one of the unfortunate species. And no, humans are not one of them. We are very-VERY adaptable. We are just going to loose some "wealth" along the coastlines.


I love how all of you that are posting pictures of sea levels don't realize that the basic molecular structure of water expands when things get hot, and thus take up more space. So basically, because the earth is getting hotter where there is water, theres going to be more volume of water.

it is real,but not a real problem

>Sadly, the ice caps are not melting. In fact, they're growing.
Eeeh, not sure if you are just trolling?

And see, to me at least. The extinction of creatures not necessary to our survival does not matter. The only things that matter is that we as a species survive and hopefully thrive.

>For specific highly adapted species it is
>you see, timmy, species never die out naturally. George Bush killed the dinosaurs in collusion with exxon!1!
>For some of them it may even be an extinction event (eg. the polar bear).
Warmists have to lie. Easily checked, but they know their audience never will.

>Is Global Warming real guys?

Well earth is temporally warming and cooling in cyclic periods so ... yes?

Of course that is not the right question to ask, and you should know this

>theres going to be more volume of water
Uhm, yeah. True, but... Sigh, burger education. How can you have some of the brightest people on the planet come out of a mass of some of the most ignorant? Anyway, this one is easy. Go to your kitchen, fill water in a pot. Heat it from say, tab temperature (50 burger temperature units?) to say, a hundred burger temperature units. And try to measure how much it expands.

The earth isn't getting hotter.
That crap they fed you about the 'pause' not pausing was because they ignored the satellite data and only used ship intakes.
Did you ignore all the sourced pics above too? You'd better not look too closely at this, either.

Well, Danes compiled the data, so maybe it's best you ignore the link.

>The extinction of creatures not necessary to our survival does not matter.
Agreed, I find it a little sad. But I sure aint going to loose any sleep over it.

You might not want to go down the relative intelligence path, sport.
DO NOT follow the link. You'll get tears on your phone.

Yes, and no humans arent big enough to significantly affect it.

>How can you have some of the brightest people on the planet come out of a mass of some of the most ignorant?

Secular materialists.

We have our fair share of trolls. I sail on the supply ships to west Greenland every summer and my own eyes tell me we don't have to deal with no where near the same amount of white floating crap as we did when I started 14 years ago. All the better.


This is how would would look if ALL of ice on earth melted, including glaciers, and water rised 60m.

This scenario is practically impossible, and even if it would happen, it would require some 300+ years of constant warming at tripple the anual rate.

And even then, it does not look that bad

You can't release gases into a closed system without changing the heat of it, in some way. Each atom contains and radiates energy at some level.

>relative intelligence path,
I said nothing of intelligence, I despaired of your basic educational system. You know, the one that includes schools where creationism is considered science.

Move to the north that's what all the smart people are doing. Serbia/canada is nice.

>me in florida

look at Cali

I think US would be better off

Or we could still remove pollutants and engineer the climate ourselves. It's expensive currently, but contrarian assholes sometimes manage break throughs. Not that we should rely on that, but there should be consideration that there are indeed other options and not "muh niggers" and "muh gooks."

Well, anecdotal evidence from an uneducated sailor is much better that observational evidence from professionals in the field.
My bad.

The Earth isn't a closed system. We wouldn't have an atmosphere now if the gases weren't replenished.

>despaired of your basic educational system.
We do too. And yours.
Our education stats include the 2m new citizens every year and the 1m Mexican students, and doesn't include private schools. What's your excuse?
>where creationism is considered science.
The big bang is creationism too.
It depends on how you define terms.

Well, I'm outta here.
Apparently, gorgeous Asian girls are waiting for me.
Thanks, Sup Forums!1!