How do Anarcho Capitalist Societies work?

How do Anarcho Capitalist Societies work?

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They don't.
That's why there isn't any.

Money treepsand no houses built next to each other?

Company owns land. People pay rent to live on the land and sign contracts on acceptable behavior. Anyone that violates the terms is exiled. It may even be possible for the company to add some kind of pension for people if they wanted to.

It's essentially corporate monarchy.

I don't care, fuck off and leave me alone

We can't achieve at the current technological level.

But make no mistake, the future will be AnCap.

I prefer to skip the whole ancap thing and go straight to hereditary rule but that's just me. Like a Hoppian style monarchy.

I always think the far future will be some form of Communism or some weird Nazi Communism blend depending on whenever the future leans left or right and if the future even gets this advanced. I mean once you get to the stage where Robots do 99% if not 100% of all the work well then wealth has to be shared out.

And this is coming from someone who hates commies and Socialists with a passion

>implying people and companies wouldn't pay for roads to be built if there were no roads

By following traditional or customary law, eg. Somalia.

how do anarchocommunist societies work? how do you oblige someone to be in a workers cooperative without some coercive mechanism, ie a state?

I'd prefer to skip to tyranny but I'm literally the only one


It doesn't. People need to be kept in check by force and every society through out history has practiced "socialist gibsmedats" in one form or another as if given food and shelter to survive if nothing else. Governments will form eventually if not by the people then one of the many corporate entities will take over and form what is in all practicality a state ruled by the owners and investors of that corporation which isn't really that different from the current situation where every government is basically owned by international banking cartel.

To put it bluntly in terms AnCaps understand: There is always demand for governments and that demand is sooner or later answered by someone or something because market forces ably here as well..

>But make no mistake, the future will be AnCap.

the future will be socialist. Whether that be nationalist or otherwise, as technology improves and less people have to work for a living you'll see the state have to step in.

Kongo Freestate worked pretty well

It just hasn't been properly tried yet. But in the future when we have robots mining asteroids it's going to be inevitable.

They ban democracy "because government is oppressive and corporations would rule better" then comes another government or powerful corporation like "east-india company" or "united fruit" establishes it`s own government.

The difference between anarcho-shit and anarcho-piss is the reason to ban democracy.

You're naive to think wealth and population are fixed, independent variables.

What happens when you give low IQ retards a comfortable living that they didn't earn? Their population explodes and now resources become scarce again. Just look at what's going on right now in Africa and South America, with trillions of dollars of foreign aid being sent from the first world to them, their population is increasing exponentially and ours is shrinking.

And then they don't want to leave. Form their own company and it's war. Hey it's warlordism again.

Check out EVE Online

We're not talking about now we're talking about where Robots practically do all the work and 99% of all people are poor and living in slums while coporations control pretty much all the wealth because people are not needed for Jobs. Self driving cars, robot assistants, robot police man and fucking future ai bullshit, people will not be needed for work as ai would be cheaper and work 24/7

They'll probabley be one child laws in place in these places so the population can shrink and grow naturally because it's pretty much impossible for crops to fail and such in the distant future. The future does not belong to Ancap it belongs to Commies once full automation kicks in

Gonna need a source on this one roach, i don't play EVE but the bants i've read about are top tier.

>They'll probably be one child laws in place in these places
That might work here or in China, but good luck enforcing that in Africa. You'd be better off simply sterilizing them and replacing their population with another group or with robots. Which begs the question of why we're bothering to give people free stuff on the basis of simply being human when it clearly isn't an inherent seal of quality.

Another interesting ancap game that's a little more recent is hackmud. It's 100% user driven and anything goes. Cheating and stealing is expected and encouraged

>text based
>in the year of our lord 2017

They don't
But I wish they did :(
>tfw no McDonalds® mcsexslave gf