Just curious, but why do Republicans who aren't billionaires support big business practices...

Just curious, but why do Republicans who aren't billionaires support big business practices? Trump gives big business a huge tax cut, and blue collar workers celebrate. Why? I don't understand this.

Supporting conservative billionaires doesn't make you a billionaire by association. They don't care about you and just want your votes/money.

I completely understand wanting to preserve traditional or religious values because that's within your right to do, but is it really worth it in the end? The less taxes that big business pays, the more you pay. You're essentially paying money out of your own income to keep traditional politicians in office because they appeal to your religious beliefs.

Is it really worth it? If there's something that I'm missing, please let me know because I'm genuinely confused.

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Bump for answers.

No answers? Really?

Still hoping for some answers.

Small towns and bad states have been brain-drained for the last 5 years or so. All the degenerate lead infested non-intellectuals got stuck behind are now mad that they have no economy or jobs. So they voted for a commie socialist shrill so they can get gov't sponsored jobs.

You're prioritising dollars over belief and morals


Because why tax anybody?

If we were all taxed the same percentage you could still argue the rich dont get taxed enough when one middle class asshole pays $15k and a millionaire pays 2x the middle class asshole's salary.
Also, what happens when you get more money?
You spend it, right? A little happier maybe?
Well, a middle class asshole buys 1 house, 1 car... that rich fuck is going to buy more, in one way or another it leads to more jobs. It just does.
Income inequality is not a thing. They print the money so there's not a finite supply of it.
Stop worrying what billionaires make and concern yourself with how you can get a piece.

You're getting wrapped up in the specifics of fiscal policy. Monetary policy has a greater influence on the public. Conservative, Austrian economics is based on logic and superior to the neoliberal keynsians that have ruined everything. Japan has the highest debt-gdp ratio in the world thanks to it.

Because money actually has an impact on life and well-being. Religious beliefs don't put food on the table. I can still work a job and make an income while gay people are getting married.

Meanwhile, I make less money when I get taxed.

Huh? If the rich were taxed more, organizations and departments would meet their budgets while taxing lower economic classes much less.

>Stop worrying what billionaires make
But that's what they want people to do? We should just turn a blind eye to them getting gigantic tax breaks because they're not us? Those actions affect us directly.

Trump wants to give ALL businesses and taxpayers a tax cut. However, if you read his tax plan, he also wants to cut out the subsidies, loopholes, and exceptions that enable actual BIG BUSINESS to essentially pay no tax at all (which is what's happening now).

So Trump is actually going to make the real big businesses and fat cats pay their fair share, and not let them buy out the government like has happened under crony capitalist Democrat politicians.

>Income inequality is not a thing

Trump is also helping smalll to medium business

Would love a link to source on this.

Boss gets a cut, then he can afford to pay more. If boss gets a cut and you're not getting paid, you can leave.

Also, even without Trump:
>Republicans spend tax money on big business and military, which might tangentially benefit me
>Democrats spend tax money on niggers and illegal spics, which directly harms me
Hard choice Kenji.

you won't get a legit answer out of this board, they just want their guy in power, they honestly don't give a fuck what he does once there.

they said hillary was the devil and would start world war 3, but if trump started it tomorrow they will support it

He hasn't done that yet, though. And yet, one of his first executive actions was to give big business a tax break.

Why not give other income classes a tax break first? Or even at the same time? Why does big business come first?

>he also wants to cut out the subsidies, loopholes, and exceptions that enable actual BIG BUSINESS to essentially pay no tax at all (which is what's happening now).
Aren't these the same loopholes that he's using for his own business? Is he really going to force himself to pay taxes?

Tax cuts free up revenue to expand business which creates new jobs, many of which would be production jobs which means these people with low education can find a decently paying job instead of minimum wage. This also creates a cycle, as more people earning means less stress on the tax system, which means lower taxes and more production.

Because Republicans who don't own giant corporations invest in giant corporations.

Is there any downfall to taxing big business owners in the top .01% and using those taxes to fund free healthcare and education for the country? I'm actually asking this, not being sarcastic.

trickle-down economics doesn't work. Billionaires aren't concerned about paying workers decent wages; they care about making themselves richer and more powerful. They don't want to share what they save from tax cuts. They want to pocket the extra money.

