Net Neutrality At Stake

This is the tool working to kill Net Neutrality. Should contact the prick:

[email protected]


Don't let him kill Net Neutrality or our internet will become shittier. All so his rich buddies can milk more money from people and they can control more of the flow of information.

Other urls found in this thread:

nah, net neutrality is garbage
2017 is the year of "fuck off, government regulations"

Doubt you even know what it entails

You're an idiot if you think Net Neutrality is garbage lol.

Here's the reality, Net Neutrality ASSURES a common ground for all websites. So they don't have to pay different tiers of access or get unjustly slowed down just cause the ISP wants to do so for whatever reason they deem.

Gotta love conservatard morons that don't know what Net Neutrality is and are so "I HATE GOVERNMENT DURRRRR" that they think it's regulations to screw people when it helps people.

But, hey, if you want MORE of Comcast fuckery, go ahead, work to kill Net Neutrality. But then realize you're a god damn cuck moron for big corporations fucking you in the ass.

>just cause the ISP wants to do so for whatever reason they deem.
that should be their prerogative.
if they do it and you don't like it, cancel their service and look for another service provider who doesn't throttle or block websites.

>they think it's regulations to screw people when it helps people.
i don't think it's intentional, it just happens, take obamacare for instance.

>and look for another service provider
Some day you might move out of mom's basement and realize that ISP's are a bunch of colluding, monopolistic, corporate fucknuggets.

>Trump appointed a literal poo-in-loo shitskin nonwhite Pajeet as FCC Chairman
Someone's gonna call me a shill but


Fuck net neutrality.

So by your dumbass logic you think that the utilities (water, sewage, electricity, etc) should be allowed to fuck with your service as they want? That you can just "find another provider" (which ignores the logistics/problem of space if there even were multiple services to pull from all running their own lines, pipes, etc) when there are none eh?

Man, you kind of people are beyond special ed level of retarded lol

Fuck you for being so dumb to not know what it is :) keep kissing big corporate dick and pretending they will do best for you.

He ran out of swamp dwelling dc insider scumbags to gibs free stuffs

Kill yourself OP. Socialists are not welcome in this community of property.

>He ran out of swamp dwelling dc insider scumbags to gibs free stuffs
Ok but for real though

Sup Forums had me under the impression that Trump was going to usher in the 4th Reich and turn the USA into a very unfriendly place for nonwhites (esp. nonwhites in positions of power)

I know what it is Tyrone, which is why it can fuck right off.

You know theres areas of your country with only one ISP mandated by law, right?

I wouldn't mine a "catalog" internet if the barrier to entry is low enough for start ups. But that wouldn't be very green. Close sourcing the internet looks good on paper, but wouldn't come close to being accessible as an open-source internet.

>if they do it and you don't like it, cancel their service and look for another service provider
Am I the only one ITT who's old enough to remember the whole "Ma Bell" thing where there were regions of the USA that only had one telephone service provider available to them?

Do you like your public roads and not paying on them every day to travel? You're a socialist too :)


Net neutrality isn't even a left/right issue. The internet was created with american tax dollars, it belongs to us. Giving authority of the internet to private companies wouldn't be ethical to socialists or libertarians. To those libertarians who say "but muh free market", I recommend they ask government to repeal the 1996 telecommunications act before anything else. So remember, the internet was bought and paid for by taxpayers, giving it away would be corporate welfare.

This, 100% this.

But too many "MUH FREE MARKET" fags don't realize it's not a free market and it's only going to fuck the internet if they get rid of net neutrality.

But no, they are too partisan, too pro-GOP, too fond of big daddy Trump that they will bend over and pull their pants off and happily get fucked in the ass if it comes from big daddy Trump or big corporate America.

No, I actually prefer toll roads much more. It keeps the poors out so there aren't traffic jams and drunkards.

Net neutrality is garbage.

It regulates the internet, allowing the government to decide "you know, you guys don't talk enough about pro-government and pro-big government enough. You have to do that, or else we shut you down."

It allows the ISPs to throttle those shut ins that are streaming 4K movies and hurting the rest of the customers net access.

It gives Netflix a free ride. Netflix is stuffing up 80% of the entire internet with dumb ass movies.

