Is Sam Harris going insane?

Is Sam Harris going insane?

Give me the rundown on what this podcast was about.

Sam Harris, after being decimated by Jordan Peterson and told to sort himself out, has gone off the deep end and become and actual cuckold. Sad!

Many such cases!

I've heard that the debate between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris was a back and forth stalemate

Nah he's just a kike. So he invited another loathsome inbred like himself so they can masturbate one another and imitate the Torah by slandering the enemies of Jewry.

Reminder that Sam Harris doesn't care about atheism. He cares about dismantling Christianity, Israel, and making certain that those inclined towards nonbelief remain pro-Israel and anti-Islam.

The argument was between Harris' correspondence theory of truth (20th century nonsense that belongs in the trash along with logicism, behaviorism, and blank slate theory) and Peterson's coherence theory (basically the leading theory in neuroscience and psychology). Unfortunately Peterson was being way too polite and all to willing to along with Harris' verbal games

he's joking. jordan peterson embarrassed himself by making claims that led to contradictions. he's a christfag so it makes sense that he's a dumbass and doesn't understand logic.

>jordan peterson embarrassed himself by making claims that led to contradictions. he's a christfag so it makes sense that he's a dumbass and doesn't understand logic

You don't even know what you're talking about. Sad.

>disparaging the fuhrer

The person he talks with, David Frum, is the mastermind of the phrase "axis of evil" and heavily influenced george bush.

He is basically asking a dick cheney republican jew neocon to critique donald.

It's pure fucking evil. David frum should have no fucking say and be ostracized from a voice for his massive shitty errors with Iraq war.

"true conservativism is invading a country we have no interest in for 5 trillion dollars"

(((Harris))) and (((Frum))) are both ultra-ZIonists and Neocohens. Would would have thunk it.



Yes, he is. I hope he comes out of it but he's falling for blatant falsehoods and he's just not with it. this is all wearing on him

Listened for few minutes. It's even worse than title suggest.

Just constant flood of memes.
>happy people never become nazis
>donald retard
>he cannot get the nuclear codes

Fuck this meditation shit. Harris meditated himself into cuckoldry!

Nah. Everyone who has been horribly, unconscionably wrong about literally everything in their lives continues to be given platforms.

Coherence theory versus correspondence theory, right? I've only heard about it in passing. Could you expand on the dichotomy?

Correspondence theory is the idea that a (logical) statement is true if it is consistent with or accurately describe external reality. Bertrand Russell, Hilbert, and other logical positivists tried to foster a mathematical basis for this by founding the school of Formalism. They basically believed there was such a thing as a "pure" logic that However they were utterly BTFO by the Intuitionists, who believed that mathematics is a construction of the mind and describes more about how we think than some independent objective reality, over the law of the excluded middle (also known as the principle of non-contradiction). This debate culminated in the discoveries of Gödel's incompleteness theorems, who proved that no axiomatic system can ever prove itself to be complete or consistent. Coherence theory, in contrast, sidestepped this trap by addressing the fact that human knowledge is inherently imperfect by setting the measure of truth against the stated goals.

Thanks. Really interesting.

>They basically believed there was such a thing as a "pure" logic that
They basically believed there was such a thing as a "pure" logic that was true regardless of subject. So you can apply this universal logic to chemistry, computing, or astronomy, but in itself only described the limits of what was possible. It's essentially nominalism, and coherence theory is roughly analogous to Kantian Idealism combined with Pragmatism