>why do Republicans who aren't billionaires support big business practices? Trump gives big business a huge tax cut, and blue collar workers celebrate. Why?

Because I don't live off the government and our budget shortfalls are because of all the free money we give to bums.

>The less taxes that big business pays, the more you pay.

No, we just have to cut government waste and get the bums off Uncle Sam's teat.

There are no answers, around 30% of our country is effectively lobotimized.

They don't think critically, they don't evaluate the positions of their politicians on a case-by-case basis.

They think tribally. They vote for the Republican party because they are Republicans. Their ethos changes to fit their party because they are Republicans. They get upset by Obama spending $12 million in taxpayer money over the course of a year because it's wasteful, but then don't bat an eye when Trump does the same in a month. They are mindless hypocrites without any integrity.

we do less to generate market equality. Small companies that prosper and fuel our societies can't prosper under high taxes and no real returns

How does taxing business make me rich or the country rich?

Literally take 100 dollars and "redistributing" 80 of it for people to buy shit from China.

How does that help anyone?

It's an age old question youtube.com/watch?v=LEcDlD8Jz5k

Teddy was a Republican.

If all these bums are getting free money, then how come we have so many of them? The waste isn't coming from social policy, it's coming from massive military spending with no returns.

Trickle-down does work. Under Reagan everyone saw an increase in wages. The problem is leftists are not happy if everyone benefits. They'd rather have the poor poorer provided the rich get taxed more.

>Trickle-down does work.


Absolutely not. Trickle down does not work, because the wealthy have a habit of shielding their income from ANY tax. So that money sits outside of the economy until it's necessary for them to pull from it.

Bump for good topic.

Because we can use tax dollars to fund free education and health care for all people. Higher education means higher-paying jobs for more people, which helps to eliminate the income gap.

If all the money is going to poor masses, why are they still poor and billionaires are still rich? It makes no sense. I understand that some people waste their welfare and spend irresponsibly, but there aren't enough welfare people wasting their money on cheap cola to make the numbers work.

Occam's razor states that all the people with the money are probably the ones who are hoarding their wealth. It seems like common sense to me.

>Literally take 100 dollars and "redistributing" 80 of it for people to buy shit from China.

>I don't know how taxes work

You take that money and invest it in infrastructure and produce badly needed american jobs with a tangible benefit for our society. You invest it in upgrading our educational facilities, in funding grants and promoting research.

Americans who take thise jobs which benefit our society then turn around and buy goods from the corporations owned by billionaires.

Why the fuck are you blaming those consumers for buying from china when it's the billionaires who exported all the jobs to china to produce the goods they sell?

How ass backwards is that?

Because the money is being wasted. Any more money they take will be an even bigger waste, they have enough money to do everything they need to already.
We also need less handouts not more, so don't hit me with that we need to redistribute the wealth communist garbage.

>Trump gives big business a huge tax cut, and blue collar workers celebrate. Why? I don't understand this.

The thing I don't understand is how poor people pay 30% of their incomes in taxes, forcing them under the poverty line, and when someone wants them to pay nothing, all you talk about is muh rich people?

So was Lincoln and Eisenhower.

But fuck me if the Republican party of today doesn't even remotely resemble that of 30 years ago.

I'm saying that we should take those taxes and fund free education and free healthcare systems, not just give it to the poor through welfare. This way, people have access to a higher education and can perform higher-level jobs, therefore still earning their own money but also removing the economic gap between income classes.

Is this not beneficial?

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

What message is that, exactly?

Sometimes there's just a dad Japanese little fuck that likes to stir up shit.

That it's totally worth it to cut the nose off to spite the face.

What is wrong with wealthy Americans? The money is in the economy not under a mattress. The idea is to keep the wealth in America to benefit the country.


So why are you ignoring the part where he's cutting literally everyone's taxes to cry about muh rich people? Or ignoring the part where he's closing hedge fund loophole and super rich are actually going to pay more?

Why do you faggots play this class warfare bullshit where being wealthy is bad? As if it's cool to be poor or something so we should just have taxes so restrictive that no one should be rich.

Blue collar people are cheering because their taxes are being cut too.

>The money is in the economy not under a mattress. The idea is to keep the wealth in America to benefit the country.