Don't be a shill for Netflix and government censorship. Or, in 8 years, Mike "If you don't love Jesus, you gotta fry in the chair" Pence's staff will just shut down all talk about anything but Pence for lifetime president. (It usually takes 8 to 10 years for such laws to get regularly used and abused by the government.)

If you actually want to save the West, you MUST END NET NEUTRALITY. The end of net neutrality means paywalls EVERYWHERE. ISPs charge companies proportional to data usage- and this means social media gets ultrarekt. Facebook and others can't live off sponsors any longer and must themselves throw up paywalls. Through paywalls you have 2 things happen: lots of people disengage from 'free' services, since they are no longer able to sustain themselves purely off ad revenue and charge users for the services; and the safe space bubble pops- people start confronting other people out on the street. Logic prevails, social media is irreversibly destroyed, Sup Forums is probably dead too, fuck it the entire internet destabilizes. The only survivors are the things worth paying for, such as functional apps like Google Maps and Google Search, and corporate networks for data transfer. The cesspool of the internet ceases to exist after net neutrality ends.


I am for NN. It makes sense, like toll roads.

Please read this, OP.

Kill yourself you statist shill faggot

It's questionable whether trump knows the issue well enough or not. Republicans are clearly misdirecting the debate and withholding information when discussing net neutrality, trump might be falling for their free market BS since he doesn't know. How many actually know about the 1996 telecom act or how US military funding paid for the development of the internet?

>The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP. Both technologies became the technical foundation of the Internet. ARPANET was initially funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense.

so some poo a loo is gonna ban liberal ses pools online

I'm confused. Isn't conservatives FOR government regulations?

Only for businesses and industries they don't like. Otherwise, no they're not.

You are wrong on so many levels it hurts


That sounds like a biased answer.

Obamacare was intentional. The people that drafted it have stated it many times--- Obamacare is meant to make healthcare unaffordable for everyone except the rich, and cause the American health care system to collapse, forcing America middle and lower classes to demand the government switch to a government owned and controlled one payer system. At which point, the Democrats take over forever, because at that point, it becomes everyone's business what you eat and drink, how often you exercise, how often you have sex, who you have sex with, if you reproduce, how often you sleep, and how long you sleep. Because it effects everyone's health care and taxes to pay for that health care.

Of course, the really rich will still be immune from it. They will just fly out of the country for most of their health needs, and have access to the top tier medical system that only the national politicians, their familes, their staff, and the very rich contributors, will have. An average joe will have to wait 6 months to get an aspirn, because those become property of the state and rationed by the state. As does all other health care.

Go check out the details of HillaryCare, the one payer system that the Democrats tried to push through back after Bill got elected. That's the reason Congress got knocked ass over tea kettles and stuff with Republicans 2 years later, to make sure that they couldn't try to do that again.

>That sounds like a biased answer.
It's a pragmatic one.

>you think that the utilities (water, sewage, electricity, etc) should be allowed to fuck with your service as they want?

>what if there's only one?
then stop paying them, create a movement to get others to stop paying them too

there's also already anti-trust/monopoly laws on the books, and agencies that police them

Good luck creating a city with multiple companies having their own toll roads. You realize the logistics problems of designing a city around that, yes? Oh, no, you probably didn't.

I remember it. Ma Bell used to charge customers out the ass for long distance, and used that money to make local markets pay next to nothing for local calls and local service.

That's not what it does at all. Thanks for proving yourself as dumb on this issue as you have!

Maybe learn about Net Neutrality, it's supposed to be what KEEPS the ISPs from throttling access or charging one website or business more for internet access than another for the SAME level of access.

Learn about it dumbass.

Btw, why do you love a Verizon Attorney (Ajit Pai) and his love of trying to kill Net Neutrality? You trust big corporate ISPs so much eh? Love lawyers?


>create a movement to get others to stop paying them too
How are we going to organize when even 45 year old soccer moms are clueless about something unless there's a Zuccbook page for it?

I mean it's not impossible (with mobile/4G internet connections; "free" wi-fi hotspots) but it's certainly more difficult to organize a "lets bust this ISP monopoly" without using that ISP, relative to 20-30 years ago when people were organizing a "let's bust this telephone monopoly" without using that telephone service. Back then, people still paid attention to letter-writing campaigns and petitions.


