What should the consequence for pedophilia/pederasty be?

What should the consequence for pedophilia/pederasty be?

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This is a question?



I thought affinity for young boys was a given for gay men?

I am just surprised people are shocked by this.

Public/military service

Life in prison.

No pass go and collect $200 bonus.

r.i.p. Milo's career

When the right is in control: Death.
When the left is in control: A columnist job at Salon, Vice, Washington Post, and New York Times

As a Canadian, I can't stand for this spam you guys are posting. There is literally nothing wrong with hebephelia.

Look at Greece's sophisticated culture. They literally spent years fucking their apprentices to teach them about companionship. They didn't fuck kids though/

I'm telling you this because if we want a real democracy, we need to support Milo in this hard time, and we need to push for fair and balanced laws.

Who else is with me?

If they've committed a form of assault, usual imprisonment and society's scorn applies. If they haven't, counseling.


He's an investor.. he'll legally always have money like Epstein.




he looked so retarded before he had money


He's always had money, just not fame.


ya i guess when you get a position where you are a talking head you need to put on makeup, get your teeth fixed and look a little bit more groomed


I can't believe he was abused, no way...

fippy bippy

send em to war


I liked MILO. If he chose to be gay, that's between him and the Lord. If he fucks black dudes, maybe he is also redpilling them. Idk, I don't really care what someone else does in the bedroom. HOWEVER, he has been exposed as a disgusting pedophile. I feel bad FOR him, but I extend no sympathy. This kind of depravity is indefensible



But only if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Just a reminder that the Talmud completely condones pederastry/pedophilia.
Jews, you owe us 6 million souls, plus the bodies, plus all of the ill gotten gains from the lies that you told. Honey I shrunk the deficit.

Listen up: Milo might be a pedo, but he is not a monster.

What happened

promotion to congress


Check the fucking catalog

Not gonna lie, former Milo voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

death by rabid niggers

Do you mean being one or actually acting on those urges?

What is the proof that he is a pedophile?

Seems like i'm missing things, didn't he just say he think fags fucking 13 year old boys is fine because he got fucked when he was 13?

What am I missing?



nothing. youve missed nothing, because hes done nothing

You have to go back Pablo.

As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.

He did an interview with Joe Rogan last year. He said that when he was 13-14 he was seeking out(successfully) older men for sex. He said he didn't think he was harmed by the experience or that the older men were necessarily abusing him or taking advantage of him.

That is getting reported and spread around as "Milo advocates for pedophilia"

Typical like morality

you know the rules

His appearence on Drunken Peasants seems a lot more damaging though


Although it all seems wildly taken out of context, seems to be coordinated like

this, kill them

>this man is the president

But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

In non-violent cases
First offense: small amount of jail time and probation
Second offense: larger amount of jail time, probation, and therapy
Third offense: Chemical castration, lifetime probation, group home for life

>Chicken Noodle News or HuffPaint posts anything bad about Trump
>Sup Forumsack posts proof of Trump appointing Goldman Sachs members and his constant support for Israel
>obviously coordinated le-Russian-hacker-bullshit tier attack on Milo for making a joke about pedophilia
hahaha dumb pedo faggot BTFO!!!

Damage control.

To the few fanboys here on /pol:, what did you expect from this degenerate kike?

He's an idol for the cancerous r/The_Donald crowd, everything about him except his dislike for political correctness goes against what Sup Forums usually stands for.