>believing the economy is a set number that cannot grow so the exiting pie must be divided

>believing that taking someone's money, skimming 20% for administrative fees and returning 80% grows the economy

>believing giving people money in exchange for no services rendered to buy foreign made products is good for anyone

Tell me more about how I'm owed my neighbor's money because he has a better skill set and job than me.

Dude the money isn't in the economy. It's off shore and isn't being taxed.

>If all these bums are getting free money, then how come we have so many of them?
Because free money is attractive. Do you understand incentives?

>The waste isn't coming from social policy, it's coming from massive military spending with no returns.


>If all the money is going to poor masses, why are they still poor and billionaires are still rich?

Because individuals don't get a lot each month, but we collectively give out a shit ton of money. Do you expect people on welfare to have enough resources or brain power to build any wealth?

>Occam's razor states
No it doesn't. You don't know what Occam's Razor is.

I can't tell if you're both playing retarded or legitimately retarded.

Having taxpayer funded healthcare may be a better system but in an economic sense it incentives businesses to cut back on employment and lower workers wages to avoid being forced to pay for obamacare

Listen that doesn't matter. If the rich aren't punished for making more than what kind of world do we live in? They must be taxed because economic justice. We can't expect niggers and spics to amount to anything so that's why we need to steal from rich whites, take 20% for the government and give the meager remainders to the hordes of the white man's burden.

free healthcare in the US sounds like a fucking nightmare. Have you been to a fucking DMV?

Because not everybody who has their money earned it themselves or did hard work to get it, necessarily. A lot of billionaires are born into a rich family and just live a rich life.

If the money is in an off-shore Swiss bank account to avoid taxes, it's not in America in any sense. And it's certainly not helping the economy.

Because he hasn't done any of that yet? You're confusing what he says he'll do with what he has done or is even showing signs of doing.

All he has done so far is give companies a big tax break. Okay, but why didn't he immediately give a tax break to the middle class or the working class? Seems suspicious.

>Blue collar people are cheering because their taxes are being cut too.
They haven't been cut yet and have no guarantee of being cut. Instead, it seems to make more sense for them to say: "Okay, now when are you going to get to us?"

Wow gonna need some actual proof that the entire fortunes of rich people are all concentrated in tax havens.

Remember the Panama papers that showed thousands of leftists in governments across Europe had hidden tax shelter accounts? These were supposedly leftys that fight for the people too.

Posting stupid shit like this mean you clearly don't understand how America works. I support people who make money off of me. Yes. In America an individual is rewarded for their contribution to the economy in dollars. This means that this person, or company is making job, products, and services that I the consumer want. If this person or business isn't make something that PEOPLE value then they're not rich, and aren't going to be. Your brilliant solution is government? It doesn't matter if 10,000 or 100,000 people are controlling the economy, they'll never be able to understand the needs of their community better than you. And here in America if you decide to give back to your community then you'll be rewarded. Eat shit.

So living on the streets or just barely making it by is attractive?

>Because not everybody who has their money earned it themselves or did hard work to get it, necessarily. A lot of billionaires are born into a rich family and just live a rich life.

So it's wrong that parents do what's best for their kids? We should shoot any parents that get too wealthy. We wouldn't want anyone have an "UNFAIR" boo hoo hoo advantage.

Yes, you see, say that you have a company of 4 people, giving money to number 1 is going to end up in cocaine, giving it to n2 is going to end up in hamburgers, giving it to n3 is going to end up in a flat TV and giving it to n4 is going to end up in an investment for a new machine which will grow the production of the factory by 6.

Economy doesn't grow through consumption like you probably believe, the most consumist societies, societies that literally spend every $ they get, are always piss poor.

Economy grows through correct allocation of the resources, thus why the rich having more money is good for the economy in general, as poor people are usually retarded when it comes to allocating resources in order to grow.

Now, what happens when you divert money from the rich to the poor usually is that the poor buy first necessity (and not optimizing expenses at all) products, which, of course, the rich sell, so who ends up paying for all these gibmedats? The middle class, because they pay taxes but taxes never return to them in form of consumption. If the rich are richer is because thanks to welfare the poor don't have motivation to create companies and the middle class is fucked up in this process.