This seems to be the only real argument I hear from net neutrality proponents. We already have laws against that.

Red that shit, maybe learn who Larry Downes is. Learn who he takes money from and learn he's a god damn corporate whore like so many others lol.

I bet that YOU don't understand that when net neutrality is kill, ISPs will charge companies (similar to cell phone data use), and those companies pass those charges onto you in an effort to stay alive, and that the people will stop engaging in the degeneracy that is endless websurfing once doing so isn't 'free'. The deathgrip of the internet will pass and people will return to life before social media, a better time.
You're the idiot here. THE ENTIRE GOAL IS GETTING CORPORATIONS TO TRY AND FUCK US. Then the people that spend hours and hours inside making themselves stupid will go outside and get BTFO for being stupid. Remember that killing social media means killing the left in modern times.
Ending net neutrality will take basement dwellers' free toys away from them and force them outside to socialize, dumbass.

Conservatives are for the least amount of regulations possible while still having a basic level of "safeness". For instance, you won't find conservatives saying "we need to remove all speed limits from residential areas". Nor will you find conservatives saying "companies should be able to dump whatever they hell they want into the lakes and rivers, even if people use that as their drinking water."

Conservatives just don't want what they consider needless or stifling regulations, and want any new regulations to actually be needed rather than be "feel good" measures.

>We already have laws against that.
We also have laws against murder/drug dealing/rape yet niggers still get away with doing it every day

>Net Neutrality At Stake
obongo already sold the freedom of internet to others.

You're assuming the Internet is a single invention. All it is is multiple ISPs interconnected. They own the infrastructure they've built to connect to each other. Or are you going to tell me the government built all of it?

>How are we going to organize when even 45 year old soccer moms are clueless about something unless there's a Zuccbook page for it?
if we weren't so reliant on big daddy gubmint to solve all of our problems, we'd have more educated and proactive consumers

But is what he said about Pai's public positions wrong?

Also, I'm pretty sure pretty close to everyone else reporting on this is also a corporate shill.

Look, I haven't payed much attention to this for the last couple of weeks so might have missed something. But has the man himself ever actually stated that he wants to end net neutrality and allow ISPs to throttle\paygate certain content etc?

>if we weren't so reliant on big daddy gubmint to solve all of our problems
By that logic, we shouldn't take this case of monopoly to the courts, because they're another arm of "big daddy gubmint"

really makes my packets exchange

Right, so we should create more laws that people won't follow instead of enforcing existing laws.

lol, children are so dumb :)

In short, ISPs are given monopolies in regions of the nation because they are treated iike utilities in that sense, but they aren't regulated like utilities. That is, they can have monopolies, but aren't regulated to only make normal profit as to not screw over the people they serve.

See, I know many Anarcho-capitalist/Liberatardian/Conservatard fags believe that starting up an ISP or Utility is easy, but it's not. It's one of the more expensive industries to get into at this point. Digging up all that land to lay your lines/pipes/whatnot down or even putting them up on elevated lines is not cheap. And then there's maintaining them.

Good luck getting a new corporation out there.

And have you ignored the shitty Telecom Act of 1996 (Fuck you Bill Clinton and the Dems/GOP in 1990s) that basically lets these companies merge into mega-monopolies?

Ya, apparently you didn't.

Face it, the way things are now, the nation can't let net neutrality die and expect the internet to remain free flow of information where anyone with a message has a chance. The ISPs will overcharge and fuck so many over. And you will let them BECAUSE YOU'RE A GOD DAMN KEK!

Seriously... why do you think that the public/government created/funded/developed the internet and should just hand it over to corporate/private interests? Why do you love corporate welfare/socialism?

>meanwhile, I have only one option for internet service

If liberals all support net neutrality, you really have to consider if it's the right thing.

The main part of removing net neutrality is allowing ISP's to charge server side traffic based off of their usage. I used to work for an small ISP, once Netflix got popular, we had to completely overhaul our equipment to double our capacity and it still made up 80% of our traffic. But we couldn't charge them a dime. Who ends up paying that cost? The customer or taxpayers since you can convince the government to hand out subsidies. We had good friends who owned other local one man ISP's who had to go under because of this bullshit. And these aren't Comcast lvl bullshit, these are people who would know all 300 of their customers personally and drive out at 10 at night to help people get back online.

