Today's raid

Can I get a slow walkup on all this shilling? So much diversion usually means there was a happening that needs to be suppressed

Die redditscum

Whatever its a shit meme. Wtf is going on? Something called ShareBlue? Another ctr?

>milo faggot says something remotely considered advocating pedos
>redditfag defensive force of newfags feel need to defend hero and shit up catalogue
>leftists see opportunities to fling shit, unaware of their own sides hypocrisy on the issue and proceeded to shit up catalogue
>oldfags see opportunities to finally get rid of king homo and shit up catalogue because there are no oldfags left only itty bitty babies

you sound like a redditor

fuck off

Forgot to mention leftists doing damage control on Sweden

That sounds about right thanks

>double spaced
>reddit calling anons reddit
nice try shills

>user pressed enter twice
>"Must be a shill lol"

You're not making it harder for us to know you're from feggit.

>Milo the gay jew gets xposed as hebophile
>Defenders similar to photoed spends the whole day shilling in defense

>shill detected
wtf would I make a thread to know what the shilling is for if I was a shill

we are trying to slide the fucking l2 threads
do your part and help

they think they've scored a crushing blow by taking out milo. they think its """divided""" us, without realizing that we dont care about identity politics BS like they do.

they're preparing to cry foul when people get rolled up for pizza related indictments

all the stupid people from this timeline are getting outed as retarded and dying in their self important 'popularity' including the carnivore cowards running shit. :-)

>they think.
Aliens don't think.

>defending an user means you agree with them
>OP gets called for being a faggot
>calls everyone a shill

They are losing and they're losing bigly.

o.p. is always a faggot.

>So much diversion usually means there was a happening that needs to be suppressed
Sweden, last night.

Look it up.

Milo is just a faggot kike pedo.

when these MUTHAFUKIN SNAKES sends its forces its not sending the best.

They're bringing crime. Rapists. Drugs.

(((They))) literally and unironically thought that Milo was our leader.

They thought that this would be some huge blow and we'd all abandon pol and go back to being subservient little goy and eating hot pockets.

The shills were trying to take down Milo

no. They think everything is entertaining. It's cause they're retarded terrorists with a short tme on the planet.

you can't take down a coward he already has his legs open for whatever stronger forces out there that are demonic. it's funny because he's a soulless rat.

don't sell your soul to monster men folks.