What we need to do is understand that taxation creates a world of shit.

>A lot of billionaires are born into a rich family and just live a rich life.

OP probably thinks it's too hard to become rich so no one else should be rich because it makes them feel inferior.

Read his book

>infrastructure and produce badly needed american jobs with a tangible benefit for our society
All the jobs the goverment provided surely worked under Obama.

>invest it in upgrading our educational facilities
And then the government control the education and turn it into brainwashing facility.

Why the fuck are you blaming those consumers for buying from china when it's the billionaires who exported all the jobs to china to produce the goods they sell?
Yeah why would a business run in America with all the taxes and regulations?
All of those only push businesses outside America, which push away the jobs too.

Do you really believe more government control will solve the problems?

Evidence, please?

>No it doesn't. You don't know what Occam's Razor is.
Occam's Razor states the the simplest explanation is the most likely (unless I'm mistaken). The simplest reasoning for where all the money is going is that the rich are hoarding it in tax havens. The poor are leeching all the money and wasting it in such massive amounts is a pretty far-fetched explanation and makes less sense than billionaires sitting on a giant pile of cash.

>Do you expect people on welfare to have enough resources or brain power to build any wealth?
How can they build wealth if they have to spend massive amount of money to get a good education and get the necessary requirements for high-level jobs?

Obama gave insurance companies millions of new legally-compelled customers. they are some of the biggest and evilest companies on the planet.

yet liberals celebrate, because he appealed to their quasi-religious views.

you're all retards.

its not as if you're sacrificing your income or anything m8

>Just curious, but why do Republicans who aren't billionaires support big business practices?
Those are called neo-cuckservatives. They'll be dealt with after the leftards are utterly erased from existence.

>So it's wrong that parents do what's best for their kids?
No, not at all. They should just be taxed more, is all. They'll still have billions of dollars and still be light years ahead of other people, so it shouldn't really be a problem.

I don't want them to give up their wealth. It's theirs, both legally and morally. However, they should still be required to pay a larger amount of taxes to help relieve the burden on those less fortunate who struggle to pay education loans or are working in struggling industries.

No, I think some people being richer than others is inevitable. And if they worked hard for their money and take good care of it? Good on them! That's great. All I want is for them to add a bit extra to the pot for helping to improve national infrastructure.

Because as a society we aren't disparate individuals living in a vacuum. We are products of our environment.

You want to start a good business? You need a good workforce. You want a good workforce? They need a good education. You want a good education? You need a good school system.

You can't build a Microsoft in Somalia because Somalia doesn't have the infrastructure to support such an enterprise. Companies like Microsoft are a fucking collaboration of our society.

And you know what? Some billionaires understand that. It's why Andrew Carnegie spent his last years giving his money back to the society that made him so successful.

The problem with you stupid Republicans is that you don't appreciate what a fucking massive dynamic system you're a part of.

>All he has done so far is give companies a big tax break

Do you just not comprehend the importance of companies that employ thousands of people staying here and not leaving?

>why are poor people who receive money from the government still poor?
Why are starving Africans still unable or unwilling to grow their own damn food? Oh yeah, because magical UN food trucks show up with a ton of food from the West so they don't have to grow anything.

There's no incentive to enrich yourself if you can receive a comfortable living sitting on your ass doing nothing. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it. YOU explain why 50 years of welfare has caused an entrenchment of poverty, if you don't like my explanation.

Goals are amazing. Not enough people focus on themselves and in return get shit. When they receive that shit they get mad when they see someone finding success.. I'll take a moment to say OP comes off as a whiny cunt.

Nothing is really going to change as long as big businesses operate outside of the restrictions actual governments have. As long as the pursuit of Capital at the expense of everything else is allowed, money is still going to the elite, and the people they buy out (lawmakers, judges, police). That and a way to boost everyone's intelligence. (gattaca!)

It's not about "supporting" the billionaires as it is acknowledging the following economic realities:

1 - Any attempt to tax or regulate them will result in them simply paying to get around it.

2 - Any attempt to tax or regulate them will ALSO result in their COMPETITORS being crushed long before they are, stifling consumer choice.

Those non-billionaires from (2) tend to be domestic small businesspeople of the type who do about 70% of the hiring in the usa.