Every news site, search engine, and video streaming service is against this because they don't want operational costs for sucking up networking infrastructure. And liberals support it because Facebook does and they don't understand how processes actually work.

In the case of monopolies they must be regulated.

agreed, when i brought that up earlier all i meant was that we already have something set up for such a situation, and adding more would just be more needless regulation in an already massively over-regulated economy

a free market could sort it out itself

fpbp . The American People Don't Need No Stinkin Communist Internet

lol.... wrong:

They took public money to upgrade and improve their shit, never did.

You keep believing corporations are good and it's a great joke.

I have no option to get another ISP though. If Netflix gave me the ultimatum to accept throttling or switch ISPs and I had the option to drop your shitty ISP that doesn't let me stream, then I would.

Without net neutrality, ISPs (cable companies) will throttle all network traffic that isn't to their content. You will have no choice but to watch what they want to provide.

He has publicly said he wants to end Net Neutrality. But you think he'd actually openly state that he wants them to trottle/paygate? Are you dumb to think he's THAT dumb to state it publicly?

No, he just claims it'll be "FOR FREEDOM AND FREE MARKET REEEEE" and instead it's actually going to create more throttle problems and paygate shit.

Net Neutrality is horribly dangerous.

Why the FUCK would you want the government in charge of the entire internet? I would argue that that is much worse than any ISP corporations simply controlling bandwidth allocation. The government would control content AND bandwidth AND information.

You simply must be a fool to want the government to control all of that. True, corporations controlling what they do regarding the internet is a problem, but Net Neutrality's proposed solution is the equivalent of putting a small fire out with a tank of gasoline.

ISPs won't change shit in consumer payment stuff or else risk losing customers. They WILL, however, charge the companies eating all the bandwidth up, and those companies will pass those charges onto you via paywalls, which means freetards looking to waste hours away on the internet will be discouraged to do so. Ending net neutrality means ending internet degeneracy
We're hoping they WON'T do what's best for us, so that we can wake up from the internet degeneracy and safe space pipe dream. Forcing people off the internet means we must socialize with our neighbors at work, at home, on the street, etc for socialization, which means our ideas face more scrutiny than they would online.
ISPs pass data charges onto companies, not you. Then those companies pass those charges onto you. Forcing people into paywalls means people make better choices with their time instead of booting up Facebook and Reddit and Youtube and just switching between the three every single evening until they go to bed an hour or two later than they wanted to.

Wireless Isp's are much cheaper to implement. I could hook up customers with a $300 panel and $75 antenna per customer easily.

It's obviously more effective if rural areas, but if you are a flatlander city dweller, you're a degenerate who deserves your mistreatment anyways.

It's exactly what it does. You are either a paid shill or the dumbest asswipe to post on /po/.

The Democratic appointed commissioners where bragging about being able to use Net Neutrality to shut down DRUDGE, regulate FACEBOOK, and make TWITTER only allow posts that were pro-government.

They loved that the government would be able to levy an internet tax on undesirable sites like Sup Forums to use the money to pay more government censors to watch, regulate, and approve the internet.

They were recorded bragging about this. All of this thanks to Net Neutrality, and they even admitted that the big companies would still do business exactly like they wanted, as long as those companies bent over for the government and helped the government spy on every bit of data that goes through the internet.

So fuck off shill. Most of the internet is privately owned. Even the major backbone links are privately owned. Why can't people and companies do what they want with their own damn property? Are you that much of a communist shill that the rights of private property owners mean nothing to you?

The amount of government regulations and government oversight in net neutrality that you shills like to overlook really amazes me. And always with the "Death to private property rights!"

>P. Ajit

100% this. I don't get why these mouth breathers don't get this.

These ISPs aren't JUST ISPs, they often are involved in other content and want to focus you toward their shit content even if you don't want it.

Killing Net Neutrality is only bad...

Controlling the internet by guaranteeing freedom of information flow...

This is like saying the Bill of Rights is horribly dangerous because it controls all of lawmaking in the name of protecting rights.

That's not what Net Neutrality is you god damn moron.


Jesus christ... morons.

So he has never said that is his position then, right.

