Does Sup Forums have any legitimate reason to be against gay people other than "its icky and wrong?"

Does Sup Forums have any legitimate reason to be against gay people other than "its icky and wrong?"

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God hates fags

Sup Forums loves boipussci. We don't have anything against the faggots as long as they are true patriots.

muh god

the disgusting fashion in which they conduct themselves?

because there's only two things faggots talk about; how gay they are and why everyone has a problem with them constantly explaining how gay they are.

Homosexuals should stop playing identity politics, because when they do they demand the destruction of our basic institutions.In laymans terms, its degenerate and cancer and degenerate and degenerate.

Sup Forums is filled with closet homosexuals pursuing gay agenda

You accept me I accept you

every homossexual (male at least) have suffered something in their infancy, it's not really natural to be a homofag

the dykes are just stupid bitches influenced by the judenpresse


I'm gay and right leaning. I'm okay with Sup Forums hating us though. The loud minority of us are fucking disgusting and defend mentally ill transgenders. I'm content with hiding in the shadows and helping to MAGA


We have a lot of self destructive christcucks that would throw away any gains made against the left for a more cuckservative society.

They condone fucking little boys. Because that's how they got their start

Saged faggot


Fuck off epstein go rape ivanka and raspberry more putin babies. This is all a cover. Just like Charlie Sheen

Meme wars? what is this newfaggotry

Lots of gays have history of sexual abuse

Seeing two men kiss causes a biblical gagging response.
Men aren't suppose to have sex with men.
You don't make babies
Your brain is not wired properly.
Its that simple.

1% of the world population is homo.
Grt back in the closet. Seriously. Or go to a mental hospital.
You're not normal
Fuck the homo elites

Does that include those who like traps?
Sadly it's probably around 15% of the world pop

That's not true. I don't talk about my dating life at the office but I'm basically as close to being a nazi sympathizer as possible without being fired. When my coworker brought up Mein Kampf I literally mentioned how schools never talk about Germany's communist revolution in 1918 and the country was torn apart by the Treaty of Versailles.

>When you accuse a shill of something and they act ignorant/offended

Fags dont thin chasers are fags...

Frankly the average trap looks more like a woman then the average feminist

>My life is around my sexuality and you should treat me special for that!


>implying that visceral, instinctive disgust at an unnatural set of behaviours is not a valid reason to oppose those behaviours


the definition of biologically necessary activities or desires has no basis for including behaviors or desires necessary for the perpetuation of a species. a species has no biology, it's an abstraction. for the purposes of establishing what mental illness is, there is no need to reinvent existing definitions of mental illness. furthermore, the poster is confusing the issue of mental illness, which concerns itself with whether or not a given though a thought or behavior pattern is a disorder, and the concept of free will. whether or not you are incapable of refraining from doing something is not strictly relevant.

the arguments rest on several unspoken assumptions. 1: that reproduction is a necessary condition for romantic bonding. 2:that homosexuality is necessarily inherently self harmful. 3: that people are not influenced by their nature, in other words something along the lines of libertarian free will exists.

no other reason is needed


because they are in the closet
its 15% in spain

traps are gay, they have the same sex, literally homosexual attraction

Slippery slope

90% of gays vote left

Comorbidity with mental illness and all the worst aspects of sjws


Also, they're decadent pricks.


Conscription. In the event of a war and I get drafted, I don't want to have to share a foxhole with Richard Simmons.

Im really not against them, I guess I just hate the flaming ones which is the majority here.
Can't stand them, theyre obnoxious af. Ok, I get it your gays woop dee doo.

Im starting to think its really a mental illness at this point. Btw I know some civilized gays, I got nothing against them