This is the reason why the Obama administration, which attempted to chase down the billionaires, resulted in the hollowing out of the middle-american economy and the death of the full-time middle-class job with benefits.

>Because not everybody who has their money earned it themselves or did hard work to get it, necessarily. A lot of billionaires are born into a rich family and just live a rich life.

This is just a post-hoc rationalization. The reason white people don't vote for the left is because white people don't have a gibsmedat mentality.

Also most of the wealth of the wealthy is created DE NOVO wealth, not weath stolen from worker's wages.

But since you care about the poor so much, why do you support immigration and globalization, as these two hurt the working class far mroe than any billionaire tax cut?

>Because he hasn't done any of that yet?

also yes he fucking has you retard, anyone who makes under 25 grand a year sends a 1 page file to the IRS that say "I win" and doesn't fucking pay anything anymore.

Yeah they starve because they're lazy, not because their countries are torn apart by war and disease.

Where did that workforce go? You can't bring people up who aren't willing to stand

Because the money is going directly to the poor instead of going into educational systems to improve their well-being. They don't have the experience or surrounding necessary to make the best use of their funds, so they spend it in less-intelligent ways.

Instead, taxes should be shifted to improving education and infrastructure. Those taxes should come from all Americans, but a larger portion should come from billionaires.

Moreover, Africa has a lot of other factors that affect what you're talking about: culture, poverty, ignorance, bad infrastructure, a lack of education and money experience, extreme conflict, horrible dictatorships and political corruption, etc.

Because they're not making good use of the money that they save from those tax breaks. They just put it in off-shore Irish or Swiss bank accounts and sit on it.

BTW, throwing more money at education isn't going to do jack shit these days. Our educational system is fundamentally broken, especially the higher education system.

I've grown increasingly disenchanted with government services that aren't law-related, simply because they've become hopelessly politicized. Only a full purge of educators at all levels would give us a chance at quality education again, but even then, I don't know how you'd stop the encroachment of ideologues from happening again.

we like jobs. factory I work at just hired in 75 more workers this week.

>All the jobs the goverment provided surely worked under Obama

I bet you think repealing obamacare is a good thing. There's a reason Republicans blocked the CBO from scoring the cost of the endeavor, and it isn't because it saves so much money that the budget would cause the eyes of anyone looking at it to melt from sheer brilliance.

>Yeah why would a business run in America with all the taxes and regulations?

Those taxes and regulations are meant to safeguard our society.

Do you really think Flint Michigan was caused by overbearing regulations? How about the recession in 2008? What fucking planet do you live on where you can trust corporations to do anything but try and make a profit, even if that profit comes at slitting our proverbial grandmother's throat?

Oh, I didn't know that, actually. Could you please show me what the name of this order or law is called? I want to Google it.

*Leans into mic*

As a factory worker, I have a question for you. This is not a sarcastic question or anything, so please don't take it the wrong way if I word it poorly.

Do you like your job? If somebody offered you a chance for a free education and a degree that would enable you to get a better job, would you take it?

I'm sincerely asking.

where YOU in the work force under Reagan? I was.

>You're confusing what he says he'll do with what he has done or is even showing signs of doing
Yeah, no politician
ever keeps their campaign

Africans starve because they have too many children that don't die like they would in the absence of Western intervention.

Call me cruel or callous if you want, but the truth is that there are hundreds of millions of people in the Third World who would not be alive if it wasn't for Western food and medicine, and when we end up cutting off the tap (as will inevitably happen at some point), the deaths of those people will be our fault.

No one from Africa ever came with trucks of food to help starving Europeans.

>They just put it in off-shore Irish or Swiss bank accounts and sit on it.

And this is why Trump, unlike the cuckservative sellouts in the GOPe, is threatening tariffs if they don't stop.

Tariffs fucking work, they know the tariffs fucking work, and that's why they've been going completely nuclear on Trump and have not stopped.

They want Trump out.

>muh free college

Yay more shitty propaganda and failure gender studies degrees for all.

I can't wait for the next generation of antifa, BLM dindus, and "attack helicopter genders are a social construct" femdom scat fetishists to be trained. A great asset to society all those imbeciles have been.

>muh free healthcare

This worked so well with Obamacare. I love paying 500/month for a 6800 deductible personally.