OK, so what has he done/said that justifies your belief that it IS his private position?

Additionally, I don't think that position as is toxic as you think, plenty of people publicly hold it, including politicians.

You're not giving authority of the internet to private companies you retards. You're giving ISPs the right to charge companies for bandwidth usage, like a cell phone data plan. And that means big data companies like Facebook have to throw up paywalls, and that means consumers make better choices with their time since money is involved, and that means only good things for the West.

>Right, so we should create more laws that people won't follow
Where did I say that? Greentext it.

>Forcing people into paywalls means people make better choices with their time instead of booting up Facebook and Reddit and Youtube and just switching between the three every single evening until they go to bed an hour or two later than they wanted to.
This is extremely jewish

> Wants to shut the internet down.


You might pretend to have multiple ISPs in your area, but most are actually just getting their internet from one provider and then servicing out a portion of that to others.

My god, can you "I HATE ALL GOVERNMENT" cucks please get off the dick of big corporations and pretending that the free market will solve all problems? You're naive and dumb. Free market is REACTIONARY at best even if it's informed.

No, more likely, the ISPs will slowly make services worse, increase costs, and you'll get fucked.

It's like you haven't actually read any of the proposed NN legislation and are going by what you've read on Reddit or heard from pithy, hip Democrats.

Go read even the bullet points and anyone with half a functioning brain can see that "guaranteed freedom" by way of a beuracracy that just recently has been outed as embezzling, corrupt, dangerous entity is simply... there's no way anyone could ever continue to support it.

It's very akin to universal healthcare. On paper, hell yeah, government paying for everyone's healthcare is nifty, but put any - just a LITTLE - thought into it, and not only is it dangerous and such a bad idea, but it is so fundementally against everything the United States was founded and built upon that only someone missing brain matter or someone with ulterior motives or an agenda would support it.

And if you are going to start fucking over the internet and how it works cause YOU BELIEVE that people should have to get out there and socialize with neighbors and shit, YOU ARE A FUCKING AUTHORITARIAN PRICK ENFORCING YOUR IDEAL ONTO OTHERS!!


You really believe that, don't you? That the government created the internet?

What the fuck are they teaching in high schools these days?

Oh, well, if you're going to a government high school, it's not much of a surprise.


politicians are bought off by corporate donors... or do you not know this? Guess who some of the biggest donors are to politicians?

And your argumentum ad populum doesn't mean your position is right. That's a fallacy.

Seriously, killing net neutrality WOULD allow throttling and paygates. Cause right now, with Net Neutrality, ISPs can be sued over such.

Toll roads are the opposite of net neutrality. People fund the roads directly by paying tolls, which is the same thing as paywalls, which are the result of no net neutrality since ISPs charge companies for data use. No toll roads means everyone pays for the roads regardless of how much they actually use them. Charge the people who use the roads proportional to how much they use them- this means ending net neutrality.

>muh bankahs
>muh billionaires
>muh corporations
>muh class warfare marxism bernie sandahs
go move to canada if you hate freedom so much

1) I don't give a shit about facebook

2) You think that's good for the west, instead, you just want to control the narrative and force people to think the way you do

3) You're a god damn moron

>You're giving ISPs the right to charge companies for bandwidth usage,

they already do

>and that means consumers make better

pure PR spin

>choices with their time since money is involved,

youve no idea what NN means

insightful post my man

It is the absolute truth. And its the driving goal of net neutrality--- to allow the government absolute control over the internet in the US. Right now, the first amendment is an inconvenient block to it. But net neutrality wraps up absolute government control under the guise of "internet for all". The Democratic board members did a few tours about it across America, trying to get more Democrats on board with it. Some of the examples they gave: Obama would never have been able to out raise Hillary in the 2008, because it would be illegal for non-FEDERAL government approved candidates to receive money through internet contributions. They wouldn't even be allowed to be talked about, because that wouldn't be "neutral". The federal government would own the entire political speech on their internet, because that would be the only way to insure "neutral" political speech.

You dumb shits are getting some serious bait and switch tactics used on you about net neutrality. It's been sold as "AT&T won't be able to charge Netflix money in return for giving Netflix priority net traffic on the AT&T network, nor would AT&T be allowed to throttle or block out entirely Netflix for NOT paying an AT&T basic toll." But the free market has already demonstrated what these big ISPs do--- they make deals to allow each others traffic across their networks, and even give it priority over ISPs that don't have similar tit-for-tat deals. And it allows them to decide to give their customers bonus services because they have access to special content--- like free streaming music with zero charges to the customers for it, etc etc etc.

Net Neutrality gets pushed around the internet like its a utopia, but it isn't. It prevents private individuals and private companies from doing what they want with their own property, and it lets Netflix, whose traffic makes up more than 80% of all internet traffic, get a free ride on everyone's equipment.


Glad to know you failed history. Learn about how the internet did come to be. Learn who funded the bulk of the research for it, guess who created DARPAnet? Oh right, government. Without all that, there'd be no internet as it is today. Bet you don't know government is the reason we have:

- most vaccines
- Baby formula
- Bullet proof vests
- Fire proof clothing
- Microprocessors

and I can go on and on and on.... you dumb cunts that have done nothing but listened to idiot Fox News propaganda that's all about how government is "ONLY BAD" have your heads so far up your asses you don't even know what reality is anymore cause your eyes are so blinded by shit.

well you're a retard

Oh, btw, cunt, I went to a private school since 4th grade all the way through getting my masters :)

>Sup Forums being against net neutrality
>even though the first site to get blocked will be Sup Forums

REdpill me on net neutrality

Wheres the ethernet jew?

>all this bait
wanting to clearly define internet service isn't a bad thing, it's a good way for companies to cover their own asses legally

NN lets anyone claim that "I'm offering internet service, and it meets the specifications I advertise, so throw out this lawsuit" while not having NN lets companies fuck themselves up and eventually disrupts internet service for everyone, not just the single provider and their customers

These people, so many of them, are so god damn dumb. I bet they think the EPA and the FCC and all these government agencies do no good for them.

Seems the only way they'll learn is to deregulate EVERYTHING and let them start drinking poisoned waters, foods, have a shittier internet experience, worse information, etc and maybe after their life sucks they'll see how shitty corporate rule is.

I'm already aware of everything you said, but none of that answered my questions.

I also didn't claim my position was right, in fact I don't have a solid position. I'm sceptical of anyone that has the amount of power he will, but I'm also sceptical of the whorish media.

The first red flag for me is that he has never publicly said he want's, let alone will try to, end NN (and I don't think there have been any assertions that he has said it to anyone privately, though if I'm wrong please correct me).

Guys, I'm actually beginning to believe this is a troll thread. The only person getting pissed and arguing for the idiocy that is NN is like one guy and by reading his posts, it's fairly certain he's pulling one over on us.

Well rused, friendo. 7/10

You're a dumb fuck or a shill. Killing net neutrality is probably the biggest and easiest way to hand control of social thought over to a small group of wealthy interests. Killing net neutrality means they will just strangle traffic to places they don't agree with, like this site/board. You;ll never see a dissenting opinion again, nobody will.

They're losing customers to REAL LIFE. Social media, Youtube, Reddit, Sup Forums, these are all convenience and entertainment services, they are all 100% useless. Ending net neutrality means ISPs charge companies, which means companies TRY to charge consumers, which means consumers decide 'hmm, is this shit really worth my time?' and get off the internet. The only internet things that stand after net neutrality ends are the things actually worth a shit
No one is forcing anything on anyone. Making you pay to use Sup Forums is the best chance at getting you and everyone else out of this shithole, same goes for all the other areas of websurfing degeneracy like Facebook and Youtube. If you're willing to pay money to use this site, then go ahead and do so. I'm not willing to, nor are a lot of people, and we will find better things to do with our time.

I personally know two of the guys who made GPS. It was because of electrical engineers who made their product functional and then government wanted to use it and then through some funding at it. Government didn't create it.

Vaccines give you autism

GPS spies on everybody

Baby formula brainwashes you

Bullet proof vests are dope as fuck

Yep, gonna be fun when they can no longer even access Sup Forums cause people in charge will hate anything posted in Sup Forums and do what they can to slow it down to nothing or just kill all access to it.

too many in Sup Forums are nothing but corporate cucks lol.

If you had any specific document or bullet points you should link them. Otherwise it's hot air.