>not just give it to the poor through welfare.

If you equate lower taxes with "give it to the poor through welfare" in the same breath you talk about welfare college and welfare healthcare I fear your inbred hipster peabrain is swimming in too deep an ocean of teen hair dye to grasp any concept beyond "DRUMF A MEANIE" but for the benefit of onlookers I will continue.

The government is exceptionally bad at business because they are not economically Darwinized by financial pressures as most other businesses are. Putting healthcare and education in their hands is beyond retarded. Look at any DMV. My post office is still staffed by fags and dindus that can't read an address and I constantly receive other people's mail that live on other streets. Look at the Florida turnpike, a multimillion dollar industry based around dindus putting on a latex glove to count change from cars and provide no other value except to the state not even a federal endeavor. It's staffed with souless lifeless drones and being slowly replaced by RFID anyway. Government jobs!

>here is someone trying to remove all the government crud from the playing field


Yes people should be able to keep their inheritance and not have generations of their families wealth redistributed. Why is it fair that every single kid has to start over from nothing to satisfy some cucked liberal's idea because he's a useless have not. What is the American Dream if not to provide for your kids and grandkids? Why have a fucking society at all?

We all know Hillary was garbage. With Trump theres a chance he might be good. Many of us would have reacted the same way to Jeb as we did Hillary had he gotten the nomination so stop being such a self righteous prick.

>you need a good educated cohesive society for prosperity
Damn those Republicans for pushing mass immigration of illiterate Third Worlders, politicizing and destroying education, and laughing as they gutted the middle class with harmful trade deals and wealth redistribution.

Democrats destroyed American society. That's on YOUR heads.

Why are you speaking in this way? I'm just asking questions and trying to have a conversation. Would you be willing to restate your argument without buzzwords and pointless insults? I want to try to understand where you're coming from.

You know damn well that leftists don't give a shit about the working class. The Western proletariat have pledged allegiance to the Right now, because the Left has been completely absorbed by the bourgeoisie.

It's funny to me that a party that loves to associate itself with Christianity will do everything they can to avoid helping the sick, the hungry, and the poor. As we all know, Jesus said "I'm not helping the less fortunate, they should learn to help themselves."

I make $32/hr making plastic plates. I is fucking easy job. If lines is running good, which it usually is, all I have to do is monitor temps. I get all the overtime I want and have healthcare and 5 weeks paid vacation. Company matches my 401k 1:1
I do actually like my job and the people I work with. I paid off all my debts years ago and I could afford to retire now if I decide I don't want to work there any longer.

The greatest generation setup a plethora of socioeconomic ladders, from cheap, world class, education to good incomes and ample social security nets.

And the babyboomers used thise ladders and dragged them up right behind them. College education now leaves students years in debt whereas before it cost only a summer's wages per year. The definition of poverty in the 1950s was a single man unable to support his family in a flat off of his wage alone.

People can't fucking stand up if you kneecap them before their careers have even started.

>BTW, throwing more money at education isn't going to do jack shit these days. Our educational system is fundamentally broken, especially the higher education system

Don't worry. Betsy Devos will fix it, I'm sure.

>blaming the lack of rising wages on Reaganomics and not on mass immigration
But Reagan was a fool who allowed an amnesty and didn't seal the border, so he was an enabler, even if not the original villain.

correct.. teach a man to fish.. that's in the bible you know. feed a man today and tomorrow he'll be hungry again. teach him to fish and he can provide for himself.

He's not "using buzzwords", he's describing the insane reality on college campuses today.

I recommend going to campusreform and reading their headlines.

The marxist left have taken over colleges and turned them into propaganda and indoctrination mills which would make Joseph Stalin blush.

Only about 25% of people who go to college take a hard science or math major, and the rest are funneled into these useless degree programs which cost hundreds of thousands of us dollars and teach them learned helplessness and to think of their own civil liberties as oppression.

In Japan I hear they shut useless departments like that down recently.

You know what you didn't hear under Reagan?
I can't find a job.

>This worked so well with Obamacare. I love paying 500/month for a 6800 deductible personally.

Obamacare is a step up from our last, shittier system. But it's still fucking shit.

We should have single payer or universal. Our current system is still pants-on-